
The Hybrid nature of this program offers the unique combination of theoretical learning with practical experiences, facilitating the application of knowledge in real environments" 


Educational Psychopedagogy emerges as an interdisciplinary field, uniting psychology and pedagogy to understand and address the complexities during the learning process. This discipline not only seeks to diagnose this problem, but also focuses on providing concrete strategies and tools to intervene and overcome obstacles that may hinder the academic and personal development of students. 

This is why TECH has developed this comprehensive university program, offering, first, a complete and rigorous approach to the theoretical foundations of human learning. In this way, graduates will be immersed in the psychological theories that support learning, as well as in the various stages of human development. To this must be added the acquisition of skills to make comprehensive assessments and accurate diagnostics, investigating the most current research methods. 

It will also delve into the understanding and attention to the particular needs of students with disabilities or specific difficulties, promoting inclusive and adaptive strategies in educational settings. In other words, professionals will analyze the development and use of curricular materials adapted to the skills of their students, examining how new technologies can transform and enrich this process. 

This theoretical knowledge will be complemented with a practical experience of 3 weeks in an educational center prominent in the field of Educational Psychopedagogy. This will not only allow specialists to assimilate the most successful teaching methods, but also to develop skills to diagnose and intervene in cases of psychological disorders that may affect learning. 

During this practical experience, graduates will have a personal tutor, dedicated exclusively to overseeing their stay, dedicating 100% of their time. This proximity will allow them to work with confidence, taking advantage of the latest in educational technology and using the psychopedagogical techniques that have proven to be the most effective to date.  

You will be able to face any educational challenge with solidity and a completely innovative perspective, thanks to this hybrid professional master’s degree" 

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Educational Psychopedagogy contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of more than 100 practical cases presented by teaching professionals experts in Educational Psychopedagogy and university professors with extensive experience in the student with psychological disorders that affect their learning 
  • Their graphic, schematic and practical contents provide essential information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice
  • Presentation of practical workshops on diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in students with psychological disorders and learning difficulties 
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a internship in one of the best Companies 

You will make an intensive practical stay of 3 weeks in a prestigious educational center, under the supervision of recognized specialists in Educational Psychopedagogy" 

In this proposal for a hybrid professional master’s degree, which is of a professional nature and has a blended approach, the program is aimed at updating teaching professionals who work in educational institutions and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge in psychopedagogical practice, and theoretical elements- will facilitate the updating of knowledge and allow decision-making in patient management. 

Thanks to their multimedia content made with the latest educational technology, they will allow the professional psychopedagogue a contextual and situated learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

During your practical stay in an educational center you will have at your disposal a personal tutor, who will dedicate 100% of your time"


Thanks to this hybrid professional master’s degree in Educational Psychopedagogy you will be equipped with the skills you need in a practical way and adapted to your needs"

Why our program?

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Educational Psychopedagogy represents a unique opportunity for those who aspire to make a significant difference in the educational field. By choosing this academic qualification, the teachers will be immersed in a universe of tools and strategies that will enable them to understand the complexities of the educational process and effectively address learning difficulties. In this way, the graduates will acquire practical skills and updated knowledge, becoming a highly competent professional and trained to face current and future challenges in the field of Educational Psychopedagogy. 

master educational psychopedagogy TECH Global University

Join this transformative journey and set the course for a more inclusive, meaningful and enriching education for all. With the TECH guarantee!" 

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

The technological advance in Educational Psychopedagogy is fundamental to optimize learning processes. The integration of the latest technology will not only enrich pedagogical strategies, but will also expand the range of tools for understanding, evaluating and addressing learning difficulties. From mobile applications designed to improve specific skills, to virtual platforms that allow the personalization of teaching, technology has become an indispensable ally to adapt and enrich the educational environment. 

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

The large group of experts who will be present during the practical experience will provide first-rate support and ensure successful learning. Thanks to a dedicated tutor, the students will have the opportunity to interact with real students in an innovative environment. This experience will allow you to integrate into your professional routine the most effective methods in the field of Educational Psychopedagogy.

3. Entering first-class Communication Management environments 

Each school available for practical stays has been meticulously chosen by TECH. This will ensure that specialists have access to prestigious educational environments in the field of Educational Psychopedagogy. This careful selection will give the graduates the opportunity to immerse themselves in the day to day of a rigorous and demanding work environment. In addition, it will allow the application of the most effective techniques in pedagogical psychology, enriching the working methodology of professionals. 

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice 

The academic market is plagued by teaching programs that are poorly adapted to the daily work of the specialist and that require long teaching hours, often not very compatible with personal and professional life. TECH offers a new learning model, 100% practical, which allows you to put yourself at the forefront of innovative procedures in the field of Educational Psychopedagogy and, best of all, bring it to professional practice in just 3 weeks. 

5. Opening the door to new opportunities 

Exploring the field of Educational Psychopedagogy involves opening the door to a wide range of opportunities. This path translates into the possibility of playing fundamental roles in the design and implementation of innovative educational programs, as well as in the orientation of pedagogical strategies adapted to the individual needs of students. In addition, it opens up new opportunities for research, development of modern and technologically advanced curricular materials, as well as specialized advice to families and communities in diverse educational situations. 

master degree educational psychopedagogy TECH Global University 

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Educational Psychopedagogy

Expand your knowledge in the fascinating world of educational psychology and elevate your career in academia with TECH Global University's Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Educational Psychopedagogy. This postgraduate degree gives you the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge and practical skills, combining the best of distance learning theory and face-to-face experience in a specialized center. As the world's largest digital institute, we understand the need for a balanced education. That's why our blended learning approach gives you access to online theory lessons, where you'll explore the latest trends in psychopedagogy. But we don't stop there. Our unique model includes face-to-face practical sessions in an immersive environment, allowing you to directly apply what you learn and hone your skills in real educational settings. Imagine the chance to interact with experts in psychoeducation, share experiences with colleagues and apply your knowledge in real-world situations, all within a stimulating and enriching academic environment.

Postgraduate Diploma.

Stand out in the field of psychopedagogy with this postgraduate degree

This Professional Master's Degree is not just an educational program; it is an experience that will challenge you to go beyond the conventional boundaries of education and teaching. Discover the power of educational psychopedagogy and how it can transform the way we approach challenges in the school setting. You will learn how to design and implement effective cognitive and emotional strategies, understand and address individual student needs, and foster an inclusive, student-centered educational environment. Join TECH Global University and prepare for an educational experience that goes beyond theory. With the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Educational Psychopedagogy, you'll be ready to lead in the transformation of learning and contribute to the holistic development of your students. Enroll today and take the next step toward a master's degree that will not only boost your career, but also positively impact education and teaching.
