
The advanced master’s degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics allows you to acquire the most updated specialization in all areas of dentistry and dentofacial orthopedics: A special program, of greater intensity, duration and impact, created to provide a highly qualified response to the most demanding professionals”


Dentofacial Orthopedics aims to correct the width, length, or height of the jaws; to stimulate or inhibit jaw growth when it is altered; or to improve dental eruption. But there are other abnormalities that can be prevented or cured thanks to this specialty, such as the reduction or elimination of dental crowding; the correction of habits such as thumb sucking or abnormal swallowing, or asymmetry problems, as well as preserving spaces for permanent teeth that have not yet erupted.  All these treatments have seen changes in the way they work and intervene in recent times, with the irruption of new materials, work systems and methodologies that increase treatment success, optimize treatment time and achieve a greater cost-work benefit for professionals.

Moreover, the demand for orthodontic treatment has increased. Earlier and earlier intervention has turned children into patients, sometimes at a very young age. And conversely, also older patients of ages that were not previously common in this field.

This makes up-to-date specialization an inexcusable necessity for all professionals in these fields of work. In-depth knowledge of new developments and possible answers to special conditions is the only way to offer patients the most appropriate means of improvement under optical conditions.

Intensive training is the only way to remain competitive and to offer first-class quality care. A stance that is becoming the only way to achieve job objectives in an increasingly demanding market.

An advanced master’s degree created especially for professionals seeking the highest qualification, with the best didactic material, working on real cases and learning from the best professionals in the field”

This advanced master’s degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics is the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in the different specialties. The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest innovations in diagnosis, intervention, treatment and new materials
  • Presentation of practical workshops on techniques and procedures
  • Real high-resolution images in demonstrations
  • Practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
    All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on  
    controversial topics, and assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This advanced master’s degree may be the best investment you can make when choosing a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge of Odontology, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University:  the world's largest and most prestigious digital educational institution in Spanish”

The teaching staff includes health professionals from the field, who bring their experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this reason, you will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in the field of Odontology with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this Two Year Master’s Degree of a program created to train the best"


Make the most of this opportunity and learn about the latest advances in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and improve patient care, offering them the latest treatments and most innovative techniques: the most guaranteed way to position yourself among the best"


This advanced master’s degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics is disgned to offer a complete, detailed and updated vision of the work in Dentofacial Orthopedics and Dentistry, as a key element in the maintenance and improvement of patient health for any age and condition. Our goal is to train you with the best quality in the teaching market, thus ensuring your professional growth toward excellence.


This advanced master’s degree has been designed so that you can acquire or update your knowledge in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics with the use of the latest educational technology, achieving in a fluid, efficient and safe way the ability to create, supervise and work with the most avant-garde techniques”

General Objectives

Dentofacial Orthopedics 

  • Learn the basic principles of dentomaxillary orthopedics
  • Master the growth process to know how to try to guide it during orthopedic treatment
  • Be able to master the dental eruption process, as well as any possible anomalies 
  • Recognize all the structures present in the tests to make a complete and accurate diagnosis, which is essential when choosing the ideal treatment
  • Learn how to perform the most commonly used cephalometry tests, which will provide important data on growth and will allow you to choose the best treatment
  • Be able to identify vertical problems present in the patient and explain their most common manifestations 
  • Learn to identify the manifestations of transversal problems in growth and their causes 
  • Learn about all anteroposterior malocclusions and their complexities in order to choose the best possible treatment in each case
  • Learn the rules that must be followed in order to obtain harmonious growth, as well as the devices that exist to achieve it
  • Discover the impact that habits have on craniofacial development and the appliances we can use to correct them and allow the patient to develop correctly
  • Be able to identify asymmetries and define their etiology 


  • Update the theoretical and practical knowledge in the different areas of Orthodontics and and Dentofacial Orthopedics based on evidence   
  • Know how to apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments with a multidisciplinary approach within broader contexts related to Health Sciences 
  • Transmit learning skills to students that will allow them to continue their education in an autonomous and self-directed manner, developing habits of excellence and quality in professional practice. 
  • Ability to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments, while reflecting on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. 
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training. 
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuing education and research

Specific Objectives

Dentofacial Orthopedics

  • Learn the basic concepts of Orthopedics 
  • Know the differences between Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 
  • Study the different types of forces present 
  • Identify the classification and etiology of malocclusions
  • Discover the differences between interceptive and corrective treatments 
  • Learn the importance of performing treatments in two phases
  • Recognize the limits of treatment in Orthopedics and the possibility of resorting to Orthognathic Surgery
  • Learn the fundamental concepts of craniofacial growth 
  • Recognize the different phases that occur during growth 
  • Understand the different accepted theories regarding skeletal growth 
  • Know and identify cleft lip and palate 
  • Learn the importance of performing orthopedic treatments when the patient is at the peak of growth 
  • Learn the chronology and times of eruption
  • Recognize the possible abnormalities of tooth formation that can be found in patients 
  • Understand the anomalies in eruption and how to identify them in patients 
  • Be able to perform bone-tooth discrepancy and Bolton discrepancy analysis.
  • Know how to identify all the structures present in the orthopantomographies, as well as any abnormalities that may exist 
  • Be able to identify and analyze teleradiographs, and extract as much information as possible from them 
  • Learn how to take quality intraoral and extraoral photographs for case studies and monitoring 
  • Identify the latest 3D diagnostic images and the useful information obtained from them 
  • Learn the basic concepts on which cephalometric studies are based 
  • Identify patients' current growth stage based on Hassel’s studies 
  • Perform the most commonly used cephalometric analyses, such as those developed by Steiner, Ricketts, McNamara, and Jarabak, and learn how to interpret the results 
  • Recognize the use of overlays as a useful element to assess treatment progress 
  • Identify frontal cephalometry, its structures, and the useful information it provides 
  • Learn about wrist radiography for studying skeletal growth 
  • Be able to identify a comprehensive diagnostic picture of the patient's problems for detailed study 
  • Delve into the vertical problem of craniofacial growth 
  • Recognize the clinical manifestations of vertical problems, such as open bite and deep bite 
  • Describe the different vertical growth patterns, which will be very useful when choosing potential treatments 
  • Recognize the prevalence and etiology of vertical growth disorders 
  • Learn how to diagnose these vertical problems by using various diagnostic tests 
  • Understand how the occlusal plane is managed with the various appliances to try to improve patient vertical growth 
  • Learn about transverse syndrome and its manifestations 
  • Identify the close relationship between transverse bone problems and the upper airway 
  • Recognize the manifestations of a possible dentoalveolar compensation, masking a skeletal origin 
  • Identify possible treatments for these transverse problems, such as maxillary disjunction or dentoalveolar expansion 
  • Learn about the different appliances available to treat these malocclusions 
  • Recognize the relationship of these transversal problems to skeletal Class IIIs
  • Know the latest forms of cross-sectional diagnostics and how to interpret them 
  • Learn about anteroposterior syndrome and its possible manifestations 
  • Learn about the relationship between anteroposterior problems and the lower airways 
  • Recognize the prevalence and etiology of these malocclusions and learn to distinguish between a bone problem and a dental problem 
  • Delve into normal occlusion or Class I to know which is the ideal occlusion
  • Identify Class II malocclusion and its particularities 
  • Carefully analyze the treatment forms and appliances for skeletal and dental Class II 
  • Learn the latest methods of mandibular advancement with clear aligners with the Invisalign System 
  • Know Class III malocclusion, both osseous and dental 
  • Obtain the necessary knowledge to manage these malocclusions, as well as the most effective appliances to treat them
  • Learn the use of appliances, such as the chin and face mask, which are very useful in these patients with skeletal Class III 
  • Apply skeletal Class III treatment with Bollard mini-plates outlined by Le Clerk, which, despite being more invasive, obtains a highly significant result
  • Review patient habits that influence these anteroposterior malocclusions 
  • Learn the functional rehabilitation method described by Dr. Pedro Planas 
  • Recognize the classification of functional lesions present in patients 
  • Learn the fundamental laws of occlusion for normal craniofacial development 
  • Identify the most effective treatments, from simple occlusal grinding to placing tracks 
  • Know how to use functional devices in order to restore the patient’s normal function 
  • Recognize the importance of habits and the intimate relationship with the correct craniofacial development 
  • Understand mouth breathing, its possible causes and treatment 
  • Learn about muscular hypotonia syndrome and the most effective devices used to treat it 
  • Learn to identify dysfunctional swallowing, how it affects the rest of the stomatognathic apparatus and its possible treatment 
  • Identify the most common habits, such as lingual and labial interposition, their relationship with other malocclusions, and the importance of their treatment 
  • Recognize thumb sucking habits in patients and how to prevent them from persisting over time 
  • Know the most useful devices for treating habits 
  • Recognize the importance of working together with a speech therapist to allow for normal craniofacial development over time 
  • Identify the asymmetries present in patients and their particularities 
  • Classify the asymmetries that can be found in order to improve the efficiency of treatments 
  • Recognize the etiology and prevalence of asymmetries in order to more effectively identify them
  • Learn the protocols for asymmetries according to their origin and current growth stage 
  • Recognize the different existing devices available to treat asymmetries 


  • Consolidate structural and radiological anatomical knowledge, as well as the practical considerations that students should apply in the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic planning of orthodontic patients 
  • Train students in the field of Diagnostic Imaging, especially in the area of dentistry. To do so, students should become familiar with the various imaging techniques available
  • Students will learn about oral radiology, intra and extrabuccal, with special emphasis on lateral and frontal skull teleradiography. Students will also receive training in other techniques such as simple radiology, ultrasound, CT, CBCT and MRI, especially for the cervico-facial area, with its indications and limitations
  • Train students in the skills to be able to diagnose, describe, classify, transmit and plan malocclusions treatment, being able to distinguish between skeletal and dental problems
  • Acquire sufficient training to diagnose, classify and treat dental malocclusions caused by osseo-dental discrepancy
  • Know how to identify the different malocclusive syndromes and craniofacial deformities
  • Be able to identify disorders that require treatment, as well as the ideal age to treat each type of disorder: to determine the specific therapeutic objectives of each treatment
  • Determine the individual characteristics of patients, both physical, psychological and social
  • Take medical histories, examine patients and take records
  • Know how to identify the different malocclusive syndromes and craniofacial deformities, as well as the functional alterations of the stomatognathic system that accompany morpho-logical alterations
  • Know how to take clinical histories and perform usual examinations, as well as request and interpret the complementary examinations used in comprehensive patient diagnosis
  • Understand the indications, contraindications and limits of orthodontics, dentofacial orthopedics and orthognathic surgery. Be able to predict the efficacy and efficiency of the different treatments and correction stability
  • Know how to apply the retention protocols for different deformities, as well as the principles and mechanisms involved in physiological rebound and malocclusions recurrence
  • Be able to identify and prevent or treat risk factors for patient relapse
  • Review the basic therapeutic principles of the other specialties in medicine and dentistry
  • Identify alterations, pathologies or special characteristics that should be treated in collaboration with other Health Science specialists
  • Know Orthodontic Specialist skills within a multidisciplinary team for treating special patients with dentofacial deformity and malocclusion
  • Develop competences in the search and organization of documentation, and in presenting and communicating their work adequately to the scientific community
  • Update on research methodologies that allow for evidence-based orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
  • Know and understand the different parts in elaborating scientific articles 
  • Know how to handle different databases in Health Sciences 
  • Develop strategies for searching and organizing information 
  • Review the latest developments in advanced treatments in conventional orthodontics and multidisciplinary treatments 
  • Update on the latest developments in esthetic and/or invisible orthodontics

Our goal is to help you achieve yours, through a very unique program of specialization that will become an unparalleled professional growth experience”

Advanced Master’s Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Because treatments to correct and modify dental patterns continue to be one of the most prominent procedures in the field of dentistry, not only for its accessibility, but for its effective results, it is important that professionals are prepared to take on the challenges involved in integrating the latest advances in this area. At TECH Global University we have developed the Advanced Master’s Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, a program aimed at addressing the most relevant aspects of this discipline to create, supervise and work with the most cutting-edge techniques during your consultations and ensure a service with the highest standards of quality.

Specialize in the world's largest School of Dentistry

Our Advanced Master's Degree will provide you with greater professional confidence to practice as a dentist specialized in this area. You will identify the indications, contraindications and limits of orthodontics, dentofacial orthopedics and orthognathic surgery; you will know how to diagnose, classify and plan the treatment of malocclusions, distinguishing between skeletal and dental problems. You will also apply the principles and mechanisms of action of fixed or removable appliances according to the type of malocclusion and/or the individual characteristics of the patient. At the largest School of Dentistry you will learn to manage in a coordinated, efficient and planned way the procedures of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, from the simplest cases to those with a high degree of complexity.