
Psychologists are often responsible for introducing equality perspectives in educational centers. Enroll in TECH and delve into the most effective techniques"


When a child is discriminated against because of their physique, sexual orientation, race, etc., at school, procedures must be put in place to tackle the problem at its root, since there is a risk that the problem will get worse. For this purpose, there are different procedures and techniques that have been described in this program by prestigious professionals.

As an introduction, the syllabus begins by defining the concepts of inclusive education, multilevel teaching, cooperative learning and social inclusion. As well as the application of information technology and universal learning design to the inclusive school. With the intention of approaching the program from a current and innovative perspective.

Next, the preparation of teachers to apply perspectives of inclusivity is explored. To this end, a contextualization of the inclusive school and the models and theories that teachers should use, as well as the competencies and emotional intelligence they should possess, will be made. This will allow extrapolating the knowledge acquired directly in the classroom.

Finally, we will work on the role played by the family in generating inclusive environments. Influencing different types of actions depending on the family model and the importance of family participation in school spaces.

On the other hand, these contents will be taught in an online modality, without timetables and with all the syllabus available from the first moment. Thus favoring the work and personal conciliation and, consequently, the assimilation of learning.

By studying this postgraduate diploma you will have access to the most recent models of inclusive education. Practicing, in addition, with the criteria for its design"

This postgraduate diploma in Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Social Inclusion and inclusive education
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Reinventing the way you teach can be complicated. For this reason, we have designed a syllabus that goes from the general to the concrete and from the simple to the complex"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, it will be assisted by an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

TECH teachers will help you develop strategies that will allow you to achieve the objectives of inclusive education today"


Enroll and delve into the possibilities of information technologies to generate an environment of integration and inclusion in the classroom"


Graduates of this postgraduate diploma will be prepared to introduce equality and inclusion perspectives in their respective workplaces. They will learn about the different concepts around which these perspectives revolve, will work with the theories and models that they will later implement in their centers and will receive specific techniques to put theory into practice effectively. All this, with the intention of working on the basis of the most recent studies and research.


TECH has reserved a topic for you to delve into emotional intelligence as a way to effectively connect with young people"

General Objectives

  • Enable the student to teach in situations of risk of exclusion
  • Define the main characteristics of inclusive education
  • Manage techniques and strategies to deal with the diversity of students, and with the educational community: families and the community
  • Analyze the role of teachers and families in the context of inclusive education
  • Interpret all the elements and aspects concerning teacher preparation in the inclusive school
  • Develop in the student ability to develop their own methodology and work system
  • Internalize the typology of students who are at risk and socially excluded, and how the educational system should respond to them
  • Describe the functioning of the child and youth protection system
  • Study the different types of protection measures and their treatment in the school environment
  • Analyze situations of child abuse and the protocols for action by the professional psychologist
  • Identify the stages of development from birth to adolescence; achieving that students have their own judgment to establish the effects that cognitive, communicative, motor and emotional processes have on child development
  • Detect risk factors of different nature that may alter development throughout the life cycle
  • Describe the general circumstances of the mentored students and how these may affect their educational environment
  • Learn how to respond to students under guardianship and their families from the school environment
  • Apply mediation as a pedagogical tool for conflict resolution and harmonization of the educational community

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Social Inclusion and inclusive education

  • Describe the key concepts related to educational and social inclusion
  • Explain the traditional methods of education
  • Define key inclusive education methods
  • Identify student needs
  • Identify the needs and possibilities of the educational center
  • Plan an educational response adapted to the needs

Module 2. Teacher preparation for Inclusive Schools

  • Describe a historical evolution of exclusivity in the classroom
  • Interpret the main sources of inclusive scope
  • Analyze the main components for teacher learning
  • Instruct on different models of Inclusive Schooling
  • Inform on legislation pertaining to inclusive education
  • Use tools for learning in the field of exclusivity
  • More effective interpretation of inclusive schooling

Module 3. The Role of the Family and the Community in Inclusive Schooling

  • Define the types of families that exist
  • Apply techniques and strategies for family diversity intervention
  • Explain how to work with these families from the Inclusive School
  • Give Guidelines to get families actively involved in the Educational Process of their children
  • Analyze the Role of Society in the Inclusive School
  • Describe the role of families in Learning Communities
  • Develop the student's ability to develop their own methodology and work system

Sometimes, intervening in families can be very complicated. However, in this course you will find some techniques and strategies that you may find useful"

Postgraduate Diploma in Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education

Do you want to be an agent of change in society? Do you want to develop skills to promote social and educational inclusion in all areas? Look no further! TECH Global University, through its Faculty of Psychology, invites you to immerse yourself in an exciting online Postgraduate Diploma in Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education. At TECH we want you to have the power to transform lives, to create inclusive environments where every individual has the same opportunities for learning and development. With this academic program, you will be able to acquire the necessary skills to foster inclusion in diverse contexts, from the classroom to the community. Our teaching team is made up of renowned experts in the area of social inclusion and inclusive education. They will accompany you every step of the way, providing you with quality education and personalized guidance. Through interactive online classes, updated study material and practical activities, you will be immersed in a stimulating and enriching learning environment. During the program, you will explore fundamental topics such as diversity, human rights, accessibility, curriculum adaptation and inclusion strategies. You will also delve into the design and implementation of inclusive projects, acquiring knowledge and tools that will allow you to make a difference in your environment.

Become an agent of change with TECH

At the end of the program, you will obtain a prestigious Postgraduate Diploma certificate in Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education, endorsed by TECH Global University. This official recognition will endorse your knowledge and will open doors in the labor field, where the demand for professionals committed to inclusion is constantly growing. Studying at TECH Global University is a unique opportunity to expand your horizons and prepare you for a promising future. Our institution is distinguished by its avant-garde approach and its commitment to the specialization of highly trained professionals committed to society. Upon completion, you will be ready to work in areas such as education, counseling, consulting and project management, bringing inclusion to all corners of our society. Enroll now and begin your journey towards a more inclusive and equitable world!