
A high-intensity program that will allow you to work with the solvency of the best professionals in the sector"


This postgraduate certificate in Animation Projects has been created to offer an interesting, interactive and, above all, very effective process to learn everything related to the subject. To achieve this, a clear and continuous growth path is offered, which is also 100% compatible with other occupations. 

Through an exclusive methodology, this postgraduate certificate will lead you to know all the characteristics that the professional needs to stay at the forefront and knowledge the changing phenomena of this form of communication. 

Therefore, this program will address the aspects that a designer needs to know in order to perform their functions with confidence. A program that will help students to achieve success in the challenges of a first-class professional. 

The postgraduate certificate in Animation Projects is presented as a viable option for a professional who decides to work independently but also to be part of any organization or company An interesting avenue of professional development that will benefit from the specific knowledge that we now make available to you in this program. 

All the necessary knowledge for graphic designers in this field, compiled in a highly efficient postgraduate certificate program, which will optimize your effort with the best results"

This postgraduate certificate in Animation Projects contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical case studies presented by experts
  • Graphic, schematic, and highly practical contents
  • The latest developments and cutting-edge advances in this field
  • Practical Exercises where the Self-assessment Process can be Carried Out in Order to Improve Learning
  • Innovative and highly efficient methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A practical and intensive program that will give you all the tools you need to work in this field, in a specific and concrete postgraduate certificate” 

The development of this postgraduate certificate is focused on the practice of the proposed theoretical learning. Through the most effective teaching systems, proven methods imported from the most prestigious universities in the world, you will be able to acquire new knowledge in a practical way. In this way, TECH strives to convert its efforts into real and immediate competencies. 

The online system is another strength of the educational program. With an interactive platform that has the advantages of the latest technological developments, the most interactive digital tools made available. This way, it is possible to offer a way of learning that is totally adaptable to students’ needs, so they can perfectly combine this program with their personal or working life. 

Take the leap to get up to date on the latest Animation Project developments"


A program created to allow you to implement your acquired knowledge into your daily practice in an almost immediate way"


The objective of this postgraduate certificate in Animation Projects is to offer professionals a complete program to acquire knowledge and skills for professional practice in this sector, with the confidence of learning from the best and a form of learning based on practice that will allow the student to complete the program with the necessary knowledge to work with total confidence and competence. 


An opportunity created for professionals who are looking for an intensive and effective course with which to take a significant step forward in their profession” 

General Objective

  • Learn what is necessary to develop an Animation Project

Specific Objectives

  • Know what stop motion is and its importance in the world of art and cinema
  • Learn how to make an audiovisual production using the stop motiontechnique
  • Understand the importance of a good narrative as a first step to create innovative projects that attract attention and work
  • Build stories by defining characters, scenarios and events through the planning of a script of the animation and what will be developed
  • Use techniques and strategies that encourage the creativity of the participants to create their stories
  • Understand the methodology of project-based learning: idea generation, planning, objectives, strategies, resources, testing, error correction., etc.

This postgraduate certificate contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market” 

Postgraduate Certificate in Animation Projects


Would you like to acquire cutting-edge skills in the exciting field of digital animation? The Computer Science School of TECH Global University offers you an exceptional Postgraduate Certificate in Animation Projects taught in an online mode. This program is a unique opportunity to explore the exciting digital world. Our faculty, internationally recognized, brings together a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers in the industry. They will provide you with a world-class education that will allow you to master the essential skills to create impressive and captivating animations. In addition, the virtual environment in which it takes place will give you access to up-to-date study materials, supplementary resources and interactive activities designed to reinforce your understanding and apply your knowledge to practical cases. In this Postgraduate Certificate, you will explore in depth the most advanced techniques and tools used in the animation industry. You will learn how to bring characters to life, create stunning visual effects and tell stories with visual impact. In addition, you'll immerse yourself in hands-on projects that will allow you to apply your knowledge creatively and effectively.

Acquire knowledge in animation projects


Upon completion, you will receive a recognized certificate that will open doors to a wide variety of career opportunities in the animation industry. You will be able to work as an animator in film and television studios, the video game industry, advertising agencies and many other related areas. Studying at TECH is an unparalleled experience. Our university stands out for its commitment to academic excellence and constant innovation. We provide you with access to the latest technologies and resources, and encourage creativity, along with collaboration among students. Are you ready to immerse yourself in this world and become a highly skilled professional? Enroll in our Postgraduate Certificate in Animation Projects and start your journey towards an exciting career in this exciting field! Your future in the digital age is waiting for you.