
Thanks to this professional master’s degree you will be able to become a coach specialized in basketball at the highest level. Enroll now”


The great feats of basketball elevate players, but behind their success are, in turn, coaches that mark history. So, Phil Jackson, Gregg Popovich, Mike Krzyzewski or Larry Brown have done in the NBA. All of them have contributed to the evolution of this sport, the improvement of tactics, technical development and the integration into the staff of multidisciplinary qualified personnel that improves the physical and psychological performance of the team.  

In addition, this sport has seen a breakthrough by promoting other modalities such as the 3x3 that attract a large number of fans worldwide. In this scenario, TECH has developed this professional master’s degree in Professional Basketball of 12 months, developed by an excellent teaching team with a wide experience in this field.  

It is a program that will delve into the individual offensive and defensive technique and tactics, in the physical preparation of the players, in the Scouting and the preparation of the game, as well as in the collective offensive and defensive tactics. In this way, the graduates will have the opportunity to acquire essential learning to apply the most effective strategies during the game and achieve their sports goals.

Special emphasis will be placed on this academic proposal the regulation of this sport, as well as the team and match leadership that will provide students with the necessary tools to achieve success in each meeting. All this, in addition, with an online methodology that offers flexibility. The future coach only needs a digital device with an Internet connection to view, at any time of the day, the content hosted on the virtual platform.

Achieve your professional aspirations through a program 100% online, adapted to the current academic world"

This professional master’s degree in Professional Basketball contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by basketball experts at the highest level
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Delve into team and party management strategies, from the comfort of your computer and anywhere in the world"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different situations of professional practice that arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Thanks to the Relearning methodology you will be able to reduce long hours and acquire an effective learning in less time"


Delve into areas such as coaching, sports management or performance analysis with the best teaching material over 12 months"


This university program has been designed with the main purpose of offering students an intensive and useful learning around the technical, tactical, physical and leadership aspects in the field of professional basketball. These goals will be much easier to achieve thanks to the pedagogical tools and the comprehensive approach of this program that also seeks to enhance skills for injury prevention and care. 


With this program you will improve the physical preparation, offensive and defensive tactics of your team"

General Objectives

  • Encourage creativity in attack and the ability to improvise in changing situations 
  • Teach how to work as a team and leverage individual strengths for efficient offensive play 
  • Work on reading counter defense and recognizing opportunities to exploit their weaknesses 
  • Prepare players to face challenging situations and respond appropriately to changes in opponent strategy 
  • Be aware of the latest research and advances in sports physiotherapy to ensure evidence-based practice 
  • Promote the importance of injury prevention and physical therapy as a tool to improve performance and prolong the career of basketball players
  • Be up to date with the latest trends and developments in the 3x3, to ensure an updated teaching and according to the demands of the game 
  • Promote the right physical condition for this type of game, with an emphasis on endurance, speed and agility necessary to compete in the middle of the court 
  • Develop competencies to resolve disputes or disputes related to the rules in an impartial and objective manner 
  • Promote the importance of proper nutrition and rest to optimize physical performance

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Individual offensive technique and tactics 

  • Develop and hone players' individual technical skills, such as pot, pass, throw and ball-free moves 
  • Teach advanced techniques to overcome defenders in one-on-one situations and create scoring opportunities 
  • Improve tactical understanding of the game, including using blocks and cuts to get free and receive the ball in advantageous positions 
  • Teach strategies for playing in different offensive positions, including low post and perimeter play 
  • Prepare players to face intense defenses and learn to respond to different defensive tactics 
  • Promote a continuous improvement approach and self-discipline in the development of players' offensive skills 

Module 2. Individual defensive technique and tactics 

  • Develop and hone players' individual defensive skills, including scoring, blocking, ball stealing and one-on-one defense 
  • Teach advanced techniques to anticipate and read the attacker’s movements to close gaps and avoid scoring 
  • Improve players' agility, speed and defensive reaction ability 
  • Enhance the ability to defend different positions and players, adapting to the characteristics and skills of the opponent 
  • Work on defensive communication and collaboration between players to close pass lines and assist in defense 
  • Teach techniques to defend blocks, pick and roll and other offensive tactics of the opposing team 
  • Encourage defensive mentality and commitment to effort and intensity in each possession 
  • Teach how to analyze the opposing team and adapt defensive tactics according to their strengths and weaknesses 

Module 3. Physical Preparation

  • Develop a deep understanding of the principles of physical preparation applied to basketball 
  • Learn to design specific fitness programs for basketball players, taking into account their individual needs and the demands of the game 
  • Improve cardiovascular endurance and aerobic ability of players to maintain a high level of performance during the match 
  • Develop the speed, agility and coordination of players to improve their mobility on the court 
    Teach strength training techniques to develop the power and explosiveness needed in basketball 
  • Work on injury prevention through stretching exercises, proper warm-up and muscle strengthening 
  • Teach recovery and rehabilitation techniques to accelerate recovery after training and matches 
  • Promote a comprehensive approach to physical preparation, taking into account technical, tactical and psychological aspects to improve the overall performance of the basketball team

Module 4. Physiotherapy 

  • Train highly trained professionals in the area of sports physiotherapy with a specific focus on basketball 
  • Gain a solid understanding of the most common injuries in basketball and the appropriate assessment and diagnostic techniques 
  • Develop skills in injury prevention and the implementation of specific rehabilitation programs for basketball players 
  • Learn to use advanced therapeutic techniques and tools to speed recovery and improve player performance 
  • Work closely with the basketball team’s technical and medical team to provide comprehensive care to players 
  • Acquire communication and empathy skills to establish an effective relationship with players and build their confidence in the recovery process 
  • Contribute to the well-being and success of the basketball team through quality physiotherapy care that helps players stay in their best physical condition and optimal performance 

Module 5. Scouting and preparation of match

  • Train professionals trained in detailed analysis of rival teams and strategic preparation of matches 
  • Acquire knowledge of scouting tools and techniques to gather relevant information about opponents 
  • Develop skills to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team and design adapted game plans 
  • Learn how to effectively transmit scouting information to the team and technical staff 
  • Work on tactical preparation for each match, establishing specific offensive and defensive strategies 
  • Building resilience and decision-making based on analysis and observations 
  • Promote the importance of the preparation and prior study of rivals to increase the chances of success in each confrontation
  • Establish an ethical and professional approach to scouting, respecting the confidentiality of the information obtained
  • Contribute to team performance and results through meticulous and strategic preparation for each match 

Module 6. Team leadership and party leadership 

  • Acquire techniques to analyze and study rivals, identifying strengths and weaknesses to design game strategies 
  • Develop skills for tactical decision-making and adjustments during matches, adapting to changing situations 
  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork between the coaching staff, players and staff to achieve a positive and cohesive environment 
  • Promote a comprehensive vision of basketball, addressing technical, tactical, physical and psychological aspects of the game 
  • Teach techniques for time and resource management during the season, maximizing team performance 
  • Establish an ethical and professional approach in team management, promoting values such as respect, discipline and sports ethics 
  • Contribute to the development of coaches and leaders with strong skills to lead basketball teams at different levels of competition 

Module 7. Modalities of basketball 3x3 

  • Train experts in the 3x3 mode, providing advanced knowledge about the rules and strategies specific to this game format 
  • Learn how to design game systems and tactics adapted to the 3x3 format, making the most of players' strengths and working as a team efficiently
  • Encourage creativity and improvisation in the game, as the 3x3 format requires fast decisions and constant adaptations 
  • Work on communication and collaboration between players, as the 3x3 implies greater dependence on teamwork 
  • Encourage participation in 3x3 competitions and tournaments, so that players gain experience and improve their skills in this modality 

Module 8. Collective offensive tactic

  • Train coaches and players with a deep understanding of the systems and strategies of team play for offensive attack 
  • Develop skills to implement collective gaming systems that optimize team offensive performance 
  • Learn to use space effectively and create scoring opportunities by circulating the ball and moving without the ball 
  • Enhance tactical decision-making in the attack, including the use of blocks and cuts to generate offensive advantages 
  • Work on communication and synchronization between players to achieve smooth execution of offensive plays 
  • Establish an approach based on continuous improvement, where analysis and constant feedback allow to optimize offensive tactics 
  • Develop skills to face different defensive systems and adapt the collective offensive tactics according to the rival 
  • Contribute to the development of offensive efficient and effective teams, able to face challenges in competitions and achieve sporting success 

Module 9. Collective defensive tactic

  • Train coaches and players with in-depth knowledge of collective defense systems and strategies to improve team defensive performance 
  • Develop skills to implement different defensive systems, such as zone defense, individual defense and other specialized defensive tactics 
  • Learn how to communicate and collaborate effectively in defense to close gaps and prevent the opposing team from scoring 
  • Enhance the ability to read and anticipate the opponent’s movements to apply an effective defense 
  • Work on technique and defensive fundamentals, including scoring, blocking, ball theft and one-on-one defense 
  • Promote the importance of concentration, discipline and effort in defense to maintain constant pressure on the opposing attack 
  • Promote team defense and defensive help, where each player plays his role to protect the rim and close passing lines 
  • Establish an approach based on continuous improvement, where analysis and constant feedback allow to optimize defensive tactics 

Module 10. Regulation 

  • Train professionals with a thorough and updated knowledge of the rules and regulations of the game of basketball 
  • Develop skills to correctly interpret and apply the rules in different game situations 
  • Learn to make fair and consistent decisions based on rules during parties 
  • Promote ethical and professional compliance with the rules, respecting the integrity of the game 
  • Enhance the ability of coaches and players to adapt to the rules and adjust their tactics and strategy accordingly 
  • Establish an approach of continuous improvement in the understanding and application of the regulation, keeping updated on possible changes or updates 
  • Promote the importance of the regulation as a fundamental element to ensure the integrity and proper development of the basketball game 
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Professional Master's Degree in Professional Basketball

If you dream of becoming a professional basketball coach, or if you're already an experienced coach looking to take your skills to the next level, the Professional Master's Degree in Professional Basketball from TECH Global University is the opportunity you've been waiting for. This comprehensive program is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and strategies necessary to succeed in the exciting world of professional basketball. Taught in online mode, you can access all the content from the comfort of your home and adapt your study schedule to your personal and work responsibilities. TECH Global University is proud to have a team of highly qualified teachers with experience in the field of professional basketball. You will learn from renowned coaches and experts who will share their knowledge with you and guide you in your development as a coach.

The best education is here with TECH

The Professional Master's Degree in Professional Basketball focuses on providing you with a comprehensive preparation that encompasses technical, tactical, physical and strategic aspects of the game. You will learn the latest trends and methodologies used in high-level basketball, as well as match analysis techniques and specific physical preparation for players. In addition, you will have the opportunity to put your knowledge into practice through simulations and real cases, which will allow you to gain experience and make decisions in situations close to the reality of professional basketball. Upon completion of this Professional Master's Degree, you will be prepared to face the challenges of professional basketball, both nationally and internationally. You will be able to work as a head coach, assistant coach or be part of the coaching staff of high performance teams. Don't miss the opportunity to take your basketball coaching career to the next level. Become a leader of the game and achieve success in the world of professional basketball with the backing of TECH Global University. enroll now and get ready for a successful career in the exciting world of basketball!