Morbelli Bigiolli , AgustÃn Francisco
Director Dr. Morbelli Ophthalmology Center
Corneal surgery and Refractive Surgery are two of the areas of great mastery of the ophthalmologist, Agustin Francisco Morbelli Bigiolli. A specialty, which motivated by his constant updating in this field and his clinical experience in distinguished clinical settings led him to create his own center where he applies the latest diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
His versed knowledge in this area has also led him to enhance his research skills, being the author of several publications in high impact journals and attending numerous congresses.
- Director of Dr. Morbelli Ophthalmology Center
- General Ophthalmology Physician of Salud Ocular
- Doctor of the Cornea and Refractive Surgery Service of the Instituto de la Visión
- Ad Honorem Professor of the UDH UBA of Ophthalmology of the Bernardino Rivadavia Hospital, Ophthalmology Service of the Rivadavia Hospital
- University Specialist in Ophthalmology, SAO
- Medical Degree from Maimonides University
- Master's Degree in Ophthalmology from CEU University