
This postgraduate diploma will allow you to quickly update your knowledge on Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry”


Today, the pharmaceutical industry is facing a number of challenges that revolve around the increase in people's life expectancy, the financing or efficacy of procedures and its influence on pricing policy. A context where innovation also comes to life thanks to digitalization, which has significantly improved processes in a highly competitive sector.

In this scenario, in recent years the demand for professionals who make up the medical departments of this sector has grown. Their knowledge and communication skills are indispensable in an industry that spends countless resources on the development and research of new treatments. The main objective of this postgraduate diploma designed by TECH is to learn in detail the latest developments in Medical Affairs  e in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

A program with a theoretical-practical approach, which will allow the medical specialist to be updated on the different structures and the functioning of the multinationals that make up this sector. Besides knowing the Stakeholders, their interests, the evolution of the challenges of the industry, within business ethics and bioethics, as well as innovation in a sustainable way, which make this degree an interesting staging of the most current panorama through a teaching team that has extensive professional experience in this field.

For this purpose, this academic institution has made available multimedia didactic material, in which the latest technology applied to university teaching has been used. In this way, through video summaries, In Focus, videos, diagrams, complementary readings and case studies, the professional will obtain a more attractive and dynamic update of his knowledge..

This academic institution offers an excellent opportunity for those who wish to study a postgraduate diploma comfortably, whenever and wherever they want. They only need an electronic device with an Internet connection to be able to view all the content hosted on the virtual platform. In addition, the professional has the freedom to distribute the course load according to his or her needs, making this program an ideal option for those seeking to combine their personal responsibilities with a high-level university program.

Enroll in an academic option designed for you to combine your personal responsibilities with a quality university program”

This postgraduate diploma in Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Medicine and in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

With this university program you will be up to date on the strategies currently used by Medical Affairs in the approach to different clients”

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who contribute to this training with their work experience, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to prepare in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Reduce the hours of memorization and study thanks to the Relearning method used by TECH in all its programs”


An academic option in which you will be able to go deeper into the most relevant features of Market Access whenever you wish”


The main objective of this postgraduate diploma is to provide specialists with the latest information on medical departments in the pharmaceutical industry. For this purpose, it provides professionals with the most innovative educational tools, which will bring them up to date with the structure and operation of Medical Affairs, the analysis and methodologies used in pharmacoeconomics, as well as the adaptation and progress achieved in this sector thanks to digital transformation.


This postgraduate diploma will bring you up to date on HTA assessment, its current status worldwide and future development”

General Objectives

  • Assimilate the scientific-technical knowledge that will allow to perform the functions in the Medical Affairs department
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between the MSL and the Medical Advisor with the rest of the departments
  • Investigate models of the relationship between the medical affairs department and the rest of the departments of the pharmaceutical industry
  • Train the professional, through the necessary skills, to improve problem solving and develop essential professional competencies
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of new projects of value for the pharmaceutical industry, such as Lean methodology and digital transformation
  • Show the vision of hospital pharmacy as an agent of collaboration in research. in research
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the latest research support tools
  • Develop actions and initiatives that improve health outcomes, in collaboration with physicians, industry personnel and health departments
  • Develop skills in scientific communication to train and inform other departments and improve the relationship with the physician and patient
  • Train the professional in the critical reading of articles and in evidence management
  • Design effective leadership strategies in work teams and with other departments
  • Train the professional in conflict resolution in the workplace
  • Implement emotional intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry sector
  • Interpret the priorities of the pharmaceutical company and establish cooperation with health institutions, understanding the strategic competencies of the medical department, within the ethical framework
  • Manage scientific databases for carrying out reviews and bibliographic searches of scientific studies
  • Use medical information as a strategy to update the medical team
  • Train the practitioner to communicate medical information to the patient and the health professional

Specific Objectives

Module 1. The drug access environment in the 21st century

  • Describe the most relevant characteristics of the current changing environment that condition the pharmaceutical industry and health care systems
  • Understand the challenges of the industry in the innovation of new treatments and in the access to the drug market access to the drug market
  • Investigate the benefits of public-private partnerships to address challenges
  • Identify the different types of relationships between the industry and its Stakeholders with their different interests
  • Recognize the different types of companies related to the pharmaceutical industry
  • Simulate a drug regulation system
  • Define the different types of drugs and their approach strategy to different customers. to the different customers

Module 2. The Medical Affairs Department

  • Describe the characteristics of the structure and functions of a Medical Affairs department
  • Investigate models of the relationship between the medical affairs department and the rest of the departments of the pharmaceutical industry
  • Recognize the different roles within the Medical Affairs department
  • Simulate a medical plan and a product plan
  • Define the integral communication plan
  • Design RWE studies
  • Recognize the importance of Compliance in the Medical Affairs department

Module 3. Market Access, Health Economics & Outcomes Research

  • Know the basic concepts of pharmaeconomics and the economic evaluation of a drug
  • Investigate why and what it is used for in health decision making
  • Recognize the different methodologies of HTA assessment
  • Simulate the measurement and estimation of health outcomes
  • Describe the most relevant features of Market Access
  • Recreate a market access strategy for a medicine
  • Describe different drug financing models
  • Recognize the importance of measuring health outcomes from an industry perspective
  • Recognize a correct economic evaluation of a drug

Module 4. New value projects of the pharmaceutical industry. Digital transformation in Medical Affairs

  • Describe the most relevant characteristics of change management in the health care environment
  • Learn about Lean methodology in health care
  • Research organizational transformation models
  • Recognize Organizational Culture
  • Simulate an organizational change
  • Define digital transformation in Medical Affairs
  • Recognize the training strategy and define the training objective
  • Investigate how to measure the implementation of the strategy
  • Indicator-based evaluation of the strategy
  • Define Agile Mindset
  • Use predictive analytics as a tool for decision making
  • Design a training plan for opinion leaders

An opportunity created for educators who are looking for an intensive and effective program to take a significant step forward in their career”

Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Discover the exciting world of scientific and strategic management in the pharmaceutical industry with the Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry from TECH Global University. Our online classroom program gives you the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this constantly evolving field. At TECH Global University, we know that flexibility and convenience are essential for your professional development. That's why our program is delivered entirely online, allowing you to access classes from anywhere and at any time. You won't have to worry about commuting or fixed schedules, as you can adapt your learning to your personal and work needs and responsibilities. In addition, the university wants this process to be very satisfactory for you and that is why it uses methodologies in which learning is innovative and of the best quality so that with explanatory videos, summaries, didactic activities and more, the education is of the best quality. The Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry provides you with a comprehensive and updated specialization in the key areas of medical and scientific management. Through our high-quality content and from experts in the field, you will explore topics such as clinical research strategy development, scientific communication, clinical trial management and pharmacovigilance.

Let's take advantage of technology to study 100% virtually

One of the most outstanding benefits of our program is the on-site professional internships in collaboration with renowned clinics and companies in the sector. These internships will allow you to apply your theoretical knowledge in a real-world environment, gain hands-on experience and establish valuable professional contacts. Boost your career in the pharmaceutical industry and broaden your professional horizons with the Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry from TECH Global University. Enroll today and take the first step towards a promising future!