
Acquire the skills of a professional specialized in Urban Water Services with a highly comprehensive program that will open up new job opportunities and boost your competitiveness in the sector"


This program aims to boost the careers of engineers who wish to delve into urban water services on a global level, providing them with in-depth knowledge of the subject through a program developed by experts in the industry. The program stands out for the scope of its content, as it encompasses all the stages of what is known as the Integrated Water Cycle, from the collection of the resource to the treatment plant. 

The student will not only acquire in-depth knowledge related to the specificity of this field, but will also increase his strategic vision competencies if his profile is more focused on the global management of the service. Although there are some differences in each territory according to the type of resource, regulatory framework or pricing policies, urban water services have a marked international component that has been strengthened in recent years through globalization. 

During the course of this program, the engineering professional will delve into everything related to the urban water cycle, its sustainability and the cross-cutting nature of its application, involving all types of actors that make the service allude to responsible consumption. In addition, due to the demand for process improvement in the sector, the program presents the most widely implemented technological innovations, so that students can apply them in their current position, acquiring in this way a differential value in their competencies.  

The extensive experience of the teaching staff and their education in this area of engineering position this program above others in the market, so that the graduate will have a reference of excellence. Therefore, this professional master’s degree will provide you with accelerated knowledge on all aspects related to the management of the Urban Water Service. A 100% online educational program that provides students with the ease of being able to study it comfortably, wherever and whenever they want. All you need is a device with internet access to take your career one step further. A modality according to the current times with all the guarantees to position the engineer in a highly demanded sector.  

Add to your work capacity, the most updated knowledge in the urban water cycle, including new technologies related to water treatment and access to the resource"   

This professional master’s degree in Urban Water Services Engineering contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the market. Its most important features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Engineering focused on the Integrated Water Cycle
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A high-impact career path that will allow you to work in line with environmental protection, one of the main challenges of the water sector"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced engineering experts.

Enhance your knowledge and become an expert engineer in hydraulic infrastructures"


Learn how to manage water catchment and water resources in a sustainable way and acquire the way of working that environmental efficiency criteria demand nowadays"


The design of the program of this professional master’s degree will allow the student to acquire the necessary competences to update in the profession after delving into the key aspects of Urban Water Services Engineering. The mastery of the curriculum will boost the professional from a global perspective, with full preparation for the achievement of the proposed objectives. You will be fully empowered in a field of engineering that is versatile, global and essential, leading you to excellence in an industry in continuous environmental adaptation. To this end, TECH establishes a series of general and specific objectives to fulfill future graduates’ expectations.


TECH's goal is to create highly competent professionals: give your career the boost it needs and specialize in the urban water sector"

General Objectives

  • Delve into key aspects of Urban Water Services Engineering
  • Leading integral water cycle departments
  • Manage distribution and sanitation departments
  • Management of drinking water treatment, desalination and purification plants
  • Manage the technical office and studies of companies in the sector
  • Acquire a strategic vision of the field
  • Coordinate concessions and administrative relations
  • Acquiring skills related to the implementation of the urban water system
  • Being able to apply the latest technological innovations to set up an optimal management of the service

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Water and Sustainability in the Urban Water Cycle

  • Delve into the concept of water footprint to be able to implement reduction policies in an urban water utility
  • Understand the problem of water stress in cities
  • Influence stakeholders related to the integrated water cycle to improve the position of the student's organization
  • Orient the student's professional activity towards the achievement of the Water objective in the 2030 Agenda

Module 2. Drinking Water Distribution. Layouts and practical criteria for network design

  • Quickly identify the problems associated with a supply network based on the design typology of the network itself
  • Diagnose the deficiencies of an existing network based on the most important operating parameters. With the possibility of catching them in the most implemented simulation software in the sector such as EPANET
  • Be able to draw up and supervise a preventive and corrective maintenance plan for the drinking water distribution network
  • Control the revenues and costs of a supply system in order to maximize the economic performance of an administrative concession 

Module 3. Pumping Stations

  • Complete Sizing of a Water Pumping Station 
  • Select the electromechanical equipment best suited to the needs of a water lifting system
  • Analyze the latest hydrodynamic simulation tools that facilitate the successful design of a pumping system prior to its commissioning
  • Be able to apply the latest technological innovations to establish a state-of-the-art management of pumping stations

Module 4. Desalination. Design and Operation

  • Understand in detail the seawater osmosis process to diagnose the causes of deviations from process standards
  • Carry out an exhaustive analysis of the most important equipment of a desalination plant to know how to allocate the appropriate resources in case of incidence in any of them
  • Comprehensively manage the operation of a seawater desalination plant
  • Identify the possibilities of energy savings in a desalination plant in order to improve the economic performance of a concession

Module 5. Water Resources in a Water Supply

  • Characterizing water abstractions in order to manage water abstractions in a sustainable manner 
  • Carrying out rigorous water balances that influence the adoption of regulatory governance measures for resource management 
  • Establish monitoring systems to prevent contingency situations
  • Understand in detail the possibilities that full connectivity between devices offers for water resource management

Module 6. Sanitation Networks 

  • Obtain a strategic vision of the importance of sanitation networks within the integral water cycle
  • Know in depth the elements of the sewerage network in order to act with criterion in making decisions in case of failures
  • Identify the main problems of wastewater pumping stations in order to optimize their operation
  • Analyze the main computer tools related to a sewerage system such as GIS and SWM

Module 7. Urban Drinking Water Treatment Plants. Design and Operation

  • Provide an overview of the importance of drinking water treatment in a drinking water treatment plant
  • Delve into the treatments involved in the drinking water treatment processes in order to effectively detect the source of the problem in the event of non-compliant water analysis at the plant outlet
  • Minimize the cost of water production by optimizing the resources available in a water treatment plant

Module 8. Wastewater Treatment Plants. Engineering and construction execution

  • Acquire the competences related to a site manager in the execution of wastewater treatment plants, the most relevant of which are: order management, subcontracting coordination and budget control
  • Delve into the design criteria, as well as the most relevant aspects to be taken into account during the execution of the work in the main stages of a wastewater treatment plant
  • Know in detail the commercial computer programs for the elaboration of budgets and work certifications before the client

Module 9. Reuse 

  • Gain a detailed knowledge of the current regulatory framework on water reclamation and its possible uses, as well as why it is necessary to implement water reuse policies
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the treatments available to enable water reuse
  • Analyze examples of projects already carried out in order to extrapolate them to the student's needs

Module 10. Metrology. Measurement and instrumentation

  • Understand the need for the implementation of different process sensors in an urban water system
  • Select the most appropriate flow measurement technologies for each application
  • Make a general projection of the appropriate metering devices for a general urban water service

You will achieve your objectives gradually, but with a high impact, turning your knowledge into real intervention capacity”

Professional Master's Degree in Urban Water Services Engineering


In the face of the current water resource problems facing the world, is there anything more important than suitable infrastructures based on innovation and environmental sustainability to ensure the flow of this liquid treasure without which we would survive a mere five days at most? The Professional Master's Degree in Urban Water Services Engineering offered by TECH Global University is a postgraduate course that bases its potential impact both on the new market requirements with an incipient ecological focus and on an online format that includes the latest methodological and technological advances in education. Through the ten modules of the program, students will acquire solid knowledge to address aspects such as drinking water distribution, the desalination process, sanitation networks, pumping stations, metrology, among others. Thanks to the support of a notorious team of teachers and asynchronous classes, the professional engineer will be able not only to optimize his skills, but also to do it with a unique ease and efficiency.

Title yourself as an expert engineer in urban water systems


With all the technology that human beings currently possess, there are still sectors of the population for whom access to a basic necessity such as drinking water is an unattainable luxury. According to WHO data, 2 billion people are supplied by water sources contaminated by feces, while another 844 million do not even have a basic water supply. Other studies are even more worrying because they indicate that in the next decade there will be 700 million people displaced worldwide by areas with severe water shortages. Emerging professionals are required who are committed to major changes in water works and make it possible to improve the management of water resources. Thanks to our Professional Master's Degree you will be able to train in this field in an effective, immersive way and without leaving your room. Ranked as the best online university in the world, we open the doors for you to take a significant leap in your career and aspire to a position that leaves a satisfying personal and social footprint.