
A high-intensity program that will enable you to use Social Networks with the solvency of the best professionals in the sector"


This postgraduate diploma in Social Networks has been created to offer an interesting, interactive and, above all, very effective process to learn everything related to the subject. To achieve this, a clear and continuous growth path is offered, which is also 100% compatible with other occupations. 

Through an exclusive methodology, this postgraduate diploma will lead you to know all the characteristics that the professional needs to stay at the forefront and knowledge the changing phenomena of this form of communication. 

Therefore, this program will address the aspects that a designer needs to know in order to plan, develop and finalize the online presence. A program that will help students to achieve success in the challenges of a first-class professional. 

The postgraduate diploma in Social Networks is presented as a viable option for a professional who decides to work independently but also to be part of any organization or company An interesting avenue of professional development that will benefit from the specific knowledge that we now make available to you in this program. 

This program will allow you to enhance your skills and update your knowledge in Social Networks" 

This postgraduate diploma in Social Networks contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Graphic, schematic, and highly practical contents
  • The latest developments and cutting-edge advances in this field 
  • Practical Exercises where the Self-assessment Process can be Carried Out in Order to Improve Learning
  • Innovative and highly efficient methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

All the necessary knowledge for the graphic designer in this field, compiled in a highly efficient postgraduate diploma which will optimize your effort with the best results" 

The Development of this Course is Focused on the Practice of the Proposed Theoretical Learning Through the most effective teaching systems, proven methods imported from the most prestigious universities in the world, you will be able to acquire new knowledge in a practical way. In this way, TECH strives to convert its efforts into real and immediate competencies. 

The online system is another strength of the educational program. With an interactive platform that has the advantages of the latest technological developments, the most interactive digital tools made available. This way, it is possible to offer a way of learning that is totally adaptable to students’ needs, so they can perfectly combine this program with their personal or working life. 

A practical and intensive program that will give you all the tools you need to work in this field, in a specific and concrete postgraduate diploma"


A training program created to allow you to implement your acquired knowledge into your daily practice in an almost immediate way"


The objective of this postgraduate diploma in Social Networks is to offer professionals a complete way to acquire knowledge and skills for professional practice in this sector, with the confidence of learning from the best and a form of difficulties based on practice that will allow to complete the program with the necessary knowledge to perform the work with total confidence and competence. 


Our goal is simple: to help you launch your business project as a graphic designer with a postgraduate diploma fully compatible with your work and personal obligations"

General Objective

  • Learn all aspects of working with images and social networks in any type of media in which they can be used

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Portfolio Building

  • Create audiovisual narratives correctly applying usability and interactivity criteria
  • Identify the figure of the designer in the professional landscape
  • Know the techniques, methods and networks for promoting personal work
  • Understand the ethical protocol that must be followed in professional practice
  • Be able to identify one’s own strengths and weaknesses
  • Know how to economically value your own work

Module 2. Social Media Projects

  • Learn how to make responsible use of Web 2.0 tools and social networks
  • Know which tools are used for the management of social networks and the importance of planning and managing their content
  • Have the tools to digitally integrate the results of the projects that have been carried out during the design program and those that will be developed in the future
  • Learn about the new professions that are emerging as a result of the internet
  • Understand marketing concepts in vogue: geomarketing, Branded Content, etc., in such a way that these tools can be used to promote one's own work
  • Understand the importance of universal design in order to apply it in design projects

Module 3. Ethics, Legislation and Professional Deontology

  • Be able to gather and interpret relevant data to make judgments that include a reflection on ethical, environmental and social issues
  • Carry out professional practice in an ethical manner, respecting the law and in accordance with universal rights
  • Develop the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
  • Understand the professional relationship between designer and client
  • Acquire skills that demonstrate that problems can be solved through argumentation and constructive criticism
  • Develop the ability to decide in advance what needs to be done, who needs to do it, and how it should be done

Module 4. Digital Photography

  • Capture, manipulate and prepare the image for use in different media
  • Know the basics of photographic and audiovisual technology
  • Know the language and expressive resources of photography and audiovisuals
  • Know relevant photographic and audiovisual works
  • Interrelate the formal and symbolic languages with the specific functionality
  • Handle the basic lighting and measuring equipment in photography
  • Understand the behavior and characteristics of light and valuing its expressive qualities

Enroll in the best postgraduate diploma in Social Networks in the current university panorama" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Social Networks

Access to virtuality is an undeniable necessity, social relations, commercial exchanges, access to information and communication are just a click away. Access to the world of work, buy a product, pay taxes, study, among other things, are made thanks to the contribution of new technologies in the life of each person; which have been changing the traditional ways and techniques to see the world around us. Academic Postgraduate Diplomas around learning and the use of new technologies have had a large-scale effect on teaching processes and methods. TECH has designed a Postgraduate Diploma in Social Networks that meets all the necessary characteristics to turn you into the best virtual professionals.

Specialize in social networks

The Faculty of Design, committed to the processes of self-management, programming and digital connection, has developed the most complete and didactic Postgraduate Diploma fully online, where you can quickly and easily access the main contents and train you in Social Networks. In TECH Global University we offer you the opportunity to acquire the latest skills, through training that will ensure your growth and job success.

Study at the largest digital university in the world

This Postgraduate Diploma is designed to enhance the capabilities of the student acting as a proactive, creative and innovative agent. The development and training that you will find in TECH is another of our strengths within the pedagogical proposal, since we have the most specialized method of the moment: relearning, where the student himself will be the protagonist of his learning process. At the same time, we manage a state-of-the-art digital platform and provide students with the most advanced technological tools. This will provide a learning process totally adaptable to the needs of each student, which will allow them to combine their learning with their personal and working life.