
Raquel Ausejo Marcos is a Veterinarian and Doctor in Medicine and Animal Health, as well as a Master's Degree in Swine Health and Production, an area in which she has more than 15 years of experience. She is currently in charge of the Biotechnology R&D Department at Magapor, a Spanish company dedicated exclusively to the design, development, manufacture and distribution of technology for artificial insemination in swine.  

From there, she focuses her R&D on providing innovative and practical solutions for customers to obtain the best results. At the same time, she is an extraordinary collaborator of the Department of Animal Pathology and assistant professor of the same master's degree she studied, training students in on-farm insemination practices.

She has participated in several research projects aimed at improving the productivity and technification of the swine sector. She is the author of numerous informative texts and co-author of articles in high impact journals, in addition to participating as a speaker at congresses and technical meetings at international level. 

  • Responsible for the Biotechnology R&D department at Magapor
  • Speaker at national and international swine reproduction congresses
  • Adjunct professor in the master's degree in swine health and production
  • Extraordinary collaborator of the Department of Animal Pathology 
  • Doctorate Program in Animal Medicine and Health 
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Zaragoza
  • Master's Degree in Swine Health and Production from the Universities of Zaragoza, Lérida, Madrid and Barcelona
  • Degree in training to perform procedures with experimental animals
  • Member of:
    • Reference research group RAySA: Assisted reproduction and animal health
    • Association of swine veterinarians of Aragon 
Programmes in collaboration with

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