
This is the best opportunity to grow professionally as a Yoga expert. Enroll now and master the Asanas and Alignments among other therapeutic techniques of this discipline”


In therapeutic yoga, Asanas are adapted to the specific needs and limitations of each person, attending to their physical and mental conditions. Although their most widespread uses are focused on improving flexibility, blood circulation and posture of patients, today its potentialities are expanding. According to several researches, these alignments can alleviate symptoms of diseases such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, cardiac pathologies or back pain. These potentialities are increasingly sought after by users, thus challenging professionals to keep up to date with the main innovations in this field.

In this context, TECH has developed this postgraduate diploma that provides students with the most up-to-date skills on the use of Asanas to enhance the well-being of athletes and other individuals. Through this program, different techniques to reduce muscle discomfort and promote proper mobility in patients will be addressed. Likewise, the syllabus analyzes in depth the biomechanics of the human body and strategies to avoid incorrect postures during therapeutic yoga exercises.

All these competencies will be achieved through a very complete syllabus where different Asanas and Alignments for specific joints and pains will be examined. Likewise, counter-positions and their importance will be addressed. Also, you will delve into different supports and adaptations.

And all this, thanks to the Relearning methodology that will allow you to develop practical skills during the learning process in a fast and flexible way. This postgraduate diploma also includes multimedia resources, such as videos and infographics, designed to strengthen the student's skills more effectively. On the other hand, these subjects will be taught from the innovative TECH platform, 100% online and accessible anywhere in the world through any device connected to the Internet.

With TECH, you will be able to stand out in the field of Yoga and continue to grow in your professional career”

This postgraduate diploma in Asanas, Alignments and Variants for use in Therapeutic Yoga contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Asanas, Alignments and Variants for use in Therapeutic Yoga
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A postgraduate diploma that will address all the benefits of Therapeutic Yoga to prevent diseases such as Arthritis"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home the contents that this program has prepared for you"


Master in a specialized way the biomechanics of the most used asanas in the field of Yoga"


This postgraduate diploma focuses on updating the knowledge and practical skills of professionals for the correct development of Asanas and Alignments in Therapeutic Yoga. In particular, you will have a superior mastery of the techniques and postures that help improve discomfort in the locomotor system and provide greater physical well-being to athletes and other patients. In addition, this TECH program offers a comprehensive overview of the biomechanics of different parts of the human body and how to treat latent pathologies in them.


This program will enable you to strengthen your physical skills to implement posture variations within therapeutic Yoga routines”

General Objectives

  • Incorporate the knowledge and skills that are necessary for the correct development and application of Therapeutic Yoga techniques from a clinical point of view
  • Create a Yoga program designed and based on scientific evidence
  • Delve into the most appropriate asanas according to the characteristics of the person and their injuries
  • Delve into studies on biomechanics and its application to the asanas of Therapeutic Yoga
  • Describe the adaptation of Yoga asanas to the pathologies of each person
  • Delve into the Neurophysiological bases of the existing meditative and relaxation techniques

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Application of Asana Techniques and their Integration

  • Delve into the philosophical and physiological contribution of the different asanas
  • Identify the principles of minimal action: sthira, sukham and asanam
  • Delve into the concept of standing asanas
  • Describe the benefits and contraindications of stretching asanas
  • Point out the benefits and contraindications of asanas in rotation and lateral bending
  • Describe counter postures and when to use them
  • Delve into the bandhas and their application in Therapeutic Yoga

Module 2: Analysis of the Main Standing Asanas

  • Delve into the biomechanical fundamentals of Tadasana and its importance as a base posture for other standing asanas
  • Identify the different variations of sun salutations and their modifications, and how they affect the biomechanics of standing asanas
  • Point out the main standing asanas, their variations and how to correctly apply biomechanics to maximize their benefits
  • Update knowledge on the biomechanical fundamentals of the main spinal flexion and lateral bending asanas, and how to perform them safely and effectively
  • Point out the main balancing asanas and how to use biomechanics to maintain stability and balance during these postures
  • Identify the main prone position extensions and how to correctly apply biomechanics to maximize their benefits
  • Delve into the main twists and hip poses, and how to use biomechanics to perform them safely and effectively

Module 3: Breakdown of the Main Floor Asanas and Adaptations with Supports

  • Identify the main floor asanas, their variations, and how to correctly apply biomechanics to maximize their benefits
  • Delve into the biomechanical fundamentals of closing asanas and how to perform them safely and effectively
  • Refresh knowledge of restorative asanas and how to apply biomechanics to relax and restore the body
  • Identify the main inversions and how to use biomechanics to perform them safely and effectively
  • Delve into the different types of supports (blocks, belt and chair) and how to apply them to improve the biomechanics of floor asanas
  • Explore the use of supports to adapt asanas to different needs and physical abilities
  • Delve into the first steps in Restorative Yoga and how to apply biomechanics to relax the body and mind

With this postgraduate diploma you will get closer to professional excellence. Enroll now”

Postgraduate Diploma in Asanas, Alignments and Variations for use in Therapeutic Yoga

Get ready to take your yoga practice to the next level with the Postgraduate Diploma in Asanas, Alignments and Variations for use in Therapeutic Yoga program from TECH Global University's School of Medicine! In today's world, where people live sedentary and stressful lifestyles, yoga has become a popular practice for improving physical and mental health. As a result, the demand for highly trained yoga instructors specializing in yoga therapy has increased in recent years. This online program is designed for professionals looking to develop their skills in the practice of therapeutic yoga. By enrolling in this program, students will learn how to customize yoga practice to meet the individual needs of their patients. Students will also learn how to correctly align the body to maximize the therapeutic benefits of each posture.

The program is designed to help students learn how to correctly align the body to maximize the therapeutic benefits of each posture.

Learn therapeutic yoga with this postgraduate degree

The Postgraduate Diploma in Asanas, Alignments and Variations for use in Therapeutic Yoga program at TECH Global University's School of Medicine is taught by highly trained and experienced instructors in the field of health and yoga. Students will have access to a state-of-the-art online learning platform that will allow them to interact with their instructors and classmates, as well as access specialized multimedia. Graduates of this program will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in clinical practice as well as teaching therapeutic yoga in yoga centers and other healthcare settings. If you are interested in taking your yoga career to the next level and providing quality yoga therapy to your patients, enroll today in the Postgraduate Diploma program offered by TECH Global University of Technology!