
Get up-to-date on the latest laparoscopic and robotic procedures in minimally invasive liver surgery” 


Both liver and biliary tract surgery and esophagogastric surgery have undergone a series of developments and advances of great relevance in recent years, especially with regard to endoscopic treatments, laparoscopy, robotic surgery and oncological therapies. Therefore, specialists dedicated to this field have much more advanced tools with which to address various hepatobiliopancreatic pathologies.

This is a major impulse for updating in this field, especially in everything related to therapies and Oncologic Surgery. This is the reason that has motivated TECH to create this program, where the latest developments in areas such as endoscopic treatment of esophageal cancer, diagnostic tests in hepatobiliary pathology and surgical treatment of metastases of neuroendocrine tumors are compiled.

All of this is supported by a teaching staff made up of experts in the area, who have contributed their own clinical experience to all the theoretical material. This gives each topic a particular practical vision, providing the specialist with an essential context to incorporate all these advances to their own work methodology.

The format of the program is, moreover, completely online. This means that there are no presential classes or fixed schedules, giving total freedom to take on the teaching load at one's own convenience. All the contents available in the Virtual Campus can be downloaded from any device with Internet connection, and can be reviewed later from the comfort of the tablet or even from a smartphone.

Get up-to-date on the surgical treatment of hepatocarcinomas, including complete studies on the patient and liver transplantation” 

This postgraduate diploma in Hepatobiliopancreatic Oncological Surgery (HBP) contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Digestive System Surgery and Oncology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning.
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Download all the contents of the Virtual Campus so you can review and study them whenever you want”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists
from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

You will not have to follow any kind of fixed schedule, always directing the times and rhythms of study"


Delve into innovation and future lines of research in esophagogastric oncologic surgery"


The main objective of this postgraduate diploma is to offer specialists a detailed update on everything related to Hepatobiliopancreatic Oncological Surgery (HBP). For this purpose, emphasis is placed not only on the latest scientific postulates on the subject, but also on the specialist's own critical thinking, presenting a multitude of real analyses and exercises based on real cases. 


Improve your daily work methodology by incorporating the latest techniques and interventions in Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery”  

General Objectives

  • Delve into the specific knowledge on the management of patients with tumors affecting the digestive tract
  • Discern the surgical techniques to be used and the new technologies currently available for their diagnosis and treatment
  • Know where modern surgery is heading and what are the ways of its development
  • Study the fundamentals of research in Oncological Surgery
  • Knowing the way to develop research projects, how to do them and where to get help
  • Develop skills and technical knowledge in the specialist with which they can face any situation presented by a patient in a unit of Oncological Surgery of the digestive system

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Esophagogastric Oncologic Surgery

  • Study the general aspects of esophageal cancer, its epidemiology and classification, as well as the diagnostic advances available
  • Know the updates in the surgical approach to esophageal cancer
  • Analyze the reconstruction with gastric plasty and its alternatives
  • Define and know the indications of standard and extended lymphadenectomies in esophageal cancer
  • Analyze the new classification of esophagogastric junction tumors
  • Study the clinical and epidemiological differences of gastric tumors in the western and eastern setting
  • Update the surgical treatment of gastric cancer, weighing the technical alternatives for the performance of anastomosis
  • Define the new criteria for oncologic lymphadenectomy
  • Explain and analyze the possible sequelae after esophagogastric surgery, in order to perform an adequate management and treatment
  • Analyze the possible short and long term complications of esophagogastric surgery and the different options to avoid their appearance and minimize their consequences
  • Study the new oncological targeted therapies, reviewing the latest published results that recommend their current use
  • Learn about endoscopic and interventional therapies in esophagogastric tumors

Module 2. Liver and Biliary Tract I Generalities. Liver Tumors

  • Obtain a thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the liver and biliary tract from a practical point of view and applied to liver surgery
  • Obtain a surgical vision of the anatomy of the liver that allows to understand the techniques of liver resection and the importance of knowing this anatomy to avoid complications
  • Know the diagnostic tests that currently exist to study the patient with hepatic tumor pathology, as well as the techniques for the study of hepatic function
  • Develop the ability to determine what residual liver volume a patient needs to survive and the techniques to determine the volume that will remain after surgery
  • Establish the technical basis of liver surgery Obtain the basic and essential knowledge to be able to understand and initiate oneself in liver surgery
  • Present the techniques currently available to increase the residual hepatic volume of a patient, which allow to increase the resectability of liver tumors at diagnosis
  • Learn about the development of the minimally invasive approach in liver surgery, including approach techniques, differences with open surgery, necessary instruments and material, etc
  • Know the complications that can occur in liver and biliary tract surgery
  • Study the main benign liver tumors with malignant and malignant potential, with special attention to hepatocarcinoma
  • Establish which are the current surgical treatment options, indications for surgical resection and liver transplantation for hepatocarcinoma
  • Know what alternatives to surgical treatment exist to treat hepatocarcinoma

Module 3. Liver and Biliary II. Bile Duct Tumors. Liver Metastases

  • Distinguish the types of tumors of the bile duct and gallbladder
  • Differentiate the different surgical treatments in the treatment of bile duct and gallbladder tumors
  • Know the role of endoscopic and interventional treatment
  • Analyze the role of chemotherapy in the treatment
  • Study the indications for radiotherapy in biliary tract and gallbladder tumors
  • Know the different types of hepatic metastases
  • Manage the indications and techniques of surgery in hepatic metastases
  • Know the role of interventionism in the treatment of hepatic metastases
  • Delve into the indications and types of chemotherapy in hepatic metastases
  • Distinguish the role of radiotherapy in liver metastases

You will be able to start improving your clinical approach even before you finish your program” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Hepatobiliopancreatic Oncological Surgery (HBP)

ThePostgraduate Diploma in Hepatobiliopancreatic Oncological Surgery (HBP) at TECH Global University is the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge and become an expert in highly complex oncological surgery. Through our online classes, you will acquire the skills and abilities necessary to tackle the most challenging cases in the field of HBP surgery. During the 6 months of this programme, you will have access to online classes taught by experts in the field of BPH surgery. You will learn the necessary theoretical fundamentals, as well as the most advanced surgical techniques and the latest trends in the treatment of hepatobiliopancreatic cancer.

Become an expert in highly complex oncological surgery

At TECH, we are pleased to introduce you to our Postgraduate Diploma programme. This programme is designed to provide you with the most advanced and up-to-date knowledge of the surgical techniques used in the treatment of hepatobiliopancreatic cancer. The virtual classes offer you the flexibility to access the content from anywhere and at any time, allowing you to adapt your learning to your pace and availability. You will also have additional resources, such as supplementary reading material and explanatory videos, to reinforce your understanding of key concepts. Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive a Postgraduate Diploma qualification, endorsing your expertise and knowledge in this highly specialised field. Don't miss the opportunity to excel in the field of surgical oncology. Enrol and gain the skills you need to provide quality care for patients with hepatobiliopancreatic cancer - start your path to professional excellence today!