
Mr. Blasco Vilches currently works at the prestigious company Saona Studios in Spain. He has previously worked in different well-known companies such as Telefónica Learning Services, TAK and Bizpills or Índigo, working as an e-learning and serious games product designer and scriptwriter, as well as in the role of level designer. Additionally, he has worked as a scriptwriter in various television, advertising and entertainment projects, obtaining numerous awards and nominations and has collaborated in different media with various articles on the current cultural and social scene.

  • Narrative designer at Stage Clear Studios, developing a confidential product.
  • Narrative designer at HeYou Games in the "Youturbo" project.  
  • E-learning and serious games product designer and scriptwriter for Telefónica Learning Services, TAK and Bizpills.  
  • Level designer at Indigo for the "Meatball Marathon" project.  
  • Screenwriting teacher in the Master's Degree in Video Game Creation at the University of Malaga.  
  • Lecturer in Video Game Narrative Design and Production at the TAI Film Department, Madrid.  
  • Narrative Design and Script Workshops teacher, and in the Video Game Design Degree at ESCAV, Granada.  
  • Degree in Hispanic Studies from the University of Granada, Spain.  
  • Master's Degree in Creativity and Television Screenwriting, Rey Juan Carlos University.
Programmes in collaboration with

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