University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
Through this program, you will master innovative techniques for minimally invasive posterior rehabilitation or dental waxing in a uniquely practical way”

The area of esthetics is one of the branches of dentistry that is currently experiencing a boom due to the popularization of personal care and image. In this line, users not only go to dental clinics to treat their pathologies and alleviate their ailments, but also to correct their imperfections in their teeth and achieve a perfect smile. These new needs of patients, who require the most innovative dental treatments, require the specialist to be constantly updated. For this reason, the specialist must be attentive to the latest advances in this field, so that he can incorporate the most innovative techniques in this field into his professional practice and respond to the particular requirements of each patient.
Given this circumstance, TECH has decided to create this Internship program, with which the professional will be able to update their skills through an intensive stay in a dental clinic of recognized prestige. During 3 weeks you will be integrated into a work team made up of great specialists in this field, who will provide you with the most avant-garde practical knowledge in Aesthetic Adhesive Dentistry. During this period of time, you will learn the latest procedures for teeth whitening or the most efficient techniques for esthetic rehabilitation using laminated fronts, among other things.
Throughout this practical stay, the dentist will have the advice and assistance of a specifically appointed tutor, who will be in charge of guiding him/her towards an excellent learning process, solving all those doubts that may arise in the real working environment. This TECH program, therefore, is a great ally to boost professional skills in a short interval of time and from the hand of the best experts in Adhesive Aesthetic Dentistry .

You will be able to establish contact with prestigious dentists specialized in aesthetic dentistry, providing you with up-to-date information more quickly and immediately"
En el campo de la odontología estética, es fundamental conocer los últimos avances y las novedosas técnicas basadas en la evidencia científica, pero llevarlas a la práctica adecuadamente se antoja indispensable. Por este motivo, TECH ha diseñado un programa pionero en el mercado académico, que permitirá al experto adentrarse durante 3 semanas en un prestigioso centro clínico para dominar y aplicar en un entorno real los procedimientos más actualizados para el blanqueamiento o la reconstrucción dental. Así, junto a un excelente equipo de trabajo, el alumno observará casos reales con pacientes e incluirá estas habilidades en su metodología profesional.

Esta Internship program que TECH ofrece es una oportunidad que no debes dejar escapar, ya que te permitirá incrementar significativamente tus competencias profesionales en odontología estética en tan solo 120 horas”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
El área de la odontología estética ha experimentado vertiginosas modificaciones en los últimos años gracias al surgimiento de nueva instrumentación, actualizadas técnicas o refinados procedimientos que garantizan la satisfacción del paciente. Por ello, TECH ha creado esta Internship program, con la intención de acercar al experto de un modo completamente práctico a todos estos avances.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
El extenso equipo de especialistas que acompañarán al odontólogo a lo largo de todo el periodo práctico supone una excelente garantía de la calidad de este programa. Con un tutor designado específicamente, el alumno observará e interactuará con pacientes reales en un entorno de vanguardia, para adoptar en su praxis diaria las técnicas y los procedimientos más actualizados en Adhesive Aesthetic Dentistry .
3. Adentrarse en entornos hospitalarios de primera
TECH selecciona minuciosamente todos los centros disponibles para las Capacitaciones Prácticas. Gracias a ello, el especialista tendrá garantizado el acceso a un entorno clínico de prestigio en el área de la odontología estética. De esta manera, podrá comprobar el día a día de un área de trabajo exigente, rigurosa y exhaustiva, aplicando siempre las últimas tesis y postulados científicos en su metodología
de trabajo.
4.Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
Dentro del mercado académico, existe un elevado número de programas pedagógicos que ofrecen al alumno contenidos teóricos con escasa aplicabilidad laboral y que requieren interminables horas de estudio. Dada esta situación, TECH ha apostado por crear un modelo de aprendizaje, 100% práctico, que le permitirá adquirir útiles competencias y aplicarlas en el entorno de trabajo en tan solo 3 semanas.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH ofrece las posibilidades de realizar esta Internship program en centros de envergadura internacional. De esta forma, el especialista podrá expandir sus fronteras y ponerse al día con los mejores profesionales, que ejercen en clínicas odontológicas de primera categoría y en diferentes continentes. Una oportunidad única que solo TECH podría ofrecer.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Adhesive Aesthetic Dentistry
One of the techniques most commonly addressed by specialists in aesthetic dentistry is that of adhesive restoration. This method allows professionals to correct the appearance and functionality of teeth in a simple and effective way through non-invasive techniques and materials. However, the application of these pieces requires a high level of knowledge for their correct handling and care, thus allowing the best results. For this reason, at TECH Global University we have developed the Internship Program in Adhesive Aesthetic Dentistry, a program designed with the conviction of bringing the specialist closer to the latest developments in this branch of dentistry through a face-to-face and intensive stay in a prestigious center in the country. In this way, you will be able to prepare yourself to face all the challenges in this field and enhance the growth of your professional career.
Specialize in adhesive restoration
With our Internship Program you will learn to handle the main techniques, materials and tools to perform the procedures most frequently used in this branch of dentistry. In addition to analyzing the concepts and general principles, you will approach multiple clinical cases of restoration with different degrees of difficulty, from type III to type V; you will be able to plan and execute protocols of adhesive rehabilitation and minimal intervention smile design, you will know the characteristics, properties, advantages and disadvantages of the different types of composites used in this procedure and you will make a proper selection to optimize the final result and its subsequent maintenance. At TECH Global University you will take the definitive step to specialize in the latest developments in this discipline. For three weeks you will be able to do your internship in a hospital with the best technology together with renowned professionals who will guide your process in the eight-hour days, from Monday to Friday, which you will attend. With this program you will achieve professional success, stand out in a highly competitive field, and revalue your professional profile.