
This hybrid professional master’s degree offers an exceptional preparation in which theoretical learning is complemented by high quality practical content in a first class hospital"


The specialties of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology are constantly being renewed. The volume of information in these fields increases exponentially every year and it is impossible for professionals to keep up to date in all areas without experienced pedagogical guidance. Although there are many educational programs in this healthcare field, there are few didactic experiences that deepen the assimilation of the practical tasks of the sector. In this context, this hybrid professional master’s degree from TECH has a positive impact by facilitating theoretical assimilation based on innovative contents and learning methods, and at the same time, it offers a practical and face-to-face stay in first class hospital facilities.

This program of studies delves into novel techniques such as joint replacements, spine surgery, arthroscopic, reparative or fracture management through osteosynthesis. At the same time, it examines the most advanced surgical equipment such as robotic and laparoscopic machines that facilitate the minimally invasive intervention of different orthopedic and traumatological complications. Through the mastery of all these skills, the specialist will analyze the most excellent methodologies to ensure the recovery of patients affected by various pathologies of the locomotor system.

This program is composed of two major educational moments. The first of these, from a more conventional point of view, delves into the theoretical study of the subject matter. The latter will be available on a 100% online and interactive platform, from where students will be able to access all the subjects with the simple help of a device connected to the Internet. In addition, methods such as Relearning will facilitate the development of essential knowledge in a fast and flexible way. On the other hand, in the practical phase, the student will join an institution specialized in the care of patients with orthopedic injuries and traumatological complications. This on-site and intensive stay will be extended for 3 weeks, from Monday to Friday, in 8-hour days. At the same time, students will be in direct contact with top professionals in the sector, acquiring first-hand practical skills.

Enjoy an intensive 3-week stay and acquire all the knowledge to grow personally and professionally"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Update on Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by professionals in this area of work and university professors with extensive experience and experience
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents of the book contain scientific and assistance information on those medical disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Comprehensive systematized action plans for major pathologies
  • Presentation of practical workshops on procedures diagnosis, and treatment techniques
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Practical clinical guides on approaching different pathologies
  • Special emphasis on test-based medicine and research methodologies
  • All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • In addition, you will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best hospitals in the world

Through this program you will be able to complete your training by doing your internship in a hospital equipped with the technological means and approaches of the future, with the best medical technology and alongside renowned specialists in this medical field"

In this hybrid professional master’s degree proposal, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating medical professionals in the field of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and will allow decision making in patient management.

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the Orthopedics and Traumatology professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

During its first phase, this hybrid professional master’s degree applies the most efficient resources to allow the student a constant progress that not only completes your knowledge, but also allows you to learn to develop it in an autonomous and self-recycled way"


In its practical part, you will learn from active participation in all clinical areas of interest to the professional, incorporating rapid and efficient response skills, essential for work in the hospital area"

Why our program?

The healthcare field constantly demands professionals specialized in the different specialties of Update on Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. TECH , aware of this, has developed a program of excellence where the most updated techniques for the diagnosis and therapy of various complications of the locomotor system are collected. In addition, it delves into the most innovative equipment in the sector. To meet this objective, this program offers advanced theoretical subjects as well as a practical and face-to-face stay in renowned hospital institutions. In this way, they will also have access to leading specialists in this professional area and will learn, first-hand, their most frequent work methodologies. 

master update orthopedic surgery traumatology TECH Global University

TECH offers you a unique learning opportunity in which you will be able to join prestigious healthcare institutions in the orthopedic and trauma surgical care of patients with severe damage to their locomotor system"

1. Updating from the latest technology available

Orthopedic and Traumatologic Surgery has experienced a dizzying rise in recent years due to the development of laparoscopic technologies for non-invasive surgical techniques. These tools have proven to be very useful for the removal of malignant tumors of varying complexity and anatomical transplants. 

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

TECH provides personalized teaching guidance in all educational phases of this program. Learn the theoretical framework of this hybrid professional master’s degree, students have the best faculty to clarify their doubts and concepts of interest. On the other hand, during the internship in a prestigious medical center, the student will have a designated tutor who will help him/her to integrate holistically into the dynamics of care.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for its Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a rigorous environment in the areas of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. In this way, you will be able to see the day-to-day work of a demanding and exhaustive area of work, always applying the latest scientific theses and postulates in its work methodology.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice 

This training provides its students with the assimilation of the most updated theoretical contents in the surgical field of Orthopedics and Traumatology through a 100% online training and free of restrictive schedules. At the same time, students will be able to develop the assimilated knowledge in practice in a highly prestigious health facility for 3 weeks.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge  

This academic program offers its students a link with renowned centers in the field of orthopedics and traumatology from the international sphere. Thus, each specialist can expand the frontiers of their knowledge based on the network of contacts and collaborations of TECH, the largest digital university in the world.

master degree update orthopedic surgery traumatology TECH Global University

You will have full hands-on immersion at the center of your choice”

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Updating in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology

Updating in orthopedic surgery and traumatology is essential to improve the quality of life of patients and the effectiveness of treatments. Continuous research and the adoption of new techniques and technologies allow surgeons to offer more precise and personalized solutions to each clinical case. The Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Updating in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology created by TECH Global University is an excellent option for medical professionals who wish to improve their skills and knowledge in this area. The program is designed to provide comprehensive training in the latest advances in orthopedic surgery and traumatology, combining theory and practice in an enriching learning environment. The curriculum is structured in modules covering a wide range of topics, from the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, to the most advanced surgical techniques. Students will learn from experienced professionals in the field, who will provide knowledge and experience gained throughout their careers.

Update yourself in orthopedic surgery and traumatology

At TECH we have a blended learning modality, which allows students to attend face-to-face classes and participate in practical activities in an enriching learning environment. In addition, they will have access to online learning materials, allowing them to learn at their own pace and from anywhere. This will help students interact with their peers and professors through online forums and other communication tools. In short, this program represents an excellent option for professionals seeking to improve their skills and knowledge in this area. The methodology implemented here will provide students with comprehensive theoretical-practical training, essential for each student to achieve skills in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.