
Get updated by TECH on the most effective leadership techniques in Rugby to optimize team management"


A Rugby coach must have the ability to motivate the team, foster camaraderie and develop a sense of responsibility and commitment in each player. This can be achieved by creating a positive and supportive environment in which each athlete feels valued and supported. Likewise, team management in this sport also involves the development of a well-structured training plan that addresses all important areas of the game, including individual technique, collective strategy and physical fitness. 

To master all the fundamentals of optimal team management, as well as Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, TECH  offers the sports professional a program that is unique in the market. With it, you will delve into the relevance of Communication in Rugby clubs, as well as the individual, collective and Staff competencies required to lead a team. Likewise, the latest trends in Sports Marketing in this sport will be addressed, covering the basics of event organization and distribution channels or the importance of Email Marketing. 

This postgraduate diploma is developed 100% online, providing the student with the ease of being able to study it comfortably, wherever and whenever he/she wants. For this purpose, all you need is a device with Internet access, which will take your sports career one step further. The outstanding teaching staff of the program will play a very significant role in this, as they have put their experience in professional rugby into the innovative academic content available to the student.

Examines the most effective techniques for dealing with the emergence of conflict in Rugby through Negotiation"

This postgraduate diploma in Team Management, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship in Rugby contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Team Management, Sports Marketing and Rugby Sponsorship
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents of the book provide sporting and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Highlights the best Sports Marketing strategies through useful case studies or videos to monetize Rugby"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Encourage active listening and participation in training sessions thanks to this professional program"


Leading the digital revolution in Rugby by mastering the figure of E-Sports or mobile Apps"


The design of the program of this postgraduate diploma will allow the student to master in a comprehensive manner all the relevant aspects for an adequate management of Professional Rugby teams. In the same way, the objectives of the program will make the student also conceive this sport as a product, always with the aim of improving its profitability and enhancing the interest of the public. All this and more based on the latest trends in Sports Marketing.


Give your career the boost it needs by becoming an expert in Rugby team management and sponsorship"

General Objectives

  • Know in depth about Rugby XV and VII, as well as the rest of the modalities
  • Know how to deepen, develop, and a physical and technical 
  • To acquire a specialization in nutrition oriented to Rugby, according to the modality and position of the player. and position of the player 
  • How to manage emotions and apply psychology to the sports field 
  • Learn to manage teams and players 
  • How to sell Rugby as a consumer product 
  • In-depth knowledge of the tools for the player to control his emotions in order to obtain maximum performance   

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Rugby Modalities 

  • In-depth knowledge of Rugby's origins 
  • Know how to detect the values of sport 
  • In-depth learning of the Modalities and General Regulations 

Module 2. Rugby team management 

  • Learning to manage teams 
  • Appreciate and learn leadership techniques 
  • Learning conflict management 

Module 3. Sports marketing and sponsorship 

  • Learning to see Rugby as a product 
  • Learn the different distribution channels 
  • Differentiate and identify the target audience

Achieve all your professional goals by getting the best out of your staff and team through Team Empowerment"

Postgraduate Diploma in Team Management, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship in Rugby

Rugby is a sport in constant evolution, and team management, sports marketing and sponsorship play a fundamental role in its development and success. If you want to specialize in these areas and become a reference in the world of rugby, TECH Global University has the perfect program for you. Our Postgraduate Diploma in Team Management, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship in Rugby offers a complete and updated training, adapted to the needs of the market and the demands of the sports industry. This program is delivered completely online, through virtual classes that allow you to study from anywhere and adapt your schedule to your needs. With the support of our highly qualified professors and access to cutting-edge teaching resources, you will obtain a quality and rigorous preparation. In addition, you will have a modern and easy-to-use online learning platform that allows you to interact with other students, participate in discussions and access additional study materials.

Study at TECH Sports Science Faculty

The benefits of our program are innumerable. You will acquire specialized knowledge in rugby team management, sports marketing and sponsorship, which will open up new career opportunities in the professional and amateur sports field. You will be able to apply effective marketing strategies to promote rugby and attract sponsors, which will contribute to the economic development of the sport. In addition, you will improve your leadership, communication and teamwork skills, which will make you a highly competent and valued professional in the rugby industry. In addition, you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in practical cases and real projects, which will allow you to develop practical and applicable skills in the working world. If you are looking for a specialized qualification in team management, sports marketing and rugby sponsorship, our Postgraduate Diploma is the ideal choice. Enroll now and get ready to boost your career in the exciting world of rugby!