
Enroll and work with new assessment techniques according to different contexts: classroom, school and family” 


Over the years, mediation with families has become increasingly important, as education has come to be seen and understood more in terms of a coordinated effort among different actors. However, this cooperation does not always flow smoothly. This is usually due to the differences between the ecosystems in which the agents develop.

Sexual diversity, young people's evolving profiles or new technologies are some of the factors that generate greater conflict in family psychopedagogical intervention. Therefore, professionals must acquire techniques that allow them to deal with the complexity of current problems. This TECH program addresses the new competencies that educational psychologists must possess and master.

This includes essential content such as new psychopedagogical assessment procedures and updated guidance models.
All this is offered 100% online with no fixed timetables, so the syllabus will be available once the program has started. This will allow students to take on the course load wherever, whenever and however they wish. All you need is a device with Internet access.

Throughout the program you will discover how the stages of development have changed over the years, as well as the transition periods from one to the other”

This postgraduate diploma in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Family Settings contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical case studies presented by experts in psychopedagogy in family settings
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma will allow you to know how the family model is evolving and to elaborate specific action plans” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive specialization programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will learn through case studies how to implement the most current work techniques with an eye on inclusivity” 


TECH professors will provide you with assessment and diagnostic models based on the most recent scientific research”


Those who complete this postgraduate diploma will work with the most current psychopedagogical intervention tools, allowing them to delve into the theories that explain human development from innovative perspectives. The program's ultimate goal is for professionals to incorporate the training into their field of action and improve the quality of their practice.


TECH employs a practical and dynamic methodology that will allow you to implement the knowledge acquired immediately in the workplace” 

General Objectives

  • Acquire new competencies and skills in psychopedagogy
  • Update on knowledge of school psychopedagogy
  • Develop the capacity to face new situations at school
  • Encourage interest in continuing professional education and training
  • Know the different intervention options
  • Learn new ways of dealing with special educational needs
  • Create an efficient framework for evaluation, diagnosis, and guidance
  • Research and innovate to respond to current demands

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psycho-pedagogical Orientation

  • Maintain a holistic view of human development and provide the key factors to reflect on this area of knowledge
  • Describe the characteristics and contributions of the different theoretical models in developmental psychology
  • Become familiar with the main theories on human development Become familiar with the most relevant theoretical positions that explain changes from birth to adolescence
  • Explain each developmental stage and the transition periods between them

Module 2. The Role of the Family and the Community in Inclusive Schooling

  • Define the types of families that exist
  • Apply techniques and strategies for intervention in diverse family settings
  • Explain how to work with these families from the perspective of inclusion
  • Guide families to become actively involved in their children’s education
  • Analyze the role played by society in terms of inclusion
  • Describe the role played by families in learning communities
  • Encourage students to develop their own methodology and work system

Module 3. Psychopedagogical Counseling to Families in Psychosocial Risk Situations

  • Recognize various family models to create specific dynamics that promote the well-being of every member of the family
  • Appreciate psycho-pedagogical and socio-educational intervention as a necessary tool in situations where families are at psychosocial risk
  • Comprehend the need for psychopedagogical intervention to promote good relations between families and schools


Enroll and update on the most innovative strategies to involve families in their children's education”

Postgraduate Diploma in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Family Settings


Psycho-pedagogical intervention in the family setting focuses on identifying and addressing problems related to child and adolescent development in the family context. In this sense, a wide variety of techniques and strategies are used to improve the well-being and quality of life of family members. If you are looking for a program that provides you with the necessary knowledge to specialize in this subject, at TECH Global University you will find the ideal program. The Postgraduate Diploma in Psychopedagogical Intervention in Family Settings is a 100% online degree, through which you will learn the most relevant approaches in this field. The structure of the curriculum will allow you to delve into aspects ranging from developmental psychology, child psychopathology, psycho-pedagogical intervention techniques, family education and conflict resolution, to bullying prevention, academic or vocational guidance and attention to diversity.

Specialize in psycho-pedagogical intervention in the family


How to address problems related to child and adolescent development, what are the parameters for designing and implementing effective psycho-pedagogical interventions? These and other questions you will be able to answer through this complete Postgraduate Diploma, designed by specialists belonging to the sector. Through self-regulated classes, you will learn about psycho-pedagogical intervention models, family education, conflict resolution techniques and attention to diversity. By graduating with us, you will have key skills to work in teams, lead projects and manage resources in the educational and social field. This will contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life of both children and young people, as well as other members of the family.