Why study at TECH?

This program includes an innovative methodology that will help you specialize through the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market”


From the clinical point of view, Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery in gynecology has been postulated as preferred to conventional surgery. For this reason, most healthcare centers are increasingly seeking to introduce this surgical practice with professionals specialized in this field.  

In addition, the increasing complexity of the procedures performed laparoscopically has reached a point where conventional surgery becomes secondary. Added to all this is the development of new surgical tools that must be known for greater surgical efficiency and to obtain the best clinical results. 

That is why this program has been designed to meet the needs of professionals seeking an update. All through a syllabus full of high scientific value, presented in audiovisual resources, informative readings and exercises based on real cases. To all this, we add the Relearning methodology, based on real cases and focused on practical learning, moving away from the conventional model of memorization. In this way, this program will be more beneficial for the gynecology physician.  

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge with this Postgraduate diploma in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery”

This Postgraduate diploma in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of clinical cases presented by experts in the different specialties
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Updates on Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • With special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery
  • All of this will complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery, you will obtain a certificate issued by TECH Global University"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the industry who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to update your knowledge in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery in order to improve patient care"


It includes clinical cases to bring the program as close as possible to the reality of medical care"


The structure of the contents has been designed by a team of professionals knowledgeable about the implications of qualification in daily medical practice, aware of the relevance of current education in order to be able to treat patients with pelvic floor pathology and committed to quality teaching through new educational technologies.


This Postgraduate diploma in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market”

Module 1. Minimally Invasive Surgery

1.1. General Introduction
1.2. History of Laparoscopy
1.3. Introduction to Hysteroscopic Surgery
1.4. Ergonomics in Laparoscopy
1.5. Asepsis and Antisepsis

1.5.1. Hand Washing
1.5.2. Preparing Instrumentation. Sterilization.
1.5.3. Preparing the Surgical Field Skin Cleansing Proper Cloth Placement

1.6. Laparoscopic Operating Room

1.6.1. Conventional Operating Rooms
1.6.2. Integrated Operating Rooms
1.6.3. Future Perspectives

1.7. Preoperative Preparation for Laparoscopy

1.7.1. Physical Preparation for Patients
1.7.2. Preoperative Medication and Bowel Preparation
1.7.3. Patient Position on the Operating Table

1.8. Fast-Track / ERAS Programs 
1.9. Anesthetic Considerations in Endoscopic Surgery

1.9.1. General Aspects
1.9.2. Circulatory System Involvement
1.9.3. Respiratory System Involvement
1.9.4. Spinal Catheter Placement and Other Blockages 
1.9.5. Postoperative Recovery

Module 2. Instrumentation, Materials and Electrosurgery

2.1. Laparoscopy Tower and General Supplies
2.2. Specific Vision Systems 

2.2.1. Full HD High Definition Systems
2.2.2. 3D Vision Systems
2.2.3. 4K Vision Systems

2.3. Endoscopy

2.3.1. Rigid Endoscopy
2.3.2. Flexible and Angle Adjustable Endoscopes
2.3.3. Small Bore Endoscopes 

2.4. Insufflation Systems

2.4.1. General Functioning
2.4.2. Smoke Extraction Systems 

2.5. Image Recording Modules 
2.6. Access Instrumentation

2.6.1. Veress Needle
2.6.2. First Access Trocars
2.6.3. Accessory Trocars

2.7. Grasping Instruments 

2.7.1. Types of Instruments
2.7.2. Most Appropriate Uses for Each

2.8. Cutting Instruments
2.9. Electrosurgery

2.9.1. Electrosurgery in Medicine
2.9.2. Monopolar Energy
2.9.3. Bipolar Energy
2.9.4. Electrical Isolation of Instruments
2.9.5. Precautions to Avoid Accidents

2.10. Endoscopic Tissue Sealants
2.11. Bags and Specimen Extraction
2.12. EndoGIA and General Surgery Instrumentation
2.13. Morcellators and Containment Systems
2.14. Other Instruments: Aspiration, Suction, Retractors, Organ Suspension Systems, Port Closure Systems, Tie Rods, etc.

Module 3. Female Surgical Anatomy

3.1. Parametrial Surgical Anatomy
3.2. Musculo-Fascial Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
3.3. Pelvic Visceral System. Ureters. Abdomino-Pelvic Vascular System

3.3.1. Uterus and Ovaries
3.3.2. Recto and Sigma
3.3.3. Bladder and Ureters

3.4. Abdominal and Pelvic Nervous System
3.5. Dissection and Limits of Avascular Spaces
3.6. Vascular Abnormalities in the Pelvic Area. Corona Mortis

3.6.1. Abnormalities in the Pelvic Area
3.6.2. Corona Mortis
3.6.3. Abdominal and Aortic Area Abnormalities
3.6.4. Use of Preoperative Imaging Techniques

Module 4. Pelvic Floor Pathology and Transvaginal Mesh Use

4.1. Pathophysiology of Genital Prolapse 
4.2. Etiopathogenesis of Chronic Pelvic Pain 
4.3. Global Assessment of the Patient and the Approach Route 
4.4. Prosthetic Materials and Mesh Types 

4.4.1. Types of Material 
4.4.2. Meshes for Genital Prolapses 
4.4.3. Urinary Incontinence Meshes 

4.5. Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy 

4.5.1. Choosing the Right Mesh 
4.5.2. Surgical Technique When to Preserve the Uterus 

4.5.3. Technique Complications 
4.5.4. A Learning Curve 

4.6. Treatment of Urinary Incontinence 

4.6.1. Pre-Operative Study 
4.6.2. Endoscopic Treatment of Incontinence 
4.6.3. Vaginal Treatment of Incontinence 
4.6.4. Placement of Mini-Slings 
4.6.5. Placement of TVT - TOT 
4.6.6. Other Procedures 

4.7. Endoscopic Repair of Paravaginal Defects 
4.8. Role of Cystoscopy in Gynecologic Surgery


A unique, key, and decisive educational experience to boost your professional development”

Postgraduate Diploma in Minimally Invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery

We owe the evolutionary leap in modern surgical techniques to three doctors: Antonin Jean Desormeaux who improved the endoscope to perform more precise examinations (hysteroscopy, for example), Hans Christian Jacobaeus, who performed the first laparoscopy in humans and J. C. Tarasconi who used laparoscopic procedures to perform the first salpingectomy or pelvic organ resection. Nowadays, technology related to clinical interventions continues to advance enormously, that is why at TECH Global University we developed the Postgraduate Diploma in Mini-invasive Pelvic Floor Surgery, a detailed look at the technical complexity, which encompasses one of the most indispensable operations in the gynecological field. With a remarkable team of fully qualified professors, you will be able to introduce to your curriculum new competences that will allow you efficiency and fluency in the operating room. Do you want to learn about electrosurgery, anomalies in the abdominal and aortic area or 3D vision systems for endoscopic equipment? Then this is your great opportunity to specialize.

Learn about minimally invasive surgeries

In daily medical practice it often happens that some of the procedures that were described at the academic level are certainly relegated by the modus operandi that prevails in real-life clinical work. This occurs mainly due to two factors: the lack of in-depth study of the practical techniques of a specialized nature (such as those involved in current gynecology) and the particularities of the patient's pathological condition. It is in these scenarios that minimally invasive surgeries are used, which you will be able to explore through our program. And best of all, you can approach it from start to finish with the comfort, dynamism and versatility offered by the 100% online modality. You will access graphic multimedia content and interactive material that will instruct you in achievements such as the application of a cystoscopy, the placement of different meshes for the resolution of urinary incontinence, dissection and cutting instrumentation for laparoscopy, the diagnosis of defects and anomalies developed in the pelvic floor, among many other powerful knowledge. If you are looking for a way to access advanced skills comfortably, easily and efficiently, here at TECH we have what you need.