Why study at TECH?

In 24 months, get an advanced update in Dermocosmetics for Pharmacists through the best experts in this area” 


Dermocosmetic market reports reveal significant growth in recent years and a promising outlook for the future. All this is due to the improvement of quality in the development of products or research in natural ingredients and the use of advanced formulation techniques has allowed the creation of more effective and safer products. 

A scenario that also places Pharmacies as a neuralgic point, where the client has the guarantee of acquiring a quality product, safe and advised, at all times, by a professional with extensive knowledge in this field. Therefore, in view of the marketing trend of this type of articles, the pharmacist must be aware of the latest advances in this industry. An update that will be much easier to achieve thanks to this Advanced master’s degree created by TECH, to offer students, in just 24 months, the most current and advanced information.  

All this, with a program created by real specialists who have poured into this syllabus their excellent knowledge about cosmetic forms and formulation criteria, the development of natural cosmetics, current international legislation or the quality controls required of manufacturers. A complete syllabus that is complemented with multimedia pills, specialized readings and case studies that can be accessed by the graduate at any time of the day and from a digital device with an Internet connection.  

Likewise, thanks to the Relearning method, the graduate will be able to advance in an agile way through this degree, assimilating in a much simpler way the most important concepts. A system that will allow them to reduce the long hours of study and memorization so frequent in other teaching methodologies. 

An academic experience that offers professionals a unique opportunity to update their knowledge through a flexible university degree that is compatible with their daily responsibilities. Undoubtedly, an academic option that is at the forefront and responds to the real needs of specialists.  

An academic proposal of 3,600 teaching hours, completely compatible with your daily responsibilities. TECH adapts to you” 

This Advanced master’s degree in Dermocosmetics contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Dermocosmetics, Pharmacy and Biotechnology 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Dermocosmetics and the pharmaceutical industry 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Make an effective update on cosmetic forms and formulation criteria in sunscreen products, deodorants or perfumes” 

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the pharmaceutical field, who pour into this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

A specialization that will allow you to be up to date on the use of nanotechnological systems in cosmetics, their advantages and benefits"


You can go deeper into the exhaustive quality and safety controls to which cosmetic products are subjected"


 The curriculum of this university degree is designed to provide professional pharmacists with a complete update of their knowledge as Dermocosmetic Pharmacy. An academic journey that will allow you to be up to date about the skin and its aging, as well as the most common dermatological pathologies and protocols for their treatment. An exhaustive syllabus that will also allow you to be aware of peeling treatments, biocides and professional pharmaceutical care services related to dermatology. 


TECH provides you with numerous didactic material so that you can obtain the most advanced knowledge in Demosmetics and integrate it into your Pharmacy”  

Module 1. Dermo-Aesthetic Pharmacy:  New Developments in the Profession

1.1. Dermo-Aesthetic Pharmacy:  New Developments in the Profession
1.2. Terminology: Dermatology, Dermocosmetics, Dermopharmaceutics, Cosmetics, Nutraceuticals, Medical Devices
1.3. Diagnosis and Pharmaceutical Records
1.4. Hygiene in the Dermo-Aesthetics Consultation
1.5. Organizing Dermo-Aesthetic Consultations

1.5.1. Agenda
1.5.2. Technical Resources
1.5.3. Personal Resources
1.5.4. Material and Equipment
1.5.5. Supplies
1.5.6. Management Dermo-Aesthetic Consultations
1.5.7. Criminal and Civil Liability of Nutritional Personnel
1.5.8. Liability Insurance
1.5.9. Regulations for Opening Health Care Center

1.6. The Ethical-Legal Aspect of Dermo-Aesthetic Nutrition and Patients’ Informed Consents
1.7. Urgency in the Dermo-Aesthetic Pharmacy Practice
1.8. Complications in Dermo-Aesthetic Pharmacy

Module 2. Aging and Cosmetic Assessment in Dermo-Aesthetic Pharmacy

2.1. History of Antiaging Medicine
2.2. Theories of Aging. Pathophysiology
2.3. Species and Longevity
2.4. Mechanisms of Cellular Aging
2.5. Mitochondrias
2.6. Chronobiology 1. Suprachiasmatic Pineal Nucleus. Circadian Rhythm
2.7. Chronobiology 2. Sleep and Sleeplessness
2.8. Immunity. Immunosenescence
2.9. Telomeres and Telomerase
2.10. Exposome and Aging

Module 3. The Skin

3.1. Skin Anatomy and Structure of the Skin
3.2. Skin Appendages

3.2.1. Hair
3.2.2. Nails
3.2.3. Sebaceous Glands
3.2.4. Sweat Glands

3.3. Functions of the Skin

3.3.1. Protection
3.3.2. Metabolism
3.3.3. Temperature Regulation
3.3.4. Sensory
3.3.5. Excretory
3.3.6. Energy Reserve

3.4. Care of the Skin in the Different Stages of Life: Neonatal, Pediatrics, Adolescent, Adult, Geriatric, Pregnancy

3.4.1. Neonatal
3.4.2. Gastroenterology
3.4.3. Adolescent
3.4.4. Adult
3.4.5. Geriatric
3.4.6. Pregnancy

3.5. Embryology of the Skin and Skin Appendages

3.5.1. Skin Development
3.5.2. Hair Development
3.5.3. Nail Development
3.5.4. Skin Gland Development

3.6. Skin Types

3.6.1. Density
3.6.2. Skin Emulsion
3.6.3. Skin Phototype
3.6.4. Status

3.7. Skin Hygiene

3.7.1. Types of Face and Body Hygiene Treatment
3.7.2. Skin Cleansing
3.7.3. Superficial Cleansing of the Face and Body
3.7.4. Deep Skin Cleansing
3.7.5. Specific Techniques for Deep Skin Cleansing
3.7.6. Facial Cleansing Treatment Steps
3.7.7. Body Cleansing Treatment Steps
3.7.8. Tools and Materials Used in Hygiene Treatments

3.8. Skin Hydration

3.8.1. Manual Techniques
3.8.2. Materials and Technical Methods
3.8.3. Specific Cosmetics
3.8.4. Equipment

Module 4. Most Common Dermatological Pathologies: Drugs and Medical Devices used in Prevention and Treatment. Action Protocols and Referrals to the Physician

4.1. Acne
4.2. Rosacea
4.3. Seborrheic Dermatitis
4.4. Atopic Dermatitis
4.5. Contact Dermatitis
4.6. Pigmentation Disorders. Hyperpigmentation
4.7. Pigmentation Disorders. Hypopigmentation
4.8. Psoriasis
4.9. Skin Infections and Infestations Caused by Pathogenic Agents: Bacteria
4.10. Skin Infections and Infestations Caused by Pathogenic Agents: Viruses

Module 5. Peelings. Dermocosmetics

5.1. Overview

5.1.1. History Definition
5.1.2. Skin Structure
5.1.3. Types of Peeling and Common Indications and Other Indications
5.1.4. Patient Selection: The Importance of the Medical History
5.1.5. Correct Diagnosis: Wood's Light and Dermatoscope
5.1.6. Informed Consent Form

5.2. Previous Preparation

5.2.1. Skin Preparation: General Skin Care and Home Treatment
5.2.2. Antiherpetic Prophylaxis
5.2.3. Preanesthetic Assessment Indications

5.3. Superficial Peeling

5.3.1. Types of Very Superficial and Superficial Peels
5.3.2. Mechanism of Action
5.3.3. Indications for Superficial Peeling
5.3.4. Contraindications
5.3.5. Procedure

5.4. Medium Peeling

5.4.1. Types of Medium Peeling
5.4.2. Mechanism of Action
5.4.3. Indications for Medium Peeling
5.4.4. Contraindications
5.4.5. Procedure

5.5. Deep Peeling

5.5.1. Introduction to Deep Peeling
5.5.2. Deep Peeling Patient Selection
5.5.3. Deep Phenol Peeling
5.5.4. Outpatient Phenol Peeling
5.5.5. Procedure

5.6. Post-Peeling Care Adverse Effects and their Treatment

5.6.1. General Recommendations and Specific Post Peeling Care
5.6.2. Adverse Effects and their Treatment

5.7. Introduction to Dermocosmetics

5.7.1. Skin Types
5.7.2. What is a Cosmetic?
5.7.3. Ingredients in a Cosmetic Product
5.7.4. Cosmetic Forms
5.7.5. Mechanisms of Absorption of Cosmetics

5.8. General Cosmetic Skin Care

5.8.1. Hygiene
5.8.2. Hydration
5.8.3. Depigmenting Agents
5.8.4. Photoprotection

5.9. Specific Cosmetic Care

5.9.1. Aging
5.9.2. Acne
5.9.3. Other Disorders: Rosacea, etc.

5.10. Magistral Formulation in Cosmetics

Module 6. Biocides: Antiseptics and Disinfectants

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Disinfectants: Concept, Classification
6.3. Antiseptics: Concept, Classification, Selection Criteria

Module 7. Professional Pharmaceutical Services Related to Dermatology Care

7.1. Professional Pharmaceutical Services: Dispensing, Indication and Pharmacotherapeutic Follow-Up
7.2. Tools (Dermoanalyzers and Other Apparatuses)
7.3. Services Marketing
7.4. Sources of Information (Social Media, Websites, Apps)
7.5. Pharmacist-Patient Communication Psychological Support for Patients with Dermatologic Diseases
7.6. Pharmacist-Physician Communication
7.7. Research from the Community Pharmacy

Module 8. Cutaneous Application in Cosmetics

8.1. Skin: Cosmetics and the Skin Barrier

8.1.1. Skin: The Skin Barrier
8.1.3. The Skin Surface: Cosmetics and Skin Microclimate
8.1.4. Cosmetics and Skin Protection

8.2. Epidermis: First in Cosmetics Action

8.2.1. Structure Relation with Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance
8.2.2. Epidermis Cell junctions and Cohesion: Relation to Cosmetics
8.2.3. Epidermis Layers: Link to Cosmetics

8.3. Dermis and Subcutaneous Cellular Tissue: Second in Cosmetics Action

8.3.1. Dermis. Structure Relation and Physiology with Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance
8.3.2. Fatty Subcutaneous Cellular Tissue: Structure Relation and Physiology with Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance
8.3.3. Skin Vascularization and Innervation: Relation to Cosmetic Alterations
8.3.4. Link to Cosmetic Alterations

8.4. Keratogenesis and Melanogenesis: Link to Cosmetics

8.4.1. Keratogenesis: Relation to Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance
8.4.2. Melanogenesis: Relation to Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance Melanins: Relevance to Skin Protection

8.5. Sebaceous and Sweat Glands: Link to Cosmetics

8.5.1. Sebaceous Glands: Structure Relation and Physiology with Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance
8.5.2. Sweat Glands: Structure Relation and Physiology with Alterations of Cosmetic Relevance
8.5.3. Skin Secretions: Link to Applying Cosmetics

8.6. Hair: Link to Cosmetics

8.6.1. Hair Structure and Chemistry: Link to Applying Cosmetics
8.6.2. Hair Physiology: Link to Cosmetic Hair Treatments
8.6.3. Hair Renewal Cycles: Link to Cosmetic Hair Treatments

8.7. Nails: Link to Cosmetics

8.7.1. Nail Anatomy and Physiology: Link to Applying Cosmetics
8.7.2. The Nail Plate: Link to Applying Cosmetics
8.7.3. Factors that Affect Nail Growth: Link to Cosmetic Nail Treatments

8.8. Cutaneous Functions: Link to Cosmetics

8.8.1. Skin Functions: Relation to Applying Cosmetics
8.8.2. The Skin Barrier and Skin Protection
8.8.3. Cutaneous Microbiota and Its Importance in Cosmetic Care

8.9. Skin Typology and Cosmetic Advice

8.9.1. Skin Type Classification according to Epicutaneous Emulsion Cosmetic Advice Eudermic Skin Dry Skin Oily Skin

8.9.2. Other Skin Types: Cosmetic Advice
8.9.3. Factors that Affect Skin Condition
8.9.4. Skin according to Sex and Ethnicity
8.9.5. Skin during Pregnancy
8.9.6. Skin in the Elderly

8.10. Skin Permeability: Link to Cosmetics Penetration

8.10.1. Percutaneous Absorption
8.10.2. The Corneal Barrier
8.10.3. Cutaneous Penetration Routes
8.10.4. Topical Substance Penetration
8.10.5. Factors that Affect Penetration
8.10.6. Mechanisms that Promote Penetration

Module 9. Skin Alterations in Cosmetics

9.1. Keratinization Alterations

9.1.1. Diffuse and Regional Hyperkeratosis
9.1.2. Squamous Keratoses
9.1.3. Preepitheliomatous Keratoses
9.1.4. Warts
9.1.5. Circumscribed Keratosis
9.1.6. Dermatitis and Eczemas

9.2. Sebaceous Secretion Alterations

9.2.1. Seborrhea
9.2.2. Acne Types of Lesions Mechanism in Acne Production Factors that Aggravate Acne Types of Acne

9.3. Microvascularization Alterations

9.3.1. Eritemas
9.3.2. Telangiectasias
9.3.3. Rosacea and Couperose
9.3.4. Varicose Veins and Microvaricose Veins
9.3.5. Angiomas

9.4. Pigmentary Alterations

9.4.1. Hyperchromias Melasma Lentigos Nevi or Moles Ephelides Senile Pigmentations Hyperchromia due to Photosensitization

9.4.2. Achromias
9.4.3. Hypochromias Vitiligo Eczematides Hypomelanosis Guttata

9.5. Skin Aging

9.5.1. General Visible Changes
9.5.2. Histological Changes
9.5.3. Causes of Skin Aging
9.5.4. Photoageing
9.5.5. Skin Phototypes

9.6. Body Alterations in Connective and Subcutaneous Tissues

9.6.1. Overweight and Obesity
9.6.2. Stretch Marks
9.6.3. Flaccidity
9.6.4. Elastosis

9.7. Body Alterations related to Microvascularization

9.7.1. Cellulite The Way They are Formed Features Evolution Types of Cellulite Diagnosis Factors that Trigger the Disease

9.7.2. Heavy Legs

9.8. Hair Quantity Alterations

9.8.1. Hypotrichosis
9.8.2. Hypertrichosis
9.8.3. Hirsutism

9.9. Scalp and Hair Alterations

9.9.1. Scalp Alterations Seborrhea Dehydration Pityriasis

9.9.2. Hair Alterations Structural Hair Alterations Chromatic Hair Alterations
9.9.3. Alopecia

9.10. Oral Cavity Dysfunctions and Problems

9.10.1. Cavities
9.10.2. Gingivitis and Periodontitis
9.10.3. Xerostomia
9.10.4. Oral and Dental Hygiene

Module 10. Cosmetic Ingredients

10.1. Active Ingredients of Natural Origin I: Plant Origin

10.1.1. Plant-Derived Active Ingredients in Skin Care
10.1.2. Plant-Derived Active Ingredients in Hair Care
10.1.3. Other Applications of Plant-Derived Active Ingredients

10.2. Active Ingredients of Natural Origin II: Animal and Mineral Origin

10.2.1. Animal and Mineral-Derived Active Ingredients in Skin Care
10.2.2. Animal and Mineral-Derived Active Ingredients in Hair Care
10.2.3. Other Applications of Animal and Mineral-Derived Active Ingredients

10.3. Synthetic Active Ingredients

10.3.1. Synthetically Derived Active Ingredients in Skin Care
10.3.2. Synthetically Derived Active Ingredients in Hair Care
10.3.3. Other Applications of Synthetically-Derived Active Ingredients

10.4. Vitamins and Biological Compounds

10.4.1. Vitamins in Cosmetics
10.4.2. Proteins Peptides in Cosmetics
10.4.3. Prebiotics and Probiotics in Cosmetics
10.4.4. Other Biological Compounds in Cosmetics

10.5. Sunscreens

10.5.1. Sunscreens in Cosmetics: Function and Classification
10.5.2. Chemical Sunscreens
10.5.3. Physical Sunscreens

10.6. Surfactants, Emulsifiers and Rheology Modifiers

10.6.1. Surfactants and Emulsifiers: Structures, Properties and Types
10.6.2. Use of Surfactants and Emulsifiers in Cosmetic Formulations
10.6.3. Rheology Modifiers

10.7. Colorants and Pigments

10.7.1. Natural and Synthetic Dyes
10.7.2. Organic and Inorganic Pigments
10.7.3. Formulations with Dyes and Pigments

10.8. Preservatives

10.8.1. Uses of Preservatives in Cosmetics
10.8.2. Preservatives of Natural Origin
10.8.3. Preservatives of Synthetic Origin

10.9. Biotechnology in Cosmetics

10.9.1. Biotechnology in Cosmetics
10.9.2. Biotechnological Tools for Cosmetics
10.9.3. Cosmetic Active Ingredients Derived from Biotechnology

10.10. Nanotechnology in Cosmetics

10.10.1. Nanotechnology in Cosmetics
10.10.2. Nanotechnological Tools and Systems in Cosmetics
10.10.3. Uses of Nanotechnological Systems: Advantages and Benefits

Module 11. Cosmetic Forms and Formulation Criteria I. Face and Body Cosmetics

11.1. Cosmetic Forms

11.1.1. Cosmetic Forms. Chemical Basis
11.1.2. Cosmetic Forms Classification
11.1.3. Cosmetic Forms Features Components Applications

11.2. Facial Hygiene Cosmetics

11.2.1. Facial Hygiene and Detoxification
11.2.2. Facial Hygiene Cosmetics: Gels, Scrubs, Emulsions, Foams, Micellar Waters, Toners, Oils, etc.
11.2.3. Cosmetic Ingredients Used in Facial Hygiene

11.3. Facial Maintenance and Moisturizing Cosmetics

11.3.1. Moisturizing and Skin Care
11.3.2. Factors Leading to Skin Dehydration
11.3.3. Cosmetic Textures according to Facial Application and Skin Type
11.3.4. Novel Active Ingredients with Moisturizing Efficacy

11.4. Cosmetics for the Treatment of Facial Skin Alterations I. Acne, Atopy and Rosacea

11.4.1. Cosmetics for Dermatological Alterations: Acne, Hyperseborrhea and Oily Skin Acne Hyperseborrhea Oily Skin

11.4.2. Cosmetics for Dermatological Alterations: Atopic Skin and Atopic Dermatitis Atopic Skin Atopic Dermatitis

11.4.3. Cosmetics for Dermatological Alterations: Couperose and Rosacea Couperosis Rosacea

11.5. Cosmetics for the Treatment of Facial Skin Alterations II. Hyperpigmentation

11.5.1. Cosmetics for Dermatological Alterations Hyperpigmentation Skin Blemishes: Vitiligo Melasma

11.5.2. Cosmetic Active Ingredients for Specific Alterations
11.5.3. New Market Products for the Treatment of Skin Alterations

11.6. Anit-Aging Cosmetics

11.6.1. Factors that Cause Skin Aging
11.6.2. Premature Aging Prevention
11.6.3. Novel Active Ingredients to Prevent and Treat Skin Aging

11.7. Body Cosmetics

11.7.1. Body Hygiene and Treatment: Cosmetic Forms
11.7.2. Body Alterations: Causes and Treatments Cellulite-Stretch Marks-Vascularization Active Ingredients and Cosmetic Forms

11.7.3. Hand and Foot Care
11.7.4. Prototype Formulations Active Ingredients - Mechanism of Action

11.8. Male Cosmetics

11.8.1. Male Skin Physiology: Differential Aspects
11.8.2. Shaving Cosmetics: Follicle Alterations
11.8.3. Beard Care Cosmetic Forms Proposals New Products on the Market

11.9. Hair Cosmetics I. Hygiene, Moisturizing and Treating Alterations

11.9.1. Hair and Scalp Alterations
11.9.2. Cosmetics for Hair Fiber Hygiene and Care
11.9.3. Cosmetics for the Treatment of Greasy Scalp
11.9.4. Cosmetics for the Treatment of Pityriasis
11.9.5. Cosmetics for the Prevention and Treatment of Hair Loss
11.9.6. Novel Active Ingredients for Hair Care

11.10. Hair Cosmetics II. Cosmetics for Color Changes

11.10.1. Undulating Cosmetics: Active Substances and Mechanisms of Action
11.10.2. Types of Cosmetics for Color Changes: Bleaches and Dyes
11.10.3. Vegetable Dyes and Metallic Dyes: Ingredients and Mechanisms of Action
11.10.4. Permanent and Semi-Permanent Dyes Ingredients and Mechanisms of Action

Module 12. Cosmetic Forms and Formulation Criteria II. Solar, Decorative and Area Specific Cosmetics

12.1. Sun Protection I. Effects of Solar Radiation

12.1.1. Solar Radiation UV Radiation, VIS Light and IR Radiation HEV Radiation or Blue Light

12.1.2. Beneficial and Harmful Effects
12.1.3. Sunscreen Formulation and Requirements

12.2. Solar Protection II. Sun Protection Cosmetics

12.2.1. Sun Protection Cosmetics
12.2.2. Self-Tanning Cosmetics
12.2.3. Tanning Accelerator Cosmetics

12.3. Decorative Cosmetics I. Ingredients

12.3.1. Ingredients and Cosmetic Forms
12.3.2. Components of Cosmetic Makeups
12.3.3. Natural and Synthetic Pigments

12.4. Decorative Cosmetics II. Types

12.4.1. Facial Makeup
12.4.2. Eye Makeup
12.4.3. Lipstick
12.4.4. Nail Varnishes: Features and Evaluation Methods Used

12.5. Cosmetics for Hair Treatment

12.5.1. Depilatory Cosmetics
12.5.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Depilatory Cosmetics
12.5.3. Waxes Cold Waxes Warm Waxes Hot Waxes

12.5.4. Bleaching Agents
12.5.5. Hair Growth Retardant Active Ingredients

12.6. Deodorants and Antiperspirants

12.6.1. Sweat Physiology
12.6.2. Deodorants and Antiperspirants
12.6.3. Specific Active Ingredients

12.7. Children's Cosmetics

12.7.1. Features of Children's Skin
12.7.2. Possible Alterations in Children's Skin
12.7.3. Children's Cosmetics

12.8. Oral Cavity Cosmetics

12.8.1. Mouthwash Components
12.8.2. Toothpaste Components
12.8.3. Toothbrushes and Oral Irrigators

12.9. Intimate Hygiene Cosmetics

12.9.1. Overview
12.9.2. Active Ingredients and Uses
12.9.3. Gels and Ointments

12.10. Perfumes

12.10.1. Perfume
12.10.2. Odoriferous Substances Essential Oils Extracts Pure Chemical Substances Synthetic Essences

12.10.3. Olfactory Families

Module 13. Natural Cosmetics, Aromacosmetics and Nutricosmetics

13.1. Natural Cosmetics

13.1.1. Natural vs. Conventional Cosmetics
13.1.2. Reasons to Choose Natural Cosmetics
13.1.3. Ecological Benefits of Natural Cosmetics
13.1.4. Safety of Natural Cosmetics Ingredients

13.2. Ingredients for Natural and Organic Cosmetics

13.2.1. Vegetable Oils and Butters
13.2.2. Emulsifiers
13.2.3. Vitamins
13.2.4. Preservatives and Perfumes

13.3. Extraction Methods for Natural Cosmetics

13.3.1. Hydroalcoholic Extracts
13.3.2. Oleomacerates
13.3.3. Glycerin Extracts
13.3.4. Aqueous Extracts
13.3.5. Plants Extracts for Natural Cosmetics

13.4. Phytocosmetic Active Ingredients

13.4.1. Natural Water-Soluble Active Ingredients
13.4.2. Natural Liposoluble Active Ingredients
13.4.3. Clays

13.5. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

13.5.1. Essential Oils and Essences
13.5.2. Extraction Methods for Essential Oils
13.5.3. Chemotype
13.5.4. Essential Oils of Major Cosmetic Relevance
13.5.5. Hydrolats

13.6. Thermal and Marine Cosmetics

13.6.1. Thermal Cosmetics
13.6.2. Marine Cosmetics
13.6.3. Marine Active Ingredients
13.6.4. Sands, Salts, Algae, Microalgae and Marine Plants

13.7. Solid Natural Cosmetics

13.7.1. Solid Cosmetics
13.7.2. Solid Soaps, Shampoos and Conditioners
13.7.3. Creams in Solid Form

13.8. Specific Regulations to Develop Natural Cosmetics

13.8.1. Existing Legislation on Natural Cosmetics
13.8.2. Natural Cosmetics Certifications
13.8.3. Vegan Cosmetics

13.9. Natural and Organic Cosmetics Formulation

13.9.1. Micellar Water Formulation
13.9.2. Emulsion Formulation
13.9.3. Gel Formulation
13.9.4. Soap and Shampoo Formulation

13.10. Nutricosmetics

13.10.1. Nutricosmetics and Nutritional Supplements for Skin Care
13.10.2. Benefits of Nutricosmetics
13.10.3. Safety in Nutricosmetics Consumption
13.10.4. Main Active Ingredients in and Types of Nutricosmetics

Module 14. International Legislation on Cosmetic Products

14.1. Regulations in Europe

14.1.1. European Regulations-Legislation
14.1.2. Regulation 1223/2009
14.1.3. Borderline Products

14.2. Cosmetics Manufacturing Laboratory Requirements in Europe

14.2.1. Registering Manufacturing Activities
14.2.2. Good Manufacturing Practices
14.2.3. Standard Operating Procedures

14.3. Requirements for Importers, Distributors and Providers Placing the Product on the Market

14.3.1. Definitions Based on European Legislation
14.3.2. Obligation Based on European Legislation
14.3.3. Product Notification Portal Registration

14.4. Cosmetic Laboratory Areas

14.4.1. Department Definitions
14.4.2. Materials and Personnel Flow
14.4.3. Industrial Equipment and Instrumentation

14.5. Regulatory Department: Functions

14.5.1. Safety Assessor
14.5.2. Safety Assessment and Product Dossier
14.5.3. Safety Assessment: Studies

14.6. ISO Standards and Certifications

14.6.1. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
14.6.2. Natural Cosmetic Products
14.6.3. Quality

14.7. Regulations: The USA, Latin America and Asia

14.7.1. US Legislation
14.7.2. Latin American Legislation
14.7.3. Legislation in Asia
14.7.4. Export Requirements

14.8. Transversal Legislation

14.8.1. REACH Legislation
14.8.2. CLP Legislation
14.8.3. Other Legislation: Toys, Biocides, Others

14.9. Other Legislation

14.9.1. European Legislation: Borderline Products
14.9.2. Personal Care Products
14.9.3. Aerosol Legislation

14.10. Registration Requirements for Cosmetic Products in Other Countries (FDA, USA)

14.10.1. Customs Services
14.10.2. Labeling Requirements
14.10.3. Differences in Definition between Cosmetics and Medication

Module 15. Cosmetics Development and Manufacturing

15.1. The Cosmetic Industry

15.1.1. The Cosmetic Industry Sector
15.1.2. Briefing or Initial idea
15.1.3. Laboratory to Pilot Testing

15.2. Cosmetic Product Manufacturing Processes

15.2.1. Manufacturing and Subsequent Quality Control
15.2.2. Packaging, Conditioning and Labeling
15.2.3. Storage and Distribution

15.3. Raw Materials for Cosmetics Manufacturing

15.3.1. Water Used in the Cosmetic Industry
15.3.2. Antioxidants and Preservatives
15.3.3. Moisturizers, Emulsifiers, Silicones and Polymers

15.4. Cosmetic Packaging

15.4.1. Materials
15.4.2. Trends in Cosmetic Packaging
15.4.3. Packaging for Children's Cosmetics

15.5. Manufacturing Operations and Processes in Different Cosmetic Forms

15.5.1. Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products UNE-EN-ISO: 22716:2008
15.5.2. Formulations Prior to Cosmetic Development
15.5.3. Prototypes Preparation and Formulation Examples

15.6. R&D in Cosmetic Product Development

15.6.1. New Cosmetic Forms
15.6.2. TOP Cosmetic Ingredients
15.6.3. New Plant-Derived Ingredients

15.7. Solution, Suspension and Emulsion Preparation

15.7.1. Textures
15.7.2. Aqueous, Micellar and Oily Solutions
15.7.3. Suspensions and Emulsions
15.7.4. Gels and Cremigels

15.8. Solid and Semi-Solid Cosmetics Preparation

15.8.1. Sustainability and Practicality
15.8.2. Sensoriality and Efficacy: New Formats Soaps and Syndets Ointments and Salves

15.8.3. Loose vs. Compact Powders: Uses

15.9. Other Cosmetic Forms and Substrates

15.9.1. Aerosols
15.9.2. Foams
15.9.3. Single Doses Mask Tissue Impregnated Wipes

15.10. Perfume Manufacturing

15.10.1. Perfume: Background
15.10.2. Raw Material Origin, Composition and Application
15.10.3. Alcoholic Fine Perfumery
15.10.4. IFRA Standards

Module 16. Quality Control, Efficacy and Safety in Cosmetics

16.1. Quality Control

16.1.1. Stability-Compatibility
16.1.2. Preservative Efficacy
16.1.3. Controls in Process

16.2. Article 19 Cosmetics Regulation Based on Study Results

16.2.1. ISO Definitions for Products Susceptible of Microbiological Risk
16.2.2. Shelf Life and ODP Calculation
16.2.3. Labeling Analysis

16.3. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

16.3.1. Standard Operating Procedures: Manufacturing and Packaging
16.3.2. Third Party Contracts
16.3.3. Hygiene and Personnel Training

16.4. Traceability

16.4.1. Standard Operating Procedures: Out-of-Specification Products
16.4.2. Cosmetovigilance
16.4.3. Product Recalls

16.5. European Portal Registration Procedures

16.5.1. Registering the Person in Charge
16.5.2. Cosmetic Product Registration
16.5.3. Framework Formula

16.6. Cosmetic Product Safety Report

16.6.1. Regulation 1223/2009: Annex I
16.6.2. Product Dossier
16.6.3. Safety Assessment: Toxicological Profile

16.7. Skin Compatibility Studies

16.7.1. Skin, Ocular and Mucosal Compatibility Studies
16.7.2. Labeling Claims
16.7.3. SPF Studies

16.8. Cosmetic Efficacy Studies

16.8.1. Studies on Efficacy
16.8.2. In Vitro – In Vivo
16.8.3. Ex Vivo – In Silico

16.9. Sensory Analysis

16.9.1. Sensory Analysis Studies
16.9.2. Instrumental Tests
16.9.3. Questionnaires and Assessment Criteria

16.10. Claims Regulation

16.10.1. Regulation 655/2013: Common Criteria
16.10.2. Guidelines to Substantiate Claims
16.10.3. "Free" Labeling Claims

Module 17. Marketing in Cosmetics

17.1. Applied Marketing

17.1.1. Marketing Elements
17.1.2. Marketing Terms
17.1.3. Cosmetic Sector Particularities

17.2. Customers and Target Markets

17.2.1. Segmentation Criteria
17.2.2. Targeting Strategies
17.2.3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

17.3. Distribution Channels

17.3.1. Distribution Channels
17.3.2. Types of Distribution Channels
17.3.3. Selecting Distribution Channels

17.4. Strategic Vision for Marketing in Cosmetics

17.4.1. Analysis
17.4.2. Value Proposition
17.4.3. Growth Drivers

17.5. Branding y Performance

17.5.1. Conversion Funnel
17.5.2. Branding Strategies
17.5.3. Performance Strategies

17.6. Offline and Online Tools

17.6.1. Conventional B2C Tools
17.6.2. Offline B2B Tools
17.6.3. B2C and B2B Digital Tools

17.7. Key Metrics

17.7.1. Online Metrics
17.7.2. Offlines Metrics
17.7.3. Sales Metrics

17.8. Financial Aspects

17.8.1. Financial Aspects: Terms
17.8.2. Margins and Profitability
17.8.3. P&L

17.9. New Trends in Cosmetic Marketing

17.9.1. Trends in Cosmetic Product Formulation
17.9.2. Trends in Cosmetic Product Sales
17.9.3. New Consumer Habits

17.10. Interaction with Other Areas and Commercial Departments

17.10.1. Marketing and Communication
17.10.2. Marketing and Sales
17.10.3. Marketing and Training


A highly academic program that will be fundamental for your professional development" 

Advanced Master's Degree in Dermocosmetics

Dermatocosmetics is a discipline in constant evolution, with technological and scientific advances that impact the way skin is cared for and treated. At TECH Global University, a global leader in distance education, we understand the importance of constant updating and training in this field, especially for pharmaceutical professionals who seek to provide a comprehensive service to their patients. For this reason, we have developed the Advanced Master's Degree program in Dermocosmetics, with the objective of offering a cutting-edge education in this area. This virtual postgraduate course addresses the fundamentals of dermatology, the formulation of dermocosmetic products, the evaluation and selection of active ingredients, as well as marketing and commercialization strategies in the sector.

Study a high-level postgraduate degree in dermocosmetics

Do you know why TECH is considered one of the best universities in the world? Because we have a catalog of more than ten thousand academic programs, presence in multiple countries, innovative methodologies, unique academic technology and a highly qualified teaching team; that's why you can't miss the opportunity to study with us. The Advanced Master's Degree in Dermocosmetics at TECH Global University offers participants a complete and updated vision of dermocosmetics, combining theoretical knowledge with professional practice. Through an innovative learning methodology, exclusive multimedia content and flexible classes, free of fixed schedules, participants will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in practical cases and real projects, which will allow them to develop skills of analysis, diagnosis and problem solving in the field of dermato-cosmetics.