University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
In this 100% practical program you will learn, in a real professional environment, the latest developments in the development and monitoring of clinical trials”

Clinical research has been identified as one of the most important elements for the present and future of societies around the world. Without it, many prevalent pathologies such as cancers, bacterial and viral infections, as well as conditions of all medical specialties, could not be combated. As a result, clinical trials have become one of the most important and influential health areas, offering solutions to global health problems.
The Internship program in MBA in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials was created in response to the sector's ongoing need for qualified professionals to conduct tests on products, substances, drugs and diagnostic or therapeutic techniques. All of this is supported by the increase in investment in research in the healthcare field to improve the quality of life of patients, which leads to a greater number of professional vacancies in this field. Hence the importance of expanding knowledge in all areas of research.
This program is structured through a practical stay in an international reference center where the physician will be able to get into the research development together with active professionals with experience in rigorous and highly effective clinical trials. Thus, during the 3 weeks of the practical program, you will have access to the best information on the market that develops all the relevant aspects of clinical studies in the healthcare environment in the different medical specialties, with real case studies that take place in the day to day of the profession.

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"
Para lograr una adecuada puesta al día de los procedimientos y protocolos necesarios para lanzar y dirigir un ensayo clínico no basta con acceder a un aprendizaje meramente teórico. Los postulados pedagógicos tradicionales se centran en la lectura de manuales, obviando la importancia de la práctica en un área tan importante como las investigaciones clínicas. Por ello, TECH ha diseñado este producto académico cuya orientación es completamente práctica y activa, permitiendo al profesional desenvolverse de forma intensiva en un centro de gran prestigio en la disciplina, donde además contará con el apoyo de grandes expertos que le orientarán durante las 3 semanas que dura la estancia.

TECH es la única institución con la que podrás realizar unas prácticas en el ámbito de los ensayos clínicos en un entorno 100% real, acompañado de especialistas de gran prestigio en esta área sanitaria”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
Una de las cuestiones más importantes a la hora de actualizarse en el desarrollo y monitorización de ensayos clínicos es el equipamiento disponible. TECH ha tenido en cuenta esta circunstancia, y ofrece unas prácticas en centros de gran prestigio que cuentan con la última tecnología disponible para asegurar que el alumno se pone al día a partir de los procedimientos más novedosos.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
A lo largo de la estancia intensiva de 3 semanas que disfrutará el alumno, estará acompañado de grandes expertos que se asegurarán de que obtenga una experiencia de aprendizaje de primera categoría. Asimismo, contará con un tutor designado de forma específica, que velará por el adecuado desarrollo de esta Internship program, guiándole por todo el proceso y transmitiéndole todo lo necesario para trabajar conforme a las últimas novedades en ensayos clínicos.
3. Adentrarse en entornos hospitalarios de primera
Los centros disponibles para llevar a cabo las prácticas tienen un gran prestigio internacional, lo que permitirá al profesional conocer nuevos métodos de trabajo en el área de los ensayos clínicos. Además, podrá observar día a día el funcionamiento de una institución exigente y rigurosa, de la que podrá obtener un gran bagaje que aplicará, más tarde, en su propio trabajo cotidiano.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
El enfoque de este programa es eminentemente práctico, y todo su desarrollo está orientado a permitir al alumno aplicar en su propio entorno laboral las últimas técnicas y protocolos en ensayos clínicos. Así, una vez finalice las prácticas, podrá integrar los postulados más novedosos y avanzados en su labor profesional diaria.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
Este programa no solo ofrece una garantía de actualización inmediata, sino que la envergadura internacional de sus centros ofrece al alumno un panorama prestigioso y global en el que poder establecer contactos. Así, TECH acercará al profesional a entornos de alto nivel en los que podrá trabajar, codo con codo, con los mejores especialistas en la disciplina.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program MBA in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials
The development of products, drugs and diagnostic techniques is subject to an arduous scientific research process that consists of several phases. Among these is the clinical trial, one of the most relevant stages for the successful manufacture of such services. In this sense, the evaluation that is carried out through studies applied to people, aims to verify the safety, efficacy and guarantees that these will have with their subsequent use. Due to the responsibility involved in the execution of these tests, it is necessary to have a team of professionals who are highly trained to assist with skill in this field of medicine. At TECH Global University we designed the Internship Program MBA in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials, a program focused on expanding your knowledge and skills within this discipline.
Specialize in the direction and management of clinical trials
The main objective of this program is to promote the practical learning of medical professionals in the management, monitoring and conduct of clinical trials through an intensive three-week stay in a prestigious center. In this way, you will learn about clinical research protocols, analyze the steps prior to the development of a trial, establish the necessary phases for project management and recognize the commitment required for the development of a new drug. In short, you will master the wide range of tasks performed by physicians and scientists through first-hand experience. With this Internship Program, you will successfully establish yourself in a highly competitive field.
Study at the largest Medical School
TECH Global University has the largest Faculty of Medicine. Hand in hand with a complete and updated scientific program you will have the opportunity to learn through the study and analysis of real cases in an intensive stay in a prestigious center for three weeks, with consecutive eight-hour days from Monday to Friday. This will not only allow you to hone your skills for the resolution of complex situations in real environments, but will help you make accurate and effective decisions to ensure a comprehensive and high quality service in the working practice of this discipline.