
Beatriz Guerra Picamill is a top level professional in the area of International Corporate Mobility and Immigration Law. She has worked as a senior lawyer in the PAS (People Advisory Services) Department at Ernst & Young, as well as in the GES (Global Employer Services) at Deloitte. Thanks to this, she has been able to acquire an expert experience that has allowed her to know this area in detail and to perfectly handle the current legislation, as well as the legal procedures involved. 

In order to achieve this, she has combined her work activity with her academic studies, completing two master's degrees: Access to the Legal Profession and Taxation and Tax Consultancy. Therefore, she is a highly qualified professional to perform her legal work, as well as to carry out her academic activity based on her practical experience and specialized knowledge. 

  • International Mobility and Immigration Lawyer in Deloitte 
  • Law Degree from the University of Seville 
  • Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession from the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). 
  • Master's Degree in Taxation and Tax Consultancy from Centro de Estudios Financieros (Centro de Estudios Financieros) 
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