Why study at TECH?

Do you suspect that one of your students suffers from some kind of psychopathology? With this Professional master’s degree, you will be able to specialize in this area, acquiring the most exhaustive knowledge in a 100% online way”


As we know nowadays, the early diagnosis of the different types of psychopathologies known and the combined intervention of psychology and pedagogy professionals with teachers can mean a positive and significant progress in the child or adolescent. However, teachers must have detailed knowledge of the different types of pathologies that exist and occur more frequently, in order to know how to act quickly and effectively in such situations.

For this purpose, this Professional master’s degree in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology has been developed, a comprehensive multidisciplinary program with which the teaching professionals can delve into the different aspects of this field, acquiring specialized knowledge that will positively influence their diagnostic criteria. It is a degree that includes 1,500 hours of the best practical and additional theoretical content, developed over 12 months and presented in a convenient and accessible 100% online format compatible with any electronic device with internet connection.

The syllabus of this Professional master’s degree includes in-depth treatment of the evolutionary and psychopathological contexts in childhood and adolescence, as well as the important role of families in their development In addition, it delves into the different universes that can occur in these students, from the most common disorders to the comorbidities that can result from their condition.

In this way, it will be possible to broaden knowledge and improve teaching skills, aspects that will not only help to adapt the syllabus to each case, but will also benefit the student in a significant way. In addition, hundreds of hours of additional high-quality material will be available to delve into the aspects of the syllabus that are considered more important, so you will attend a comprehensive, modern and personalized program adapted to your needs.

A program that will help you become a teacher more committed to the educational development of your students with difficulties”

This Professional master’s degree in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of practical cases presented by experts in Psychology and Magisterium
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will have 1,500 hours of the best theoretical, practical and additional content, thanks to which you will obtain from this Professional master’s degree the most comprehensive knowledge on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will have a specific module dedicated to autism spectrum disorder, so that you can learn about this pathology in detail and adapt your classes to its characteristics”


You will delve into the different psychopathological universes in childhood and adolescence, with special emphasis on the characteristics of each of them”


TECH invests hundreds of hours in the development of each of its programs. For this reason, its qualifications are the result of the effort and perseverance of a team of experts who always strive to create the best content, adapted to the specifications of the sector, market demand and the immediate relevance of the subject matter. All of this is compiled in a convenient and accessible 100% online program that gives students the opportunity to organize their academic experience in a personalized way that is perfectly compatible with their work and personal life.


Thanks to this Professional master’s degree, you will be able to make different syllabus adaptations according to the psychopathologies of your students”

Module 1. History of Psychology: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

1.1. Background of General Psychology

1.1.1. The Birth of Scientific Psychology
1.1.2. Psychology In the first Half of the 20th Century
1.1.3. Psychology In the Second Half of the 20th Century

1.2. Child Psychology. Why Should We Study Children?

1.2.1. What is Child Psychology?
1.2.2. Developmental Psychology
1.2.3. Why Should We Study Children?
1.2.4. Topics of Study in Developmental Psychology

1.3. Historical Evolution of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

1.3.1. What is Child and Adolescent Psychopathology?
1.3.2. Historical Evolution of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
1.3.3. Methodological Foundations of Child Psychopathology

1.4. Normal Psychological Development

1.4.1. What is Normal Psychological Development?
1.4.2. Factors Influencing Normal Psychological Development

1.5. Theories of Child Development

1.5.1. What Are Child Development Theories?
1.5.2. Main Theories of Child Development

1.6. Evolution and Transitions between Normal and Pathological

1.6.1. What is Normal?
1.6.2. What is a Psychopathological Problem?
1.6.3. Transitions between Normal and Pathological

1.7. General Etiology of Psychopathological Disorders in Childhood

1.7.1. Introduction and Concept of “Etiology”
1.7.2. Main Etiologies of Psychopathological Disorders in Childhood

1.8. Understanding Symptoms in Child Psychopathology

1.8.1. Concept of Symptoms and Signs of Somatic and Psychopathological Illness
1.8.2. How to Identify Symptoms in Child Psychopathology
1.8.3. Possible Masks of Childhood and Adolescent Psychopathology

1.9. Personal Characteristics and Most Common History of the Disease in Childhood

1.9.1. Background of Disease in the Childhood
1.9.2. Inheritance-Environment
1.9.3. Personal Characteristics Influencing the Development of Disease in Childhood

1.10. Major or Minor Psychopathological Problems and Difficulties

1.10.1. Minor Psychopathological Problems
1.10.2. Major Psychopathological Problems

Module 2. Therapeutic Relation with the Child. Assessment and Diagnosis Process in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

2.1. Therapeutic Relationship with Children and Adolescents

2.1.1. Infant and Adolescent Characteristics
2.1.2. Establishment of a Therapeutic Alliance with the Minor
2.1.3. Keys in the Therapeutic Relationship

2.2. Communication and Language Techniques in the Therapeutic Relationship in Childhood and Adolescence

2.2.1. Importance of Communication and Language Techniques in the Therapeutic Relationship with the Minor
2.2.2. Most Common Communication and Speech Techniques for Successful Psychological Therapy with the Infant
2.2.3. Communication Difficulties in Therapy

2.3. Evaluation and Diagnosis Process in Childhood: Phases

2.3.1. The Assessment Process in the Childhood and Adolescence Stage
2.3.2. Diagnosis in Childhood and Adolescence

2.4. Areas of Psychological Functioning to be Assessed

2.4.1. Main Areas of Psychological Functioning to be Assessed in the Child and Adolescent Stage
2.4.2. Other Areas of Functioning to be Considered by the Therapist

2.5. Diagnostic Objectives

2.5.1. Keys to an Accurate Diagnosis
2.5.2. Main Objectives in the Diagnosis of the Most Common Psychopathologies in Childhood and Adolescence

2.6. The Assessment and Diagnostic Process: Means for Assessment and Diagnosis

2.6.1. Interview
2.6.2. Main Instruments Used in the Diagnosis of Psychopathologies in Childhood and Adolescence

2.7. Evolution of Assessment and Diagnostic Instruments

2.7.1. Introduction to the Most Common Assessment and Diagnostic Instruments
2.7.2. New Lines of Assessment and Diagnosis

2.8. Errors in Diagnosis in the Childhood and Adolescence Stage

2.8.1. When Can Errors in Diagnosis Occur?
2.8.2. Modulating Factors
2.8.3. Most common mistakes

2.9. Framing of the Family System in Psychological Therapy

2.9.1. Concept of Family System
2.9.2. The Family System in Psychological Therapy
2.9.3. Problems Related to Family Involvement in the Minor’s Therapy

2.10. Family Evaluation

2.10.1. Family Therapy vs. Individual Therapy
2.10.2. Key Aspects for Family Assessment
2.10.3. Measuring Instruments in Family Assessment

Module 3. Developmental Contexts and Psychopathologies in Childhood and Adolescence. The Role of the Family

3.1. Developmental Contexts

3.1.1. What Are Developmental Contexts?
3.1.2. Types of Developmental Contexts
3.1.3. Importance of Developmental Contexts in the Development of Childhood and Adolescent Psychopathology

3.2. Pathologies of the Microcontext, Pathology of the Mesocontext and Pathology of the Macrocontext

3.2.1. Microcontext Pathologies
3.2.2. Mesocontext Pathologies
3.2.3. Macrocontext Pathologies

3.3. Autonomous Self, Social Self and Family Self

3.3.1. Autonomous Self
3.3.2. Social Self
3.3.3. Family Self

3.4. Characteristics of the Pathological Family

3.4.1. The Role of the Family in the Development of Psychopathologies
3.4.2. Characteristics of the Pathological Family
3.4.3. Influences of the Pathological Family on the Infant

3.5. Conflictive Bonds

3.5.1. Introduction to the Bonding Concept
3.5.2. Concept of Attachment
3.5.3. Types of Conflicting Bonds

3.6. Type of Child and Sibling History

3.6.1. Introduction to the Concept of Child in the Family
3.6.2. Child Type
3.6.3. The Role of Siblings in Normal and/or Pathological Development

3.7. Family Psychopathology and its Impact on the Infant

3.7.1. Psychopathology in the Family
3.7.2. Influence of Family Psychopathology in the Child and Adolescent

3.8. Problematic Extrafamilial Environment

3.8.1. Introduction to the Concept of Extrafamilial Environment vs. Intrafamilial Environment
3.8.2. Problematic Types of Family Environments

3.9. Influence of Family Socioeconomic Status, Culture and Media

3.9.1. Introduction to the Concept of Socioeconomic Position of the Family
3.9.2. Influence of Culture in the Development of Pathologies in Children and Adolescents
3.9.3. Influence of the Media in the Development of Pathologies in Children and Adolescents

3.10. Risk and Protective Factors for Mental Health in Childhood

3.10.1. Introduction to the Concept of Modulatory Factors
3.10.2. Risk Factors for Mental Health in Childhood
3.10.3. Protective Factors for Mental Health in Childhood

Module 4. Pathological Universes in Childhood and Adolescence

4.1. Neurodevelopment Disorders

4.1.1. What are Neurodevelopmental Disorders?
4.1.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
4.1.3. Relevant Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence

4.2. Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Other Psychotic Disorders

4.2.1. What are Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and other Psychotic Disorders?
4.2.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of “Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Other Psychotic Disorders”
4.2.3. Childhood Schizophrenia

4.3. Bipolar and Related Disorders

4.3.1. What are Bipolar and Related Disorders?
4.3.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of Bipolar and Related Disorders”

4.4. Depressive Disorders

4.4.1. The Universe of Depressive Disorders
4.4.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category “Depressive Disorders”

4.5. Anxiety Disorders

4.5.1. Anxiety Disorders
4.5.2. Types of Anxiety Disorders included in the DSM-V
4.5.3. Relevance of Anxiety Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence

4.6.  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Disorders

4.6.1. Introduction to Obsessive--Compulsive Disorder and Other Related Disorders
4.6.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of “Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders”

4.7. Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

4.7.1. What are Trauma-Related Disorders and Stressors?
4.7.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of “Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders”

4.8. Dissociative Disorders

4.8.1. Characteristics of Dissociative Disorders
4.8.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of “Dissociative Disorders”

4.9. Somatic Symptom Disorders and Related Disorders

4.9.1. What are Somatic Symptom Disorders and Related Disorders?
4.9.2. Disorders included in the Diagnostic Category of “Somatic Symptom Disorders and Related Disorders”
4.9.3. Evidence and Data of Relevance on Factitious Disorder as Applied to Another (in Children and Adolescents)

4.10. Eating and Food Ingestion Disorders

4.10.1. What are Eating and Food Intake Disorders?
4.10.2. Eating and Food Intake Disorders included in the DSM-V
4.10.3. Relevant Data on Eating and Food Intake Disorders in Adolescence

Module 5. Pathological Universes in Childhood and Adolescence II

5.1. Excretory Disorders

5.1.1. What are Called “Excretion Disorders”?
5.1.2. Types of Excretion Disorders

5.2. Sleep-Wake Disorders

5.2.1. Common Characteristics of Sleep-Wake Disorders
5.2.2. Disorders Sleep-Wake Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category “Sleep-Wake Disorders”

5.3. Gender Dysphoria

5.3.1. Gender Dysphoria
5.3.2. Relevant Situations of the Gender Factor in the Childhood and Adolescence
5.3.3. How do Today’s Children Experience Sexual Problems?

5.4. Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Behavioral Disorders

5.4.1. Types of Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Behavioral Disorders
5.4.2. Common Problems Fear-Related with Behavioral Management of Infants in Psychological Therapy

5.5. Substance Abuse and Addictive Disorders

5.5.1. What are the disorders related to substance abuse and addictive disorders?
5.5.2. Disorders Included in the Diagnostic Category of “Disorders Related to Substances and Addictive Disorders

5.6. General Personality Disorder

5.6.1. Personality Theories
5.6.2. General Personality Disorder According to DSM-V

5.7. Paraphilic Disorders

5.7.1. Paraphilic Disorders
5.7.2. Incidence of Paraphilic Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence

5.8. Other Problems that can be Targeted Clinical Care

5.8.1. Parent-Child Relationship Problems and Sibling Relationship Problems
5.8.2. Child Abuse and Neglect. Sexual Abuse

Module 6. Intelligence

6.1. History and Introduction to the Concept of Intelligence

6.1.1. The Concept of Intelligence
6.1.2. First Works on Intelligence

6.2.  Multiple intelligences

6.2.1. Concept of Multiple Intelligences
6.2.2. Theory of Multiple Intelligences

6.3. Emotional Intelligence

6.3.1. What is Emotional Intelligence?
6.3.2. Main Theories on Emotional Intelligence
6.3.3. Daniel Goleman’s Figure

6.4. Assessment and Diagnosis

6.4.1. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Intelligence
6.4.2. Major Instruments for Measuring Intelligence

6.5. Intellectual Disability

6.5.1. Concept of Intellectual Disability and Comorbidity with Other Mental Health Conditions
6.5.2. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability

6.6. Learning Disorders

6.6.1. What are Learning Disorders?
6.6.2. Main Learning Disorders
6.6.3. Assessment and Diagnosis of Learning Disorders

6.7. High Abilities: Differential Diagnosis 

6.7.1. Introduction to the Concept of High Abilities
6.7.2. Differential Diagnosis
6.7.3. High Abilities in Autism

6.8. Intervention Programs

6.8.1. Principles of the Intervention Programs Related to Intelligence and Learning Disorders
6.8.2. Intervention Programs

Module 7. Personality Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence

7.1. Paranoid Personality Disorder

7.1.1. Introduction to Paranoid Personality Disorder
7.1.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.1.3. Paranoid Personality in Childhood

7.2. Schizoid Personality Disorder

7.2.1. Introduction to Schizoid Personality Disorder
7.2.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.2.3. Schizoid Personality in Childhood and Adolescence

7.3. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

7.3.1. Introduction to Schizotypal Personality Disorder
7.3.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.3.3. Schizotypal Personality in Minors. How It Differs from Adult Neuropathology

7.4. Borderline Personality Disorder

7.4.1. Introduction to Borderline Personality Disorder
7.4.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.4.3. Borderline Personality in Childhood and Adolescents

7.5. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

7.5.1. Introduction to Narcissistic Personality Disorder
7.5.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.5.3. Narcissist Personality in Children

7.6. Antisocial Personality Disorder

7.6.1. Introduction to Antisocial Personality Disorder
7.6.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.6.3. Antisocial Personality in Minors

7.7. Histrionic Personality Disorder

7.7.1. Introduction to Histrionic Personality Disorder
7.7.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.7.3. Histrionic Personality in Childhood and Adolescence

7.8. Avoidant Personality Disorder

7.8.1. Introduction to Avoidant Personality
7.8.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.8.3. Avoidant Personality and its Relation to Childhood and Adolescence Stage

7.9. Dependent Personality Disorder

7.9.1. Introduction to Dependent Personality
7.9.2. Diagnostic Criteria
7.9.3. Avoidant Personality and  its Relation to Childhood and Adolescence Stage
7.9.4. Implications of the Dependent Personality in Adulthood

7.10. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

7.10.1. Introduction to the Concept of Obsessions and Compulsions
7.10.2. Concept of Compulsive Personality Disorder and Diagnostic Criteria
7.10.3. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality in Childhood 

Module 8. Autism Spectrum Disorder

8.1. History and Evolution of the Autism Spectrum Disorder

8.1.1. Autism Spectrum throughout History
8.1.2. The Autism Spectrum Today

8.2. Myths About the Autism Spectrum Disorder

8.2.1. Myths and Stereotypes on ASD
8.2.2. The Truth About ASD
8.2.3. Discrimination against patients with ASD vs. patients with Down Syndrome

8.3. Etiology and Diagnostic Categorization of Autism Spectrum Disorder

8.3.1. Introduction to Etiology of ASD
8.3.2. Main Theories on the Origin of ASD
8.3.3. Categorization of ASD According to the DSM-5
8.3.4. Positions on DSM-V Categorization

8.4. Family Atmosphere in the Psychopathology of the Autism Spectrum: Consequences, Family Adaptation

8.4.1. Introduction to the Role of the Family in the Development of Children with ASD
8.4.2. Protective and Risk Factors in the Family
8.4.3. Consequences in the Family When a Member Has ASD

8.5. Evaluation Instruments for Diagnosis in Autism Spectrum Disorders

8.5.1. Introduction to Assessment and Diagnosis of ASD
8.5.2. Main Evaluation Instruments for the Diagnosis of ASD
8.5.3. New Lines of Research

8.6. Comorbidity and Differential Diagnosis

8.6.1. Introduction
8.6.2. ASD Comorbidity
8.6.3. ASD Differential Diagnosis

8.7. Intervention Method in Clinical Cases in Children and Adolescents With ASD

8.7.1. Introduction to Intervention in ASD
8.7.2. Main Intervention Methodologies

8.8. The Role of Early Care

8.8.1. What is Early Care?
8.8.2. Early Care in ASD

8.9. Intellectual Deficit and Autism Spectrum Disorders

8.9.1. Introduction to the Concept of Intellectual Deficit
8.9.2. Relationship Between ASD and Intellectual Deficit

Module 9. Other Related Problems

9.1. Anger and Aggressiveness Problems

9.1.1. Introduction to Anger and Aggressiveness Problems
9.1.2. Anger and Aggressiveness Problems in the Psychological Consultation

9.2. Substance Addiction Problems

9.2.1. Introduction to Substance Addiction
9.2.2. The Problems of Substance Abuse in Minors
9.2.3. Substance Abuse Fads in Minors

9.3. Substance Addiction Problems (TIC)

9.3.1. Introduction to ICTs
9.3.2. Addiction to ICTs in Minors 

9.4. Problems Derived from ICT

9.4.1. Major Problems Derived from ICT

9.5. Emotional Problems in Childhood and Adolescence

9.5.1. Introduction to Emotions
9.5.2. Emotions in Childhood and Adolescence
9.5.3. Major Emotional Problems in Childhood and Adolescence

9.6. Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Problems

9.6.1. Introduction to the Concept of Self-Esteem and Self-Concept
9.6.2. Major Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Problems

9.7. Suicide in Childhood and Adolescence

9.7.1. Introduction to Suicide
9.7.2. Suicide in the Childhood and Adolescence Stage

9.8. Characteristics of Oppositional Defiant in Children and Adolescents

9.8.1. Introduction to Oppositional Defiant Disorder
9.8.2. Major Characteristics of Oppositional Defiant in Children and Adolescents
9.8.3. Major Characteristics of Oppositional Defiant in Adolescents 

9.9. The Most Common Neurodevelopment Conditions

9.9.1. Introduction the Neurodevelopment Conditions
9.9.2. Neurodevelopment Conditions in Minors

Module 10. Treatment and Intervention of Child and Adolescent Psychopathologies. General Treatment Principles

10.1. Factors Influencing Treatment Outcome

10.1.1. Modulating Factors in Child Treatment

10.2. Treatment Modalities

10.2.1. Introduction to the Treatment of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
10.2.2. Different Treatment Modalities for Children and Adolescents

10.3. Bandura’s Vicarious Learning

10.3.1. History of Bandura
10.3.2. Bandura’s Vicarious Learning Theory

10.4. Behavior Modification Techniques

10.4.1. Introduction to Behavior Modification 
10.4.2. Main Behavior Modification Techniques
10.4.3. Behavior Modification Techniques at Present

10.5. Functional Analysis

10.5.1. Introduction to Functional Analysis
10.5.2. Functional Analysis in Psychological Therapy

10.6. Systemic Therapy

10.6.1. Introduction to Systemic Therapy
10.6.2. Systemic Therapy Today

10.7. Strategic Therapy and Constructivism

10.7.1. Introduction to Strategic Therapy
10.7.2. Introduction to Constructivism

10.8. Cognitive Restructuring

10.8.1. Introduction to Cognitive Restructuring
10.8.2. Cognitive Restructuring as a Treatment Nowadays

10.9. Future Prospects for Treatment Planning

10.9.1. New Prospects for Treatment in Childhood and Adolescence


You will find detailed videos, research articles, complementary readings and much more on the Virtual Classroom! All you need to obtain from this program the best educational experience of your career path” 

Professional Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

The work of teachers evolves day by day, professionals dedicated to this sector seek ways to keep their knowledge updated, in order to be aware of the different branches that arise in this profession. Because of this, at TECH we have designed a Professional Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, a high-level program specialized in strengthening your skills in the study and analysis of mental illnesses or problems. You will be able to address issues such as psychological difficulties in childhood and adolescence, disorders and their context, pathological universes and unrecorded mental disorders, which have emerged in recent years of psychological study (DSM-5). You will be able to incorporate new competences to your professional profile and increase your chances of employability by 99%.

Get certified in the largest School of Education

Professionals who wish to boost their career and acquire new knowledge will find in TECH the best option to achieve this purpose. With this program they will be able to acquire a superior understanding in the branch of child and adolescent psychopathology, in order to detect abnormal habits that are occurring in classrooms or educational integration spaces. During 1,500 hours you will specialize in the etiology of psychopathology, as well as personality disorders present in this stage of life, in addition to learning about pharmacological intervention in anxiety and stress problems. You will strengthen your intellect in this field to detect possible behavioral problems that are occurring, so you can intervene and propose possible solutions to the problem.

Obtain a Professional Master's Degree online

The main objective of this educational program is to promote full physical and emotional health in children to maintain a good quality of life. To achieve this purpose, at TECH we have designed the most complete and updated curriculum in the market; in this way, you will specialize in detecting anomalies in the behavior of your students. You will also be able to correctly address delicate and sensitive issues such as depression, anorexia, violence or consumption of psychoactive substances, among others. You will be an expert in providing treatment for these and other problems, using the best tools in a totally assertive manner. All this you will be able to do with a multidisciplinary online teaching methodology.