
With more than 20 years of experience, César Cardenal Otero, a professional in Marketing, International Trade and Business Management, has focused his career in the Pharmaceutical field. Thanks to his extensive knowledge and trajectory, he has positioned himself as a reference in his field, currently being the Pharmabiomedical executive of Amgen.  

He is also known for being the author of a book with great repercussion for the health sector, which in turn has promoted his participation in forums, round tables and academic programs of higher education in the service of his specialty.  

  • Pharmabiomedical Executive at Amgen 
  • Author of the book "Comunicación de Marca Personal a Través de Las Redes Sociales por Parte de Los Profesionales del Sector salud"
  • Degree in Marketing from Prifysgol Cymru University in Wales
  • Distinction degree in the program Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence from Case Western Reserve University
  • Postgraduate Degree in Management and Health of the Pharmaceutical Industry from the European University 
  • Master's Degree in SME Management from the Polytechnic School of Technology 
  • Specialization in Social Media Marketing from Northwestern University 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade and Transport from the University of Cantabria. 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration from the University of Cantabria.
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