
If you want your designs to succeed like those of Giorgio Armani or Coco Chanel, you just have to dare to take the first step with this TECH program” 


More and more fashion professionals are launching their own brand, either from the marketing side or from a creative environment that allows them to develop their own collection. When a designer turns to entrepreneurship, there are many factors that need to be managed: creativity, the business model, marketing, the legal framework and, the riskiest of all, growth, product projection and long term progression.

With all these needs in mind, TECH Global University has designed this postgraduate certificate, aimed especially at fashion professionals who want to start their own business and leave their own mark, as well as those who plan to position themselves as creative directors at an existing company. 

Students will acquire specialized knowledge of the different areas in which they should focus their learning, including innovation, emerging fashion companies, techniques, promoting creativity or the main sources of inspiration, among other aspects. All this, in a single program where students can specialize to get that much needed boost for their careers.  

Moreover, this program is taught in a 100% online format, so students themselves decide where and when to study, without having to commute to a physical location or attend lessons with a predetermined schedule. Undoubtedly, a unique opportunity to study at your own pace.  

Do you have creative ideas, but can't find the perfect setting to show them off? Don't hesitate any longer. Create your own brand and show the world your talent” 

This postgraduate certificate in Entrepreneurship and Creative Direction Workshop contains the most complete and up to date program the market. Its most notable features are: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in fashion  
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • With special emphasis on innovative methodologies in entrepreneurship and creative direction 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Have you always dreamed of seeing your designs in major fashion shows? Thanks to this program, you will be closer to achieving it”

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the fashion industry, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real life situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

If you are passionate about fashion and you want to run your own company, do not miss the opportunity to study this postgraduate certificate"


Take the definitive leap in your career as a fashion designer and create your own brand"


This TECH Global University program is aimed at fashion designers who wish to start their own brands or lead the creative departments at leading firms. To that end, students are offered a specialized syllabus where they will find the keys to be successful in this booming sector. Undoubtedly, this is a high quality academic course that will represent a turning point in student training.


If you want to start your own fashion brand, this program will teach you how” 

General Objectives

  • Develop virtual skills for the new fashion environment, managing current codes and fostering a creative and artistic spirit 
  • Elaborate a professional design project with global impact capacity based on new opportunities 
  • Design while being aware of the use of materials thanks to a deep knowledge in the use of fabrics 
  • Face changes with agility and flexibility through an interdisciplinary perspective  
  • Materialize the connection between the imaginary world and the real world 

Specific Objectives

  • Design successful ideas with a differential value proposition through the different business models that exist in fashion 
  • Develop analytical skills and a market vision capable of building a consistent and lasting brand ecosystem  
  • Commercialize the differential value of a fashion firm thanks to a creative and innovative attitude
  • Bring new perspectives to the international design market with a vision of the future
  • Apply reflective thinking to concrete actions and make creativity a transformational value leading the current change 

Create innovative proposals that stand out in the market and become the most desired by the public” 

Postgraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Creative Management Workshop


More and more professionals in the world of Design are deciding to create their own brand. However, when taking this step towards entrepreneurship, there are a number of factors that must be considered, such as Creativity, business model, Marketing, legality and, most importantly, growth and long-term projection of the product. Thinking about these needs, TECH Global University has created a Postgraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Creative Management Workshop with which you will turn your personal seal into a solvent business.

Successful entrepreneurship by the hand of TECH


This Postgraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Creative Management Workshop provides specialized knowledge in different areas, such as Innovation, Fashion start-ups, techniques to promote Creativity and the main sources of inspiration, among other aspects. All this is found in a single program that allows you to specialize and get the necessary impetus to advance your career. In addition, this degree is taught 100% online, which makes it easier for you to manage academic resources without the need to move to a physical location or follow a predetermined schedule for lessons.