
A postgraduate certificate of 450 teaching hours of updated information on the approach to Locomotor System Pathologies in the Geriatric Patient"


The increase in life expectancy in most of the world's countries leads to an increase in medical consultations for the care of elderly patients. Due to this situation, it is increasingly necessary for health professionals to be aware of the scientific advances in the integral management of these patients and the most effective treatments for the different pathologies affecting the Locomotor System.

Therefore, people between 50 and 84 years of age with osteoporosis or with chronic inflammatory joint diseases are frequently present. The update in this field is much easier thanks to this postgraduate certificate in Locomotor System Pathology in the Geriatric Patient, which was created with the main objective of providing the specialist with a complete update in just 6 months.

This is an academic itinerary that will lead students to deepen their understanding of the concept of aging, geriatric syndromes, their detection and clinical management. So, the syllabus of this degree pays special attention to the pathologies of bone metabolism, degenerative and infectious diseases.

In addition, this degree takes on a greater dynamism thanks to the video summaries of each subject, multimedia pills, case study simulations and readings with which the graduate will be able to further extend the information provided in this academic option.

Undoubtedly, an excellent opportunity for an effective update through a flexible and convenient qualification. In fact, the student only needs a digital device with an Internet connection to visualize, at any time of the day, the content hosted on the virtual platform. This means that without the need for on-site attendance nor classes with restricted schedules, this program is perfectly compatible with the highest responsibilities. 

An academic option compatible with your daily professional responsibilities and with a syllabus developed by real specialists"  

This postgraduate certificate in Locomotor Pathology in the Geriatric Patient contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most outstanding features are:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Rheumatology 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Delve whenever you want, from your digital device, into the pathologies caused by increased bone mineral density"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.   

Incorporate in your therapeutic procedures the physical activity in the elderly patient and the advances in nutrition for their health"



Thanks to the Relearning system, you will be able to reduce the hours of study and consolidate the most important concepts in a simple way"


One of the main goals of this postgraduate certificate is to update the knowledge of graduates in Locomotor System Pathologies through a comprehensive and practical vision. In this updating effort, TECH provides innovative pedagogical tools, including multimedia pills and case study simulations, which will lead students to effectively integrate the latest diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in this field.  


The case studies will allow you to delve into clinical situations with patients with bone pathologies as frequent with osteoporosis"

General Objectives

  • Deepen in the processes of aging, its clinical, diagnostic and prognostic implications 
  • Investigate the specific biological and physiological determinants of geriatric patients 
  • Learn more about the reasons why pathologies manifest themselves differently in geriatric patients, as well as the pharmacological characteristics that condition their treatments 
  • Update knowledge of the biopsychosocial determinants related to the aging process 
  • Promote comprehensive and holistic care in geriatric patients with rheumatic pathologies, whether measured by the immune system, bone metabolism, paraneoplastic or degenerative manifestations 

Specific objectives

Module 1. Specific characteristics of the geriatric patient

  • Further understanding of the concept of aging, updating the knowledge of the biological and physiological bases of the involutive process
  • Study in depth the different pathologies and their peculiarities in the elderly population
  • Provide a global approach to the geriatric patient, integrating the disease with the functional and social aspect as a whole
  • Internalize the pharmacokinetic differences in this elderly population that condition pharmacological prescription, as well as pharmacovigilance programs and prescription quality indicators
  • Learn in depth the use of the most frequently used scales in the evaluation of the functional, mental and social sphere in elderly patients

Module 2. Pathology of bone metabolism

  • Present the latest advances in bone molecular biology to facilitate the diagnosis and management of metabolic bone pathology
  • Perform a correct initial assessment of the elderly patient with osteoporosis, as well as recognize fracture risk factors and fracture risk
  • Identify the problems and limitations of diagnostic techniques and be able to adapt to the specific conditions of this population group to guarantee an adequate diagnosis
  • Perform an adequate management of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic measures in each of the situations that may arise in metabolic bone pathologies in the specific context of the geriatric population

Module 3. Degenerative and infectious pathology

  • Integrate the manifestations of degenerative and infectious pathology of the locomotor system in the geriatric patient broken down by anatomical structures
  • Be aware of the most current procedures in the approach to degenerative and infectious pathologies of the locomotor system in the geriatric population
  • Identify the most advanced pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic measures in each of the situations that may occur in degenerative and/or infectious pathologies of the locomotor system

Delve at any time of the day into the latest pharmacological treatments for degenerative pathologies" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Locomotor Pathology in the Geriatric Patient

Musculoskeletal pathology in the geriatric patient is a growing concern, due to the aging population. Healthcare professionals must be aware of common musculoskeletal diseases (osteoporosis, arthritis) in order to provide the best possible care for their geriatric patients. For this reason, TECH Global University has developed a complete Postgraduate Diploma in Locomotor Pathology in the Geriatric Patient, which, in addition to providing you with the latest tools to update your knowledge in the field, will provide you with a totally effective and dynamic virtual methodology. Through the curriculum, you will learn about approaches ranging from the physiology and anatomy of the locomotor system and how these systems change with age, to the various types of musculoskeletal diseases (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis), their symptoms, diagnoses and treatments for each of them.

Specialize in the pathology of the locomotor system in the geriatric patient

As the world's population continues to age, the prevalence of age-related diseases increases significantly. Therefore, it is essential that as a healthcare professional, you train in this area, in order to gain a solid and up-to-date knowledge about these pathologies; which will allow you to provide the best care to your patients. As you progress through the program, you will study the rehabilitation and postoperative care of geriatric patients with musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, you'll delve into pain management strategies and injury prevention, as well as non-surgical treatment options such as physical and occupational therapy. In this way, you will hone your skills to provide comprehensive, high-quality patient care. In addition, you will manage to meet the challenges and opportunities that arise in the health care of the geriatric population.