
This Professional master’s degree is a must for professionals who want to succeed in the world of sports performance"


The most up-to-date academic training provided by extraordinary teachers experienced in the world of sports and academia"

In this Professional master’s degree you will find detailed training on key aspects of sports performance, treated with unique methods and depth in current academic offerings.

Each module will be taught by true specialists in the field, which guarantees the highest level of knowledge in the subject.

This TECH High Performance in Sports will provide the student in each module with theoretical content of the highest quality and depth, such as the Physiology modules, which will give you unique tools to understand the "why", in order to achieve a correct interpretation of the data obtained thanks to the Statistics module, applied to High Performance in Sports to be able to use what they have learned in the Evaluation module. This is just a clear example of how in our master's degree each module was designed based on building logical and orderly knowledge on the part of the student for a better understanding and in turn a greater assimilation of the contents to be able to apply a successful intervention at a practical level.

One of the characteristics that differentiate this Professional master’s degree from others is the connection between the different topics of the modules at a theoretical level, but above all at a practical level so that the student obtains real examples of teams and athletes of the highest sports performance worldwide, as well as from the professional world of sports, resulting in the student being able to build knowledge in the most complete way. 

Another strong point of this Professional master’s degree in High Performance is the training of students in the use of new technologies applied to Sports Performance. At this point the student will not only get to know the new technology in the field of performance, but will learn its use and more importantly will learn how to interpret the data provided by each device and thus make better decisions regarding the programming of training. 

The teaching team on this Professional master’s degree in High Performance in Sports has carefully selected each of the topics of this training program to offer the student the most complete study opportunity possible, always up to date with current events and advancements. 

Thus, at TECH we have set out to create contents of the highest teaching and educational quality that will turn our students into successful professionals, following the highest quality standards in teaching at an international level. Therefore, we show you this Professional master’s degree with a rich content that will help you reach the elite of High Performance in Sports. Furthermore, as it is an online Professional master’s degree, the student is not bound by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, rather, they can access the content at any time of the day, balancing their professional or personal life with their academic life. 

Immerse yourself in the study of this high-level Professional master’s degree and improve your skills in High Performance in Sports" 

This Professional master’s degree in High Performance in Sports contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • The study of numerous case studies presented by specialists in high-performance sports training
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created contain information that is indispensable for professional practice
  • It contains exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in personal training
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when choosing a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge as a personal trainer. you will obtain a certificate from the main online university in Spanish: TECH” 

The teaching staff includes professionals from the field of sports science, who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during Professional master’s degree. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in High Performance in Sports with extensive experience.

The Professional master’s degree provides training in simulated environments, which provides immersive learning designed to train professionals for real situations"


This 100% online Professional master’s degree will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


The main objective of this program is the development of theoretical and practical learning, so that the sports science professional can master in a practical and rigorous way the new developments in High Performance in Sports. 


Our goal is to achieve academic excellence and help you achieve professional success. Don't hesitate and join us" 

General objectives

  • Master and apply with certainty the most current training methods to improve sports performance
  • To effectively master statistics and thus be able to make a correct use of the data obtained from the athlete, as well as to initiate research processes
  • Acquire knowledge based on the most current scientific evidence with full applicability in the practical field
  • To master all the most advanced methods of sports performance evaluation
  • Master the principles governing Exercise Physiology, as well as Biochemistry
  • Master the principles governing Biomechanics applied directly to Sports Performance
  • Master the principles governing Nutrition applied to sports performance
  • Successfully integrate all the knowledge acquired in the different modules in real practice 

Specific objectives 

Module 1. Exercise Physiology and Physical Activity

  • Specialize and interpret key aspects of biochemistry and thermodynamics 
  • In-depth knowledge of the energy metabolic pathways and their exercise-mediated modifications and their role in human performance
  • Learn key aspects of the neuromuscular system, motor control and its role in physical training 
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of muscle physiology, the process of muscle contraction and the molecular basis of muscle contraction 
  • Specialize in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and oxygen utilization during exercise 
  • Interpret the general causes of fatigue and impact in different types and modalities of exercise 
  • Interpret the different physiological milestones and their application in practice 

Module 2. Statistics Applied to Performance and Research

  • To develop the ability to analyze data collected in the laboratory and in the field through various assessment tools 
  • Describe the different types of statistical analysis and their application in various situations for the understanding of phenomena that occur during training 
  • Develop strategies for data exploration to determine the best models to describe them 
  • Establish the generalities of predictive models through regression analysis that favor the incorporation of different units of analysis in the training field 
  • Generate the conditions for the correct interpretation of results in different types of research 

Module 3. Strength Training from Theory to Practice

  • Correctly interpret all theoretical aspects defining strength and its components 
  • Master the most effective strength training methods 
  • Develop sufficient criteria to be able to support the choice of different training methods in their practical application 
  • To be able to objectify the strength needs of each athlete 
  • Master the theoretical and practical aspects that define power development 
  • Correctly apply strength training in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries 

Module 4. Speed Training from Theory to Practice

  • Interpret the key aspects of speed and change of direction technique 
  • Compare and differentiate the speed of situational sport with respect to the track and field model 
  • Incorporate elements of judgment of technical observation that make it possible to discriminate errors in the mechanics of the race and the procedures for their correction 
  • Become familiar with the myoenergetic aspects of single and repeated sprinting and how they relate to training processes 
  • Differentiate the mechanical aspects that may influence performance impairment and the mechanisms of injury occurrence when sprinting 
  • To apply in an analytical way the different means and methods of training for the development of the different phases of speed
  • Program speed training in situational sports 

Module 5. Endurance Training from Theory to Practice 

  • Study the different adaptations generated by aerobic endurance 
  • Apply the physical demands of situational sports 
  • Select the most appropriate tests to evaluate, monitor, tabulate and fractionate aerobic workloads 
  • Carry out the different methods to organize training sessions 
  • Design training sessions taking into account the sport in question 

Module 6. Mobility: from Theory to Performance

  • Approach mobility as a basic physical capacity from a neurophysiological perspective 
  • Have a deep understanding of the neurophysiological principles that affect the development of mobility
  • Apply stabilizing and mobilizing systems within the movement pattern
  • Unpack and specify the basic concepts and objectives related to mobility training
  • Develop the ability to design tasks and plans for the development of manifestations of mobility
  • Apply the different methods of performance optimization through recovery methods 
  • Develop the ability to carry out a functional and neuromuscular assessment of the athlete
  • Recognize and address the effects produced by an injury at the neuromuscular level in the athlete 

Module 7. Sports Performance Assessment

  • Become familiar with different types of assessment and their applicability to the field of practice 
  • Select the most appropriate tests for your specific needs 
  • Correctly and safely administer the protocols of the different tests and the interpretation of the data collected 
  • Apply different types of technologies currently used in the field of exercise assessment, whether in the field of health and fitness performance at any level of demand 

Module 8. Planning Applied to High Performance in Sports

  • Understand the internal logic of planning, such as its proposed core models 
  • Apply the Dose-Response concept in training 
  • Clearly differentiate the impact of programming with planning and its dependencies 
  • Acquire the ability to design different planning models according to the work reality 
  • Apply the concepts learned in an annual and/or multi-year planning design 

Module 9. Biomechanics Applied to High Performance in Sports

  • Specialize in the principles of Biomechanics aimed at physical education and Sport 
  • Apply the basic knowledge and technologies of biomechanics as a function of physical education, sport, performance and daily life 
  • Value the importance of protocols and the different types of biomechanical evaluation as a fundamental factor in the process of sports development and assessment 
  • Develop critical and analytical thinking that will allow him/her to generate innovative protocols and procedures, with different types of technology 

Module 10. Nutrition Applied to High Performance in Sports

  • Learn the physiological and biochemical bases of energy metabolism during physical exertion 
  • Learn the processes and methods of nutritional evaluation of the athlete, as well as his body composition 
  • Learn the different options to assess the athlete's energy expenditure 
  • Learn all the variables regarding nutrition in sports disciplines of very different characteristics 
  • Familiarize yourself with the latest scientific evidence on sports supplementation 
  • Handle the nutritional aspects that are associated with eating disorders and sports injuries 

The sports field requires trained professionals and we give you the keys to position yourself in the professional elite"

Professional Master's Degree in High Performance in Sports


At the Faculty of Sports Sciences of TECH Global University we have a Professional Master's Degree in High Performance in Sports, created with the purpose of our students mastering with certainty the most recent training methods. To this end, TECH's experienced team of teachers provides knowledge related to exercise physiology, biochemistry and biomechanics applied to sport, nutrition to increase performance and the use of statistics to monitor the athlete's progress. In this way, the professional will be perfectly qualified to perform in both timed and paced sports and situational sports.

Use of technologies applied to sports performance


One of the strongest aspects of this postgraduate program is the study of new technologies to increase the athlete's results. In this sense, TECH students will learn to use and interpret the data obtained by each device, giving way to making better decisions regarding training programming. Some concepts such as thermodynamics, bioenergetics, metabolism, neuromuscular adaptations, nutritional status, fatigue, strength or vector training, establish the conceptual basis that students will find within the ten thematic modules of the Master in our Higher Education Institution.