
A complete tour about the necessary learning to make a complete critique from philosophy, culture and media"


This postgraduate certificate will lead the student to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to understand the different definitions of culture, from philosophy, but also from other branches of knowledge.

Through a stimulating and complete study, the student will learn to examine the cultural reality, developing a critical judgment of it.

Throughout the program, the professional will be able to apply knowledge from the systematic subjects to the analysis of society and politics. This learning will allow them to learn to develop a critical view of specific situations in the different political and social environments of the contemporary world.

In addition, with this postgraduate certificate the professional will learn with the most effective systems for the study of this subject.

If the goal is to improve oneself, achieve a positive change on a personal level, interact with the best and belong to the new generation of professionals capable of developing their work anywhere in the world, this may be the way to go.

A postgraduate certificate fully compatible with other work, personal, teaching or study commitments. Its system and teaching approach will flexibly adjust to student needs from beginning to end throughout the course. Consequently, the results are much more efficient, since the study will not become an unbearable burden, but rather, a stimulating and easy challenge to undertake and bring to fruition.

This postgraduate certificate will allow you to grow as a professional in philosophy and as a humanist, significantly expanding your capacity for analysis and philosophical understanding"

This postgraduate certificate in Philosophy of Culture and Social Theory contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases to apply the theoretical content to real life situations
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Special emphasis on practical learning
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Study with the largest university of the technological era and you will be part of an entity with a vocation of service, aware of the current needs of society, globally, and of the individual, in particular"

At TECH Global University we offer you the most innovative, creative and different proposal, in a dynamic institution with talent and international recognition. With a space to exchange ideas, experience and reflections. The professional will be able to share the experience in the study, through forums and other collaborative tools 100% online.

TECH Global University accompanies the student at all times thanks to an involved and committed faculty. The university's teaching staff transmits what they do in their professional performance, working from a real, lively and dynamic context. But, above all, the critical side of the student is explored, their ability to question things, their competence in problem solving, their interpersonal skills.

This postgraduate certificate is designed to make studying simple, efficient and flexible, with the maximum quality of a high-level educational program"


Culture and society, analyzed with the tools of philosophy, in a high-quality postgraduate certificate"


With this postgraduate certificate the student will be taught through the essential contents in the approach of this discipline, learning to carry out analyses, dissertations, expositions, debates or publications related to this subject, with the support of the most complete knowledge. A Postgraduate Certificate with which the professionals will learn while enjoying the benefits of a program designed to optimize their working time to the maximum.


A complete learning in Philosophy of Culture and Social Theory, with the quality of the best study materials and an online system that has won international recognition"

General Objectives

  • Acquire a rigorous philosophical method, shaped by the order in thought and the capacity for dialog, as well as putting it into practice
  • Possess the adequate tools to study philosophical subjects
  • Conduct fruitful scientific work
  • Structure the various philosophical contents that will become evident in daily work environments
  • Develop a mental structure and appropriate conceptual frameworks that structure philosophical criteria rooted in Christian tradition, including principles, methods and contents
  • Shape students' specific identity as Christian thinkers

Specific Objectives

  • Discuss various definitions of culture
  • Distinguish philosophical definitions of culture from those in other sciences
  • Explain the elements that make up cultural reality
  • Make a critical and propositional judgment on certain cultural expressions
  • Explain why the concept of culture is inherent to the concept of person
  • Apply the knowledge gained from systematic subjects, in particular anthropology and ethics, to the analysis of the structural elements of society and politics
  • Exercise critical discernment in specific current situations
  • Be clear about all the elements involved in social coexistence
  • Understand the different forms of government, as well as the political concepts that are assumed when talking about government

The profile of the humanistic professional has reached the highest levels of professionalism. Activate your competence growth and don't get left behind"

Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy of Culture and Social Theory

Nowadays, the Philosophy of Culture and Social Theory are areas of knowledge of great relevance for understanding and reflecting on the world in which we live. These disciplines allow us to analyze the relationships between culture and society, politics, economics and other aspects that influence our daily lives. At TECH Global University, we have developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Philosophy of Culture and Social Theory, an educational program that will allow you to acquire knowledge in these areas from the comfort of your home, thanks to our online classes. This Postgraduate Certificate, taught by the Faculty of Humanities, gives you the opportunity to delve into the analysis of the different philosophical currents that have influenced culture and contemporary society, as well as the social theories that have emerged throughout history. This Postgraduate Certificate is designed so that you can broaden your cultural horizons, improve your analytical and critical skills, and apply this knowledge in your professional and personal life.

Learn about cultural philosophy and social theory.

One of the advantages of our program is that you can access it from anywhere in the world, thanks to our live online classes. This means that you can study at your own pace, regardless of your geographical location, and adapt your study schedule to your needs. In addition, our teaching team is composed of experts in the field, who will provide you with quality and personalized training, with an innovative and updated teaching methodology. At TECH Global University, we are committed to the formation of high-level professionals, capable of facing the challenges of the contemporary world. If you are interested in deepening your knowledge in Philosophy of Culture and Social Theory, we invite you to join our Postgraduate Certificate and discover the opportunities that the world of knowledge offers you.