
The Economist Mr. Miguel Ángel Máñez Ortiz is a distinguished professional in the field of Healthcare Organization. He has more than 15 years of experience in the management of purchasing and logistics, Human Resources, digital transformation, planning and E-Health. In addition, he has held various management positions at the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada and the Toledo Hospital Complex, among others.

All this, backed by an unparalleled academic career, in which apart from having taken dozens of courses related to clinical management, he has completed the Professional Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration and the Senior Management Program for Healthcare Institutions. On the other hand, he has worked as a teacher for several undergraduate and graduate university programs, contributing to the dissemination of organizational knowledge from the classroom.

  • Member of the Management Group at the University Hospital Príncipe de Asturias.
  • Professor at the International University of La Rioja
  • Editor, Conectante and Presenter of Conectando Puntos.
  • Director of Human Resources at the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada.
  • Director of Management at the Toledo Hospital Complex.
  • Degree in Economics and Business Administration
  • Master's Degree in Healthcare Administration from the National School of Health and the Carlos III Institute.
  • Program in Senior Management of Health Institutions at the IESE Business School.
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