الخبرة العلمية والعملية

  • Sports Medicine Service of the Veterinary Clinic Hospital of the Alfonso X El Sabio University.  
  • Associate Professor of the Veterinary Faculty of the Alfonso X El Sabio University.  
  • Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University   CEUCardenal-Herrera of Valencia.  
  • Sports Medicine and Equine Surgery Residency at the UAX Veterinary Clinic Hospital  
  • Large Animal Internship at the UAX Veterinary Clinic Hospital  
  • Training stays in Italian veterinary hospital  
  • Associate professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Alfonso X El Sabio University. (2019-2020)  
  • Delivery of practical teaching related to the equine species of the subject "Surgical Pathology" at the Veterinary Clinic Hospital.  
  • Scientific dissemination publications in the area of Equine Medicine .  
البرامج التي يتعاون فيها

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