
In this 100% practical program you will learn, in a real professional environment, the latest developments in the development and monitoring of clinical trials”


Clinical research has been identified as one of the most important elements for the present and future of societies around the world. Without it, many prevalent pathologies such as cancers, bacterial and viral infections, as well as conditions of all medical specialties, could not be combated. As a result, clinical trials have become one of the most important and influential health areas, offering solutions to global health problems.

The Internship program in MBA in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials was created in response to the sector's ongoing need for qualified professionals to conduct tests on products, substances, drugs and diagnostic or therapeutic techniques. All of this is supported by the increase in investment in research in the healthcare field to improve the quality of life of patients, which leads to a greater number of professional vacancies in this field. Hence the importance of expanding knowledge in all areas of research.

This program is structured through a practical stay in an international reference center where the physician will be able to get into the research development together with active professionals with experience in rigorous and highly effective clinical trials. Thus, during the 3 weeks of the practical program, you will have access to the best information on the market that develops all the relevant aspects of clinical studies in the healthcare environment in the different medical specialties, with real case studies that take place in the day to day of the profession.


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"

Why our program?

In order to achieve an adequate update of the procedures and protocols necessary to launch and manage a clinical trial, it is not enough to have access to a merely theoretical learning. Traditional pedagogical postulates focus on the reading of manuals, ignoring the importance of practice in an area as important as clinical research. For this reason, TECH has designed this academic product whose orientation is completely practical and active, allowing the professional to develop intensively in a center of great prestige in the discipline, where they will also have the support of great experts who will guide them during the 3 weeks of the stay.

vocational apprenticeships mba management monitoring clinical trials TECH Global University

TECH is the only institution with which you can do an internship in the field of clinical trials in a 100% real environment, accompanied by prestigious specialists in this health area”

1. Updating from the latest technology available 

One of the most important issues when it comes to updating in the development and monitoring of clinical trials is the equipment available. TECH has taken this into account and offers internships in prestigious centers with the latest technology available to ensure that the student is up to date with the latest procedures. 

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

Throughout the 3-week intensive stay that the student will enjoy, they will be accompanied by great experts who will ensure that they get a first-class learning experience. Likewise, you will have a specifically appointed tutor who will ensure the proper development of this Internship program, guiding you through the entire process and transmitting everything you need to work according to the latest developments in clinical trials.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments 

The centers available for internships are of great international prestige, which will allow the professional to learn new working methods in the area of clinical trials. In addition, you will be able to observe the day-to-day workings of a demanding and rigorous institution, from which you will gain a wealth of knowledge that you will later apply to your own daily work.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

The focus of this program is eminently practical, and all its development is oriented to allow students to apply the latest techniques and protocols in clinical trials in their own work environment. Once you have completed your internship, you will be able to integrate the latest and most advanced postulates into your daily professional work.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

This program not only offers a guarantee of immediate updating, but also the international scope of its centers offers the student a prestigious and global panorama in which to establish contacts. Thus, TECH will bring professionals closer to high-level environments where they will be able to work side by side with the best specialists in the discipline.

professional practices mba management monitoring clinical trials TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in MBA in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials

The development of products, drugs and diagnostic techniques is subject to an arduous scientific research process that consists of several phases. Among these is the clinical trial, one of the most relevant stages for the successful manufacture of such services. In this sense, the evaluation that is carried out through studies applied to people, aims to verify the safety, efficacy and guarantees that these will have with their subsequent use. Due to the responsibility involved in the execution of these tests, it is necessary to have a team of professionals who are highly trained to assist with skill in this field of medicine. At TECH Global University we designed the Internship Program in Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials, a program focused on expanding your knowledge and skills within this discipline.

Specialize in the direction and management of clinical trials

The main objective of this program is to promote the practical learning of medical professionals in the management, monitoring and conduct of clinical trials through an intensive three-week stay in a prestigious center. In this way, you will learn about clinical research protocols, analyze the steps prior to the development of a trial, establish the necessary phases for project management and recognize the commitment required for the development of a new drug. In short, you will master the wide range of tasks performed by physicians and scientists through first-hand experience. With this Internship Program, you will successfully establish yourself in a highly competitive field.

Study at the largest Medical School

TECH Global University has the largest Faculty of Medicine. Hand in hand with a complete and updated scientific program you will have the opportunity to learn through the study and analysis of real cases in an intensive stay in a prestigious center for three weeks, with consecutive eight-hour days from Monday to Friday. This will not only allow you to hone your skills for the resolution of complex situations in real environments, but will help you make accurate and effective decisions to ensure a comprehensive and high quality service in the working practice of this discipline.