
An Internship Program that incorporates all the competencies and knowledge you need to experience a leap in quality in your career as a Spanish Teacher"


In an increasingly globalized world, language skills are a valuable asset in society. Learning languages expands opportunities for citizens to make meaningful connections with people around the world and to travel anywhere in geography. In this regard, this intellectual challenge also stimulates brain activity, fostering cognitive development. In this sense, experts predict that Spanish will become the most needed Foreign Language in all areas in the future. In view of this, teachers play a crucial role in facilitating language learning and positively influencing students' lives. Given this situation, TECH has designed a program for educators that consists of a 120-hour stay in an academic center of reference in this field. 

In this way, over the course of 3 weeks, graduates will be part of a team of specialists of the highest level, with whom they will work actively in the design of pedagogical strategies and teaching of classes to promote effective learning of Spanish. In addition, this on-site experience will allow them to remain at the forefront of the most innovative methodologies and approaches in the educational sector. In addition, they will enhance their communication skills as well as their ability to motivate, encouraging active participation in the classroom. 

During this stay, TECH will assign a specialized tutor to the graduates who will accompany them throughout the Internship Program. In this way, this professional will ensure compliance with all the criteria and objectives for which this program has been designed. Therefore, students will be able to include in their curriculum a distinctive asset with which they will demonstrate their skills and the great commitment they have with teaching. 


A unique training experience, key and decisive to boost your professional development"







Thanks to this Internship Program, graduates will enrich their professional practice with the most innovative pedagogical techniques for the effective teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. In this way, educators are highly qualified to design dynamic learning plans that foster a solid understanding of this language. In tune with this, teachers will create stimulating activities that contribute to the development of advanced reading, writing and analytical skills. 


You will have access to a library of multimedia resources 7 days a week, 24 hours a day"

General Objectives

  • Develop communicative skills through activities and strategies that facilitate the learning of Spanish as a second language
  • Know the theoretical foundations of the process of foreign language acquisition
  • Adjust teaching models according to the learner's needs based on their profile
  • Develop student assessment skills, taking their level and competencies into account
  • Use intercultural studies in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language
  • Master the significant linguistic, communicative and cultural aspects in the teaching-learning process of the Spanish as a foreign language system, at the phonetic-phonological level, taking into account the advanced level of the program's training
  • Develop teaching materials suitable for teaching written and oral skills in Spanish as a second language

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the fundamental principles of learning in children from 3 to 12 years of age
  • Identify the most effective teaching methods in the world of learning
  • Identify the most effective teaching methods and emulate their application for language education
  • Analyze the main methods that have marked the teaching of language since its beginning
  • Delve into the different models of teaching the role of speech and writing
  • Identify the main models of lexical semantic learning
  • Apply to the current model of education the new linguistic and lexical language tools
  • Develop tools to facilitate the teaching of the Spanish language
  • Identify the role of writing and its importance in the teaching of Spanish
  • Analyze the tools provided by Spanish to differentiate it from other languages
  • Identify the main elements that make up the Spanish language in grammatical terms
  • Delve into the specific elements that affect Spanish, such as accents, umlauts and others
  • Analyze the role of literature in foreign language learning
  • Identify unfamiliar terms and their categorization in the world of Spanish, such as specific characteristics of single words
  • Compare the Spanish language with other languages worldwide and identify the importance and advantages of Spanish
  • Identify the basics of Spanish and its main characteristics
  • Identify the different lexicons of Spanish-speaking countries and their cultural contribution to the Spanish language
  • Analyze the correct use of words and their meaning in the different fields of Spanish
  • Learn the meanings of words and their ramifications in Spanish
  • Gain detailed knowledge of the lexical, syntactic and phonic aspects of the exposition
  • Develop learning of L2 in the historical framework of teaching foreign languages
  • Establish a solid foundation in linguistics and knowledge of other languages
  • Get to know the most efficient methods for foreign language teaching
  • Comparison between direct and traditional methods for foreign language teaching
  • Apply a cognitive and humanistic perspective to the approach and selection
  • Gain knowledge about functional paradigms in relation to communicative methods
  • Develop new tools in SFL based on oral and linguistic tools
  • Adjust teaching models according to the learner's needs based on their profile
  • Interact with technological tools and apply them to Spanish language learning
  • Design techniques to promote the use of technology for the Spanish language

This academic itinerary is exclusive to TECH and you will be able to develop it at your own pace thanks to its 100% online Relearning methodology"

Internship Program in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE)

The teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) is a crucial discipline in an increasingly globalized world, where the mastery of foreign languages is an invaluable asset. For those who wish to enter this exciting field, the Practical Training created by TECH Global University becomes a fundamental opportunity. This program offers a comprehensive approach that combines theory and practice, providing you with the tools and strategies necessary to teach effective and dynamic Spanish as a foreign language classes. One of the highlights of the program is the inclusion of classroom practice, where you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in a real teaching environment. You will acquire fundamental pedagogical skills such as lesson planning, the design of didactic materials adapted to different levels and student profiles, the evaluation of learning progress and the management of intercultural communication in the classroom. In addition, you will be trained in the use of educational technologies and digital resources to enrich your classes and encourage active student participation. You will also learn strategies for teaching specific language skills such as oral and written comprehension, expression, vocabulary and grammar.

Get your degree with a Practical Training in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.

During the internship, you will have the opportunity to apply these strategies and techniques in real teaching situations, receiving personalized feedback from tutors and professionals with experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. This will allow you to develop your pedagogical style, identify areas for improvement and strengthen your skills as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language. At the end of the training, you will have a portfolio of experiences and projects developed during the internship, which will allow you to highlight your skills and experience when seeking job opportunities in the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language. In addition, you will be prepared to face the challenges and demands of teaching Spanish as a foreign language in an effective and professional manner. In short, this program provides you with the tools and knowledge necessary to become a competent teacher committed to your students' learning. Take advantage of this opportunity to boost your career in teaching Spanish as a foreign language and contribute to the growth and dissemination of the Spanish language around the world. Start your path towards quality and meaningful teaching!