
This is the opportunity you've been waiting for to specialize in Global Phenomena and compete internationally with the best journalists" 


The Postgraduate Diploma in Global Phenomena aims to provide journalists with the most advanced knowledge about events that occur in one region but have global effects on the rest of the world. In this way, the professional will be able to specialize in how to report on these aspects of great international interest.  

The transmission of information on conflicts and terrorism is one of those globalized facts that must be known all over the world. They are a growing phenomenon in today's world, motivated by numerous factors such as unresolved regional tensions, the dismantling of the rule of law, the usurpation or absence of institutions, illicit economic benefits or the lack of resources, often as a consequence of climate change.  

Moreover, in this regard it is important to take into account the existence of Hate Speech, which has become a trend in many European countries and in North America, and its spread comes hand in hand with technology. The Internet is the transmitter channel through which extremists have unprecedented access to viewers around the world, whether broadcasting propaganda, recruiting cybernauts, buying weapons or disseminating graphic images of terrorist acts such as the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand, which was broadcast live on Facebook. To fight it, it is important to fight with truthful and reliable information that gives citizens a clear picture of what is happening in the world, leaving aside xenophobic and racist information that only aims to divide the world. 

On the other hand, specializing in international economics is also essential for professionals in this sector, as it will allow them to gain a better understanding of reality. For this reason, TECH has designed this complete Postgraduate Diploma that will give you the keys to develop your work with total professionalism.  

In addition, this training has the advantage of being taken in a 100% online format, which will allow students not only to adjust their study time according to their needs, but also to be able to specialize from anywhere, as long as they have an Internet connection and a computer or mobile device. 

At TECH we bring you the best training of the moment so that you can enter the wonderful world of journalism" 

This Postgraduate Diploma in Global Phenomena  contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the market. The most important features of the specialization are: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in international journalism
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest developments in international journalism
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • A special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the field of the international journalism
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in situations focused on journalism and digital communication
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

The most qualified journalists will be able to transmit the best information on what happens in the world” 

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of journalism who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, where the student must try to solve different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this, the professional will have the help of an innovative interactive video system made by recognized experts in Global Phenomena , with extensive experience. 

We provide you with the best training currently available in international journalism. You only have to bring your enthusiasm to study"


We offer you the best teaching methodology and a multitude of practical cases to simulate the real life situations that you could face throughout your career"


This postgraduate diploma is aimed at professional journalists, so that they can acquire the necessary tools to develop in the field, learning about the latest trends and delving into the issues that are at the forefront of this branch of knowledge. Only with the proper preparation will a journalist be able to capture everything that happens in the international scene. 


If your objective is to develop your career in the international field, we offer what you are looking for at TECH”

General Objectives

  • Develop multidisciplinary training through sociology between the field of international relations and the media, as well as in historical or identity issues, which are key in contextualizing regional situations
  • Examine the main approaches of Contemporary Social Theory and analyze the transformations and transitions of contemporary societies 
  • Provide the appropriate theoretical and analytical tools for an in-depth understanding of social events in the global context 
  • Analyze the role of the media in global conflicts from different sociological perspectives 
  • Differentiate between types of conflicts according to their geographical zone, the actors involved and the origin
  • Analyze the factors that cause conflicts
  • Examine the factors that lead to terrorism and how it is articulated
  • Achieve multidisciplinary training by combining the knowledge gained from economics with journalism 
  • Develop the capacity for critical analysis of economic indicators, models and theories 
  • Generate an analytical mentality specific to the social sciences 

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the concept of sociology, the main streams of sociological thought and their relevant role for better journalistic work 
  • Reflect on the responsibility and commitment of journalism to society 
  • Raise awareness of the power of the media by reinforcing critical thinking and objectivity 
  • Develop specialized knowledge of the contemporary world, historical evolution and social theories
  • Determine the characteristics and complexity of the problems which affect different societies and cultures
  • Contextualize regional situations through adequate sociological analysis 
  • Understand the cultural dimensions of groups and societies in the development of cooperation relationships and conflict in the international context 
  • Examine the religious phenomenon and know the global situation of religion 
  • Develop specialized knowledge of social, gender and ethnic inequality 
  • Analyze the current situation in terms of migration and its social, political, economic and cultural consequences 
  • Examine the evolution of conflicts throughout history, until the present day 
  • Analyze hate speech 
  • Address the link between technology and the diffusion of extremist ideas 
  • Specify the cases of terrorism with the greatest impact from the extreme right and the factors that led to it 
  • Analyze the regional tensions that still persist today 
  • Determine the role of the United Nations in conflicts and international intervention 
  • Relate global impacts and localized conflicts 
  • Interpret the economic reality through the instruments provided 
  • Analyze the correct functioning of a market, as well as the economic situation of a country 
  • Examine the functioning of the International Economic System and the agents that it is composed of 
  • Determine the economic impact and the effect of fiscal, monetary and economic policies on a market 
  • Determine the economic facts that have had an impact on the current economic reality 

Develop your skills to become a versatile journalist at the forefront of the the latest trends” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Global Phenomena


Currently, the world is facing various challenges that affect the global level, such as climate change, pandemic, economic and social inequality, among others. Given this scenario, it is necessary to train professionals who have a comprehensive view of these phenomena and can contribute to their solution. At TECH Global University we have designed a Postgraduate Diploma in Global Phenomena, aimed at all those who wish to acquire knowledge and skills to face these challenges. Here, we have a team of highly qualified teachers, who will provide quality training, focused on practice. In this program, taught 100% online, students will learn about the causes and consequences of the most relevant global problems, as well as the policies and strategies being implemented to address them.

Tackle global challenges with this program


At TECH we are committed to providing our students with comprehensive, quality training so they can excel in a highly competitive job market. Therefore, in this complete program we provide the necessary tools for participants to become specialists. Our graduate program has a team of highly experienced professors in the field of global phenomena. Likewise, each one will have access to state-of-the-art technological tools that will allow them to develop their ability to address global challenges. As they advance through the curriculum, they will delve deeper into analysis and decision making in global contexts, so that participants will be able to perform efficiently in international organizations, companies with global presence, governments, NGOs and other related fields. Thus, our students will contribute to building a more just, sustainable and equitable world.