
Jonathan Rodríguez Cabrera is an Industrial Design professional, who throughout his career has delved into 3D Animation and Character Development for audiovisual projects and pieces. His extensive knowledge and creativity have allowed him to position himself within the sector as one of the most outstanding designers, creating his own school of Animation for products such as Video Games and Films.

Thus, he has come to combine his career with education, providing advice and classes to junior designers, and sharing techniques and skills for the development of different pieces.

  • Designer of Branding, 3D Product, 3D Clothing, Advertising and Production Plans for Riding Solutions, Mudwar and Assault Bike Wear.
  • Designer and Character Development at Ultras City The Game.
  • Creator and Director of the school of new technologies at Tooning 3D School
  • Teacher in Video Game Production programs.
  • Degree in Industrial Design at Istituto Europeo di Design (IED)
  • Master's Degree in 3D Design and Animation at CICE. Madrid 
Programmes in collaboration with

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