
This postgraduate diploma is a process of professional growth that will allow you to acquire the most updated knowledge and management of innovations in Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery in Small Animals"


This postgraduate diploma covers specialized knowledge on the different diagnostic methods and their indications. The basic instruments required for a complete ophthalmologic examination will be reviewed.. Ophthalmologic examination will be discussed in detail, starting with anamnesis, clinical history of patients and the different procedures that can be used to reach a correct diagnosis.    

For the development of this comprehensive program, we examine the most important procedures, tests and devices that facilitate accurate diagnosis and analyze the most advanced complementary tests on the market, as well as their applications. The most appropriate examination techniques and protocols for the diagnosis of orbital and palpebral disorders are also developed. 

A further objective of this program is for the veterinary professional to specialize in performing anatomical dissections of the orbit from different approaches, which provide them with a precise anatomical vision to perform surgery with greater knowledge and skill. 

It offers a practical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of both congenital and acquired palpebral alterations, as well as the latest advances in medical and surgical treatment, thereby allowing the veterinary professional to specialize in performing an anatomical dissection of the orbit from different approaches that allow for an accurate anatomical view. 

Due to the increase in pathologies related to the tear film, it is necessary for the clinical veterinarian to specialize in its exploration and in the identification of clinical signs, as well as the latest treatments for its restoration. That is why the learning process incorporates study of this area, thereby completing a specialization of maximum interest and quality.

Achieve the ability to safely apply the most innovative forms of intervention in Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery in Small Animals"  

This postgraduate diploma in Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery in Small Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market.  Its most important features include:

  • Case studies presented and developed by experts in Veterinary Ophthalmology.
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents created to provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice.
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

An intensive, high quality process that will allow you to incorporate a full interventional capacity in Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery in Small Animals"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersion training programmed to train in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

The program has a special focus on the anatomy of the eye, which is fundamental for the correct interpretation of pathologies"


A specific study of the different pathologies that affect the eye, its diagnosis and approach in the veterinary clinic"


This postgraduate diploma is designed to provide the veterinary professional with specialized knowledge in Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery in Small Animals. For this purpose, TECH Global University has designed the most comprehensive and up-to-date academic program on the market. After completing this Postgraduate Diploma, professionals will be able to practice in this exciting field with total success and from a perspective based on maximum scientific rigor, relevant material and the latest advances. 


Being up-to-date is key to competitiveness in any profession. In veterinary medicine it is a required aspect that will allow you to expand and provide competitive services” 

General Objectives

  • Identify surgical equipment and devices used in Ophthalmological Surgery
  • Develop an orderly scanning protocol
  • Analyze common examining techniques to obtain more information
  • Examine new technologies and their indications, to complete an ophthalmologic examination
  • Examine normal anatomy and function of orbital and periocular tissues
  • Determine the appropriate screening techniques and diagnostic protocols for each patient
  • Identify the general and specific pathophysiological processes that affect the structure and function of these tissues
  • Generate specialized knowledge in different surgical techniques
  • Develop specialized knowledge in the diagnosis and medical-surgical treatment of conjunctiva and the lacrimal system.
  • Provide the latest advances in the diagnosis of different conjunctival pathologies.
  • Review existing surgical techniques
  • Establish diagnostic protocols to help identify the different pathologies affecting the conjunctiva and the lacrimal systeml

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Ophthalmologic Examination and Complementary Tests

  • Optimize data collection from the patient's anamnesis, as well as from the basic examination tests
  • Demonstrate uses of and information related to slit lamp
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
  • Establish a basis for the correct use of Tonometry and Gonioscopy
  • Analyze the different possibilities for anterior and posterior segment imaging for objective follow-up of patient lesions
  • Determine basis for diagnostic imaging
  • Review drugs used during specific examination procedures

Module 2. Eyelid and Nasolacrimal System Diseases and Surgery

  • Establish different examination methods and establish diagnostic protocols
  • Identify advances in the approach to orbital and palpebral surgery 
  • Incorporate new developments into diagnosis and treatment
  • Examine pathophysiology
  • Apply specialized knowledge of congenital and acquired pathologies
  • Develop abilities for the surgical approach to the orbit and eyelids

Module 3. Conjunctiva, Nictitating Membrane and Orbit Diseases and Surgery

  • Examine normal anatomy and function of conjunctiva and the lacrimal system
  • Identify the most frequent clinical signs
  • Analyze different diagnostic methods and establish protocols
  • Generate diagnostic knowledge to examine tear film
  • Study the different pathologies related to alterations of the tear film
  • Introduce the latest surgical techniques for resolution of pathologies affecting the nictitating membrane
  • Generate specialized knowledge of the different medical and surgical treatments of the lacrimal system

A quality boost to both your professional skills and CV that will put you at the forefront of professional practice" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Eyelid and Conjunctiva Surgery in Small Animals

Are you ready to specialize in veterinary ophthalmologic care? With TECH Global University you can do it! The eye health of pets is critical to their overall well-being. Eyelid and conjunctival surgery plays a crucial role in the treatment of various ophthalmologic conditions in small animals. The Postgraduate Diploma in Small Animal Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a specialist in veterinary ophthalmic care. You will understand how these structures function and how they are affected by various diseases and injuries. In addition, you will learn how to perform a complete ophthalmic examination to detect and treat eye problems.

Become a specialist in Complications and postoperative care.

In this high-quality Postgraduate Diploma, you will become familiar with the fundamental principles of eyelid and conjunctival surgery in small animals. You will study the different surgical techniques used to correct disorders such as ectropion, entropion, eyelid lesions and conjunctival neoplasms. You will learn to perform precise sutures and handle the surgical equipment necessary to perform these procedures. Veterinary ophthalmic surgery carries risks and challenges. In this program, you will be prepared to identify and manage potential complications associated with eyelid and conjunctival surgery. In addition, you will learn about the postoperative care necessary to ensure successful patient recovery. You will also explore complementary therapies and nutritional recommendations to promote long-term ocular health. The Postgraduate Diploma in Small Animal Eyelid and Conjunctival Surgery will give you the training you need to become an expert in veterinary ophthalmic care. Through this program, you will acquire the essential knowledge and skills to perform eyelid and conjunctival surgery in small animals safely and effectively. Get ready to make a difference in the ocular health of pets and contribute to the well-being of animals.