
Acne problems can seriously affect patients, so obtaining an effective remedy will not only be beneficial on a physical level, but also psychologically" 


Achieving the desired appearance is the dream of practically all of society, although only a part of the population is capable of taking the step to achieve it. In fact, more and more people are going to esthetic doctors’ offices to improve their physical appearance, eliminating physical aspects that they are unhappy with. 

Acne problems begin to appear at puberty. However, although in many cases they disappear with age, there are people who do not rid themselves of this problem as the years go by, and must resort to medicine to achieve the desired physical appearance. 

To prepare esthetic medicine professionals in this complex and in-demand field, at TECH, we have designed this very complete advanced master’s degree in which, in addition to reinforcing your knowledge on general esthetic medicine issues, you will be able to specialize in the treatment of acne, with a completely new program and on a level with the best. The pathophysiology of acne, topical treatments, oral antimicrobial or hormonal treatments are only part of the scope of this comprehensive program.

Therefore, throughout this program, students will go through all the current approaches to the different challenges of their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level.

In this way, we will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge we are offering you, but we will show you another way of studying and learning, a more organic, simpler and more efficient one. We will work to keep you motivated and create a passion for learning in you. And all this in a 100% online format so that you can combine your study time with the rest of your daily life. 

A high level of scientific education, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"

This advanced master’s degree in Integrative Aesthetic Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion forums and knowledge
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • The supporting documentation databanks are permanently available, even after the program

We offer you a quality program, allowing you to expand your skills as an esthetic doctor. A high-level program for professionals seeking to achieve career success" 

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way we ensure that we deliver the educational update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of qualified and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will include all the practical knowledge derived from their own experience into the program.

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Grand Master. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operability you need in your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the scenario you are currently learning. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

A detailed and complete immersion in the most up-to-date strategies and approaches in esthetic medicine"


We have the best teaching methodology and a multitude of simulated cases, that will help you prepare for real situations"


Our objective is to prepare highly qualified professionals for the working An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you can take for granted, with a high-intensity and precise program.     


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further: welcome to TECH" 

General Objectives

  • Impart knowledge of all anti-aging modalities and esthetic treatments, incorporating the necessary tools to carry out this specialty in their daily practice
  • Learn how to control, delay and prevent the existing aging process today
  • Gain a fully up-to-date knowledge of the different therapeutic options available for the treatment of acne
  • Diagnose those cases of acne secondary to systemic pathologies or external agents that require specific management
  • Know and be able to indicate and apply the different modalities of available physical therapies
  • Know the paths of research and possible future directions of treatment
  • Know how to treat obstinate cases resistant to the usual therapies
  • Detect and anticipate possible complications and side effects of each treatment
  • Be able to diagnose psychopathological alterations that are secondary to the disease itself or to treatments, which affect the patient's life in relationships and the fulfilment of the patient as a person
  • Individualize the management of the esthetic after-effects of acne, choosing and combining the best options from among multiple techniques available

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Basic Principals of Aesthetic Medicine

  • Know how to identify the biological changes in aging, the analysis of genes and the functions of diagnostic methods
  • Learn how to manage the mechanisms of action of topical treatments, peelings, the annotation of cosmetic evaluations and various measurement methods
  • Define and analyze in a global way the structures and functions of each area and open opportunities for new treatments
  • Study the physics of ultrasound, since it is a dependent medical procedure where the specialist will have to manipulate the ultrasound equipment to determine the ultrasound characteristics of the lesion
  • Study the classification of the different lesions that can be identified
  • Analyze changes in monitoring the evolution of diseases, as well as tissue involvement, localization, size, characterization and differentiation between benign and 
    malignant lesions
  • Identify the possible complications from filler materials

Module 2. Peelings. Dermocosmetics

  • Learn to use the different types of peeling in the treatment of rejuvenation and certain skin disorders in an effective way, highlighting the knowledge of the most used active ingredients and their mechanisms of action
  • Selection of the patient in an appropriate manner, prior preparation of the skin, including correct follow-up and prescription of the post-peeling treatment, in accordance with the usual evolution after the application of each chemical agent or combination of
  • Understand the possible adverse effects of peeling and their treatments

Module 3. Applications of Botulinum Toxin in Dermatology and Esthetics: Regenerative Medicine for Esthetic Purposes

  • Learn how to use temporary filler materials
  • Gain insight into the correction of volume defects associated with tissue atrophy secondary to aging
  • Be up to date on filler materials to create a comprehensive rejuvenation protocol that works with absolute safety by knowing their components and short- and long-term side effects

Module 4. Facial Implants in Esthetics

  • In-depth knowledge of facial anatomy
  • Update on the most current techniques and procedures in facial implantology
  • Acquire techniques to harmonize facial contours through the use of facial implants

Module 5. Esthetic and Regenerative Gynecology

  • Address sexual dysfunctions 
  • Learn how to perform genital regenerative treatments 
  • Understand the female anatomy to learn how to manage physical disorders after childbirth, menopause or an oncological process 

Module 6. Laser and Light Sources in Aesthetic Medicine

  • Provide students with the appropriate knowledge to use the different types of lasers and light sources in rejuvenation treatment and skin disorders in an effective way, highlighting the knowledge of the basic principles of physics on which their use is based without forgetting to include knowledge concerning the safety guidelines 
    for their use
  • Provide up-to-date information on the use of lasers for pigmented lesions, rejuvenation, vascular lesions and hair removal, with emphasis on the appropriate selection of the technology that enables us to adapt to the needs of each patient, highlighting a comprehensive overview of treatment strategies, indications, contraindications and possible adverse effects
  • Get up to date on the types of authorized botulinum toxin, the precise knowledge of the action mechanisms of each one and the detailed instructions for each anatomical area
  • Know the therapeutic application of the factors that intervene in biological processes
  • Know the therapeutic application of the factors that intervene in biological processes

Module 7. Phlebology and Lymphatic Disorders. Body Esthetics

  • Have an adequate knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and etiopathogenesis of the alterations involving the panniculus adiposus and the veno-lymphatic alterations of the limbs
  • Know the main characteristics of adipose tissue and its variations with age and sex, as well as the main alterations related to obesity and being overweight
  • Analyze the main etiopathogenic mechanisms of venous and lymphatic alterations of the limbs with special attention to chronic venous disease and lymphatic pathology, as well as their diagnosis and treatment
  • Analyze the changes related to aging, including the main surgical and non-surgical treatments for body contouring
  • Understand in depth and know how to diagnose the main clinical conditions such as cellulite, lipodystrophies, lipedema, localized adiposities and veno-lymphatic alterations in order to identify situations involving a health risk from esthetic alterations

Module 8. Trichology and Hair Transplantation

  • Understand the medical treatments for different types of alopecia, antiandrogen injections, PRP, immunotherapy and surgical treatments for alopecia with their different techniques (strip technique, FUE technique, SAFER automated device)
  • Learn how to perform an effective clinical diagnosis with the support of the latest technologies

Module 9. Communication

  • Understand the importance of communication in the health sector
  • Learn how to design a business communication strategy in the healthcare field and manage the online presence of the organization
  • Know how to carry out marketing campaigns, SEO and SEM
  • Acquire the appropriate knowledge to manage the company's social media

Module 10. Pathophysiology of Acne and Implications for Treatment

  • Understand the pathophysiological basis of acne and its implications for the development of drugs and physical therapies
  • Identify the physical and chemical diseases that can occur as a result of poorly executed acne treatment

Module 11. Topical Treatments

  • Know the action mechanisms, recommended guidelines, side effects and precautions to be taken with topical and oral antibiotics in acne
  • Know the action mechanisms, recommended guidelines, side effects and precautions to be taken with topical and oral retinoids in acne

Module 12. Oral Antimicrobials

  • Identify the main oral antimicrobials that have a favorable impact on the treatment of acne
  • Understand the mechanisms of oral treatment and to evaluate its efficacy compared to other types of treatment
  • Know the main oral microbial drugs and compare them with antimicrobials, identifying which has the greatest impact on the treatment of acne

Module 13. Hormonal Treatment

  • Know the action mechanisms, recommended guidelines, side effects and precautions to be taken with hormonal treatments for acne
  • Identify the main oral treatments for acne and their repercussions on other pathologies or their emergence

Module 14. Systemic Retinoids

  • Know how to indicate and perform chemical peeling treatments, choosing the most appropriate product for each case
  • Identify alternative acne treatments and see their efficacy in improving the skin

Module 15. Light Source Treatment of Active Acne

  • Indicate and configure the most suitable parameters for treatments with light sources
  • Know the most effective light sources for the different alternative treatments in acne reduction

Module 16. Treatment of Acne Scars

  • Know the basics of biophotonic therapy and photodynamic therapy, as well as the most appropriate treatment guidelines in each case
  • Identify the veracity of drugs and ointments that improve skin wounds
  • Define the correct application techniques so as not to injure the skin in the application methods

Module 17. Diet and Acne

  • Capable of making dietary recommendations to patients with acne, in accordance with current scientific evidence
  • Identify foods that irritate the skin and their impact on the development of acne
  • Recognizing the nutrients and benefits of unprocessed food

Module 18. Treatment of Acne in Special Circumstances

  • Individualize treatment in certain cases, such as pregnant women, high phototypes, adult women, neonatal acne or iatrogenic conditions
  • Capable of choosing and combining the most effective treatments for the cosmetic management of acne scars
  • Identify external pathologies that affect skin care and their possible effect on the development of acne
  • Know which pathologies can be affected by the use of anti-acne drugs

Module 19. Psychological Impact of Acne: Detection and Management

  • Early detection of psychological disorders and acquire coping strategies to deal with these complications
  • Detect warning signs of self-harm and suicidal behavior in acne patients

Module 20. Anti-Aging Medicine

  • Present the historical background to anti-aging medicine
  • Define and become familiar with the most frequently used concepts in anti-aging medicine
  • Examine the most accepted theories of aging and interrelate them with each other
  • Understand the aging mechanisms associated with mitochondria
  • Define telomere-related aging processes
  • Establish the relationship between immunosenescence, aging and disease onset
  • Analyze the importance of circadian rhythms in aging and acquire the skills to treat their alterations in an appropriate manner
  • Evaluate the importance of the exposome in aging and generate channels to adapt it to the needs and expectations of the individual

Module 21. Hormones and Their Relationship to Aging. Hormone Therapy

  • Addressing the complex endocrinological system of the human being
  • Describe the role of stress and related hormones in relation to aging
  • Developing the close interrelationship between neurodegeneration and melatonin deficiency
  • Determine the important role played by GH in the different stages of human life
  • Analyze the hormonal aspects involved in menopause as an accelerated example of aging in women
  • Determine the difference between synthetic and bioidentical hormones and understand their usefulness in anti-aging medicine
  • Achieve the capabilities to initiate hormone therapy prescribing

Module 22. Physical Activity. Sedentary Lifestyle. Obesity

  • Examine the metabolic response during physical exercise
  • Determine the different techniques for the physiological assessment of the patient
  • Analyze the basic principles of sports training to develop an adapted physical activity plan
  • Know the importance of physical activity on certain pathologies such as cancer, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory pathologies
  • Analyze trends for recovery and readaptation to effort
  • Establish how obesity and sedentary lifestyles contribute to accelerated aging
  • Determine the guidelines and indications for pharmacological treatment of obesity

Module 23. Nutrition

  • Establish the contribution of micronutrients to normal nutritional status
  • Identify diseases developed by nutritional deficiencies and how to avoid them
  • Present the different types of functional foods, nutraceuticals, as well as the differences between the two
  • Examining the health contribution of prebiotics and probiotics
  • Analyze the theory of aging associated with cellular oxidation and the role of antioxidants present in foods
  • Identify the different food additives and their functions in foods
  • Present specific types of diets and their contribution to improving the body's functions

Module 24. Neurological and Psychological Aspects of Anti-Aging Medicine

  • Examine the psychological and neurological aspects of aging
  • Addressing both stress and ways to manage, control and combat it
  • Complement, from a psychological point of view, the aspects related to chronobiology
  • Analyze the applications of mindfulness to anti-aging therapy
  • Study the main aspects of Scener therapies
  • Developing neural therapy and its applications
  • Analyze the relationship between the perception of self and the aging process

Module 25. Minimally Invasive Therapies

  • Understand the fundamentals and applications of regenerative medicine
  • Compile the therapeutic alternatives available in antiaging medicine consultations
  • Examine the mechanisms of action of the different therapies presented in the block
  • Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the therapies presented
  • learning the indications and contraindications of the proposed treatments
  • Establish a therapeutic plan consistent with the patient's needs at all times
  • Eliminate taboos regarding therapies related to hematic derivatives

Module 26. Alliances Between Esthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging

  • Analyze and learn about facial structures and their temporal evolution
  • Diagnose facial aging in relation to the subunits that compose its structure
  • Plan strategies for preventive action against facial aging
  • Propose treatment plans for signs of aging established on the face and other photoexposed body structures
  • Evaluate the degree of skin aging and be able to develop a cosmetic treatment plan accordingly in consultation
  • Identify cosmetic home treatment needs based on diagnosis

Module 27. Appliances and Lasers Applied to Anti-Aging Medicine

  • Address the physical principles of light sources
  • Differentiate between the main types of lasers and the technologies that make them unique
  • Develop applications in the prevention and treatment of skin aging and other tissues
  • Analyze the mechanisms of action of other complementary technologies such as cryolipolysis, plasmalasers and radiofrequency
  • Apply available knowledge to the development of treatment protocols
  • Combine the different types of apparatus
  • Identify the side effects that can occur with each piece of equipment

Module 28. Genital Anti-Aging Medicine

  • Analyze the importance of psychological processes associated with age-related sexual dysfunction
  • Review the anatomy and histology of the male and female sex organs
  • Diagnose the main problems associated with female genital aging, whether or not associated with menopause
  • Determine the applicability of different female genital rejuvenation techniques and be able to combine them with each other
  • Study male sexual dysfunctions associated with aging
  • Identify non-age-related male sexual dysfunctions that may impair the individual's sexual health
  • Assimilate the different techniques available in male genital rejuvenation

Module 29. The Anti-Aging Medicine Clinic. Practical Aspects. Overall Approach to the Patient

  • Determine the essential legal aspects of an antiaging medicine consultation
  • Apply an appropriate marketing strategy in the practice and when recruiting patients
  • Establish basic aspects of the patient's medical history
  • Define a comprehensive approach to the antiaging medicine patient when dealing with them in the consultation room
  • List the main laboratory tests necessary for a complete antiaging medicine consultation, as well as to be able to expand to more advanced studies  
  • Plan an integrative and adequate treatment  
  • Evaluate results and schedule follow-up, as well as interdisciplinary relationships if necessary 

A unique, key, and decisive training experience to boost your professional development"

Advanced Master's Degree in Aesthetic Integral Medicine

In recent years, the number of patients seeking treatments that improve their appearance or allow the rehabilitation of a present condition has increased thanks to the evolution of methods and technological instruments used in the field of aesthetic medicine in order to provide greater security and guarantees. With the purpose of improving the qualification of professionals in the sector, at TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Comprehensive Aesthetic Medicine, a program focused on addressing the main concepts and topics of this discipline so that you can specialize and apply the latest techniques and strategies developed.

Specialize in the largest School of Medicine

Through a postgraduate course taught in a 100% online format, you will learn the approach and the mechanisms of intervention of the Integral Aesthetic Medicine. From this, you will know how to make a proper clinical diagnosis, supported by the best technologies; you will master the materials and tools necessary to carry out temporary or permanent procedures; and you will have a broad knowledge of the different therapeutic options available for the treatment of topical disorders such as acne. In this way, you will learn to develop the most innovative techniques for each anatomical area involved and you will offer higher quality and safer results. With our Advanced Master's Degree you will stand out as an expert in the practice of this discipline and you will become a key player in today's job market.