
This postgraduate diploma in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market”


Infectiology is constantly undergoing changes. At the epidemiological level, with the emergence or re-emergence of certain diseases that are unknown or have little practice (zika, chikungunya, hemorrhagic fevers, among others), others that have fallen into oblivion or are unknown to younger physicians such as diphtheria, measles, whooping cough or flaccid paralysis associated with the polio vaccine virus.

At the therapeutic level, the emergence of resistance (BLEES, MRSA, carbapenem-resistant enterobacteria, etc.), often caused by our unwise and rational use of drugs, creates problems for the clinician when it comes to initial empirical treatment in certain situations.

At the diagnostic level, the increasingly frequent availability of new techniques allows a more rapid etiological diagnosis or by complementary techniques that require clinical diagnostic orientation such as ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Without forgetting the support that the clinician has in laboratory tests that determine acute phase reactants such as procalcitonin or C-reactive protein, which are sometimes given excessive importance, forgetting that we treat patients and not laboratory results.

All this means that, in order to attend these patients with the maximum guarantee, the clinician must maintain a continuous training, even if they are not a specialist, since, as we have mentioned, the percentage of visits or interconsultations related to the infection is very high. If we add to this the increasing amount of information provided by parents, sometimes not always contrasted, professional updating becomes essential to be able to provide adequate information according to the current scientific evidence at all times.

Update your knowledge through the postgraduate diploma in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics in a practical way and adapted to your needs"

This postgraduate diploma in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in the different specialties. The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • News on Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
  • With a special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma may be the best investment you can make in the selection of an updated program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics, you will obtain a Postgraduate Diploma from TECH"

Forming part of the teaching staff is a group of professionals in the world of Pediatric Infections, who bring to this course their work experience, as well as a group of renowned specialists, recognised by esteemed scientific communities.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training program to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the medical must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this reason, you will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in the field of pediatric infections with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your confidence in decision making by updating your knowledge through this Postgraduate Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics"


Don't miss the opportunity to update your knowledge on Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics to improve patient care"


The main objective of the program is the development of theoretical and practical learning, so that the physician can master in a practical and rigorous way the study of Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics.


This refresher program will generate a sense of security in the performance of the physician's praxis, which will help you grow personally and professionally"

General Objectives

  • Update the knowledge of the pediatrician or the physician who treats children, through the latest advances in the field of Primary Care or Hospital Infectious Diseases, in order to increase the quality of care, the safety of the physician and achieve the best outcome for the patient

Specific Objectives by Modules

  • Describe the current epidemiology with the changes that have occurred in the last decade
  • Identify the epidemiological situation of bacterial meningitis
  • Explain the epidemiology of tuberculosis in our environment and the resistance to treatment
  • Describe the microbiome, its relationship to health and disease
  • Explain the role of fever associated with infection and antipyretic therapeutics
  • Describe the alterations of the immune system that contribute to vulnerability to infection
  • Develop a correct strategy in the differential diagnosis of diseases with exanthema
  • Identify complications of diseases such as community-acquired pneumonia or pyelonephritis
  • Describe the management of central nervous system infections and the differential diagnosis with autoimmune encephalitis
  • Describe the management of severe sepsis and code sepsis
  • Identify the updated diagnostic criteria for viral hepatitis and its current treatment
  • Describe the appropriate management of tuberculosis: infection, disease and contact study
  • Acquire current knowledge of Mycoplasma pathology
  • Discern the use of antibacterial treatments in surgical pathology
  • Differentiate between viral and bacterial respiratory infections by clinical, epidemiological and complementary examinations
  • Define the fundamentals, indications, limitations and cost-effectiveness of rapid virus identification methods and their use in daily practice
  • Discern on the application of IGRAS
  • Analyze the proper interpretation of an antibiogram
  • Identify the limitations of serology
  • Describe genetic methods for the diagnosis of infection

Take advantage of the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics"

Postgraduate Diploma in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics

Respiratory, exanthematous and ear, nose and throat (ENT) infections are common conditions in the pediatric population. It is essential to have health professionals trained in the early diagnosis and effective treatment of these diseases in children. At TECH Global University, we offer you the opportunity to specialize in this field through our Postgraduate Diploma program in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics. With our online classes, you will be able to access a quality specialization from anywhere and in the schedule that best suits your needs. You will enjoy the flexibility of studying from the comfort of your home or workplace, eliminating geographical barriers and optimizing your learning time.

Update your knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory, exanthematological and ENT infections in pediatrics.

In this program, you will be guided by recognized experts in pediatrics and infectious diseases, who will provide you with the necessary knowledge for the accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment of the most frequent respiratory, exanthematous and ENT infections in children. You will learn to identify the characteristic signs and symptoms of these diseases, as well as how to implement the most effective therapeutic strategies. The program covers key topics such as upper and lower respiratory infections, bronchiolitis, asthma, measles, rubella, ear infections, sinusitis and more. In addition, emphasis will be placed on prevention of these diseases, management of complications and proper use of medications in pediatrics. Upon completion of the program, you will receive the Postgraduate Diploma in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics, endorsed by TECH Global University, which will provide you with a prestigious academic endorsement and open new opportunities in your professional career. Don't miss the opportunity to become an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric infections, enroll in our Postgraduate Diploma program in Respiratory, Exanthematous and ENT Infections in Pediatrics and take control of children's health!