Postgraduate certificate
Nursing Care in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock
At the end of this Postgraduate Certificate, the student will have acquired the knowledge and skills to act correctly in the case of a patient with metabolic syndrome and in the case of a patient with sepsis and septic shock.
Postgraduate certificate
Management and Care of Patients with Heart and Kidney Failure
The objective of this Postgraduate Certificate is to train nursing professionals in the expert care of the renal failure and heart failure patient.
Postgraduate certificate
Management and Care of Patients with Intestinal Disorders and Patients with Acute and Chronic Liver Disease
The objective of this Postgraduate Certificate is to train in the performance of the various functions that can be carried out in a patient with intestinal disorders.
Postgraduate certificate
Nursing Care in Stroke Patients in Acute and Chronic Phases
Acquire through this Postgraduate Certificate the knowledge and skills necessary for the correct nursing care of stroke patients, both in the acute and chronic phases.
Postgraduate certificate
Management and Care of the Patient with Prolonged Fever of Unknown Cause
This Nursing Postgraduate Certificate will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary for the correct nursing care of the patient with prolonged fever of unknown origin.
Postgraduate certificate
Nursing Care in the Patient with Hematological Alterations, Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Thrombosis
Acquire through this Postgraduate Certificate, the necessary skills for the correct nursing performance in these pathologies.
Postgraduate certificate
Management and Care of the Pluripathological and Dependent Patient
The objective of this Postgraduate Certificate is to train the Nursing professional in the expert care of the pluripathological and dependent patient.
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