
Learn about the most effective treatments to alleviate pain in the oral cavity, achieving a better quality of life for your patients"


One of the fundamental roles of a dentists is to cure the source of pain or provide palliative pain relief, as, in the vast majority of cases, patients request an appointment with their dentist to ask for help to stop the pain. This program tries to recognize and differentiate the different variants of pain, and thereby being able to classify it according to pathologies and types. In turn, it is of vital importance to recognize neuralgic pain, in some cases of unknown etiology, in order to provide an effective and qualitative treatment to improve the patient's quality of life.

Pain is usually associated with most oral pathologies, but there are independent clinical entities that are characterized only by the presence of pain, requiring extensive knowledge of neuralgia to make a conclusive diagnosis. Likewise, this program will show the dentist the best way to manage pain, in addition to teaching them how to treat the patient, always giving priority to an empathetic and personalized treatment, applying didactic and educational concepts from the guidance of professionals and health experts in the field, who will teach them how to transmit concepts to a non-specialized public in the most empathetic way possible.

In this way, the professional will develop their diagnostic, evaluative and mediating competences with the patient, and will test their most humanitarian aspect when facing complex chronic diseases where the knowledge of the patient in all its facets becomes essential to achieve a correct evolution.

This academic program is characterized by its dynamic methodology that intersperses clinical cases for the student to identify and associate the subject matter explained with its corresponding image, as well as questionnaires to evaluate their knowledge and put it to the test, bringing the dentist as close as possible to those situations that will be presented daily in the office to be able to focus and manage them in a coordinated, efficient and planned manner, all mediated by working professionals who will help you during the learning process to achieve a complete education in all aspects.

Only with proper education, will you know the best way to advise your patients in oral medicine cases"

This postgraduate certificate in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of clinical cases presented by experts in oral medicine
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the course are designed to provide all the essential information required for professional practice
  • Exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision making for the orally impaired patient
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate is the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity, you will obtain a degree from TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of oral medicine, who share their work experience, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned and experienced experts in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity.

This 100% online program will allow you to balance your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


The postgraduate certificate allows you to exercise in simulated environments that provide an immersive learning program in order to train in real situations"


The postgraduate certificate in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity is designed to facilitate the dentist's actions when dealing with patients with oral health problems, generating a sense of security that will allow them to be more effective in their daily practice.


This refresher program will provide you with a sense of confidence in your daily work, which will help you grow both personally and professionally”

General Objectives

  • Get an extensive theoretical update in a comprehensive framework covering injuries, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
  • Encourage problem solving and critical thinking through practical cases applicable to working life, strengthening the professional's confidence when expressing themselves and their autonomy as a healthcare professional
  • Support empathy and multidisciplinary treatment, emphasizing that as a professional one must have a global vision of the patient's state of health in order to avoid possible repercussions secondary to misinformation
  • Promote evidence-based knowledge and to learn to see beyond dental pathology by expanding its diagnostic protocol for the early detection of serious pathologies such as oral cancer
  • Integrate a technical and theoretical practice in the daily treatment knowing how to approach complex cases related to systemic diseases or adjacent pathologies of the patient through sessions and clinical cases mediated by quality audiovisual means
  • Obtain advanced medical knowledge that will enable you excel in the healthcare field by correctly interpreting data and tests through the understanding and application of knowledge that encompasses the patient's health holistically
  • Improve public speaking and communication skills so that the receiver of the message, regardless of whether they know the subject matter, is able to fully understand the professional's explanation, as well as prioritize ethics and a sense of morality when dealing with a case

Specific Objectives

  • Know how to correctly assess pain in patients
  • Describe the different types of pain and their clinical manifestation
  • Delve deeper into the different neuralgias, as well as their possible initial manifestations and sequelae
  • Perform differential diagnoses for paralysis, and know the treatments and potential sequelae they may have
  • Establish a pathological index depending on the anatomical points affected
  • Specialize in other neuropathies in addition to the most frequent ones
  • Provide correct therapeutic management and reassuring treatment for the patient
  • Identify neuralgias related to systemic alterations and their characteristics
  • Delve deeper into their treatment, monitoring and clinical management
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the techniques and procedures available to cope with neuropathies

Take the step to get up to speed on the latest developments in oral medicine"

Postgraduate Certificate in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity

Oral cavity neuropathies are a group of neurological disorders that affect the nerves in this area and can have serious consequences on the patient's dental and general health. These conditions can be caused by factors such as injuries, autoimmune diseases and exposure to toxic substances. Due to the complexity of these conditions, more and more dentists are seeking to update their knowledge in this area in order to offer a more complete and effective care to their patients. As a result, TECH has developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity, a complete program that will place you at the forefront of Dentistry in a 100% online way and without leaving your own home.

Study online and without having to adhere to pre-established schedules.

Do you want to learn about recent advances in diagnostic methods and treatments used to treat glossopharyngeal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia or facial paralysis? Moreover, do you wish to obtain this knowledge while enjoying didactic contents in formats such as complementary readings, explanatory video or interactive summary? The Postgraduate Certificate in Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity is your best ally to achieve all these objectives and to improve your professional practice in the field of Dentistry!