
Political communication puts into action specific strategies that require the journalist to have in depth knowledge of political functioning and its message. This professional master’s degree will enable you to work with the efficiency of an expert in the sector”


Defining what politics is key. Since the beginnings of power in government, it is difficult to find a definition that accurately captures its meaning given the complexity of the concept: politics surrounds everything and everyone, from the prices of products bought at the supermarket to the salaries earned by each worker or the protection of the most disadvantaged. 

Politics generates changes in society; therefore, it is essential to have specialized knowledge of the political environment and its development based on truthful, contrasted and well elaborated information.

In this way, political journalists become authentic actors and defenders of the truth, both externally in the media and newspapers, as well as internally, elaborating the communication plans of the parties that go for election at the polls. 

The main objective of this professional master’s degree is the specialization of the professional journalist in Political Journalism. To achieve this, you will have to go through a practical case study and the completion of complementary activities that generate specialized knowledge. 

The degree of specialization gained in the professional master’s degree in Political Journalism allows the professional journalist to achieve a high level of advanced knowledge and development in the political environments surrounding the world of journalism, in the most relevant and significant aspects in any of its professional lines.

The proven experience of TECH Global University is available to you in this complete program”

The professional master’s degree in Political Journalism contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A professional master’s degree supported by the best technology, which will allow you to learn in a fluent and efficient way”

Or teaching staff is made up of practising specialists. A multidisciplinary team of trained and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will contribute the practical knowledge derived from their own experience to the program.  

This mastery of the subject matter is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design, developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts who integrate the latest advances in educational technology.  

In order to achieve success in this program, the professional will have the help of a innovative interactive video system, through which they will be able to put into practice the telepractice and learning from an expert systems. A concept that will allow them to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.    

Learn all the aspects that successful political communication professionals must master"


With professors who are experts in this area of work, this program is a unique opportunity for professional development"


The professional master’s degree in Political Journalism is aimed at obtaining a degree of specialization that allows the journalism professional to develop their career in this area in an optimal way, making them knowledgeable in new dissemination techniques, campaign strategies and cross referencing of information for a government system. For this purpose, we have developed the essential theoretical content that will provide students with the necessary knowledge and tools to transfer into practice, which will be developed intensively throughout the program.    


Learn how to interact with the different political agents by managing the appropriate protocols to create the most effective access channels to the sources of information” 

General Objectives

  • Examine the historical development of societies through the thinkers that made them evolve
  • Identify the disruptive factors in political thought that forged the development of public opinion through the early days of the media
  • Reach conclusions on the evolution of propaganda systems as factors for achieving power 
  • Anlayze the creation and workings of ideologies within societies
  • Examine the use of political parties as a vehicle for ideologies
  • Analyze the political realities of the different territories in comparison with the ideologies that have developed there and the party system that operates internally
  • Develop the influence of the political culture of each citizen in the decision of their sympathy towards the different parties
  • Establish the first links with political environments
  • Develop the specifics of different parliamentary activities
  • Identify the different channels of communication available between political formations and the press in the different courts
  • Examine the different styles of parliamentary reporting depending on the format and adapt editorial staffs to improve efficiency and quality
  • Develop specialized knowledge of political communication
  • Examine and relate political communication with social sciences and, in particular, with communication theories
  • Analyze the role of communication of political institutions in the framework of contemporary democracies
  • Create and analyze political speeches aimed at different environments and audiences, as well as to execute them verbally with communicative effectiveness
  • Identify communication strategies applied in political discourses
  • Analyze the rhetoric of political speeches and the different persuasion strategies in political and electoral campaigns
  • Develop skills in the use of oral expression techniques which allow the student to acquire the ability to create and analyze political discourse
  • Develop effective communication skills to become an excellent spokesperson and communicator in a professional environment
  • Analyze the international context in which political actors are developed
  • Analyze media performance within international political spheres and armed conflicts
  • Interpret the functions that each supranational institution envisages and how their actions may affect particular countries
  • Analyze the discrimination factors of collectives in societies
  • Identify patterns of discriminatory information in information published by the media
  • Determine how best to provide ethical and respectful information without losing the value of professional objectivity
  • Analyzw social media in the serach for political information 
  • Evaluate the behavior of political actors on social media 
  • Identify political opportunities in social media
  • Lead the way in social media management and social media analytics
  • Establish the operation and the process for creating surveys
  • Analyze the impact of the polling data on the population and political parties
  • Determine the use and application of political data within the media
  • Exercise the journalistic profession ethically within the political environment
  • Determine how the journalist’s relationships with parties and institutions work in order to obtain the desired information
  • Discern and filter truthful and unintentional information from hoaxes that seek to promote public disinformation

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Political Journalism, Propaganda and Philosophy of Thought

  • Analyze the influence of power and government in the past, as a basis for current societies
  • Extract key points of thought from the political philosophers of Greece and Rome and apply them to modern knowledge  
  • Generate knowledge about democratic development during the Enlightenment and the contributions of its thinkers to political theory
  • Relate any political period from history with contemporary theorists
  • Examine the surge of media influence and power over public opinion
  • Determine the relevance of propaganda during the outbreak and development of war conflicts, mainly in contemporary Europe
  • Discern the influence of journalistic and propagandistic developments at the beginning of the 20th century on the evolution of the Spanish Civil War and the subsequent Franco dictatorship
  • Identify key historical factors in our societies today to draw conclusions about political influences over time
  • Analyze the role of the media in democratic societies through their relationship with power

Module 2. Ideologies and Political Parties

  • Critically analyze the different ideological scales and political orientations
  • Examine the positioning of the parties within political systems
  • Determine the importance of lobbying groups associated with civil movements with a political aspect
  • Establish the different political identities of both parties and citizens, which is fundamental to interpret their ideological positions
  • Examine how a party functions, its rules and internal standards and what causes divisions or unions with different families 
  • Examine the changes that may occur in parties as their political progress develops towards institutionalization

Module 3. Parliamentary Journalism and Political Environments

  • Justify the need for reliable and honest reporting
  • Examine all the tools available in the Chamber for the practice of parliamentary journalism
  • Analyze the different activities and events of the hemicycle
  • Identify the usual channels of communication between the press and the parties
  • Propose new writing styles according to the platforms, format and technology available
  • Analyze the tentacles of power of political environments

Module 4. Political and Institutional Communication

  • Develop capacity, skills and critical judgment to establish the communication plan, set objectives, define the target audience, plan strategies and control the communication budget
  • Analyze the mechanisms through which political communication tools are designed, both historically and currently, and their application to different cases
  • Determine the functions of the person in charge of the communication area of an organization or company and establish contacts with the different audiences, both internal and external
  • Identify the main theories for the analysis of the relationship between electoral campaigns, media and political behavior
  • Develop skills and abilities to research and analyze communication phenomena and processes for all types of public and private organizations, advisory, consulting and mediation tasks
  • Evaluate and assess the identity, communication, image, reputation and brand of an organization, product or person
  • Generate own criteria to search and analyze information from diverse sources within the political communication environment

Module 5. Political Discourse Analysis

  • Analyze the origin of rhetoric and public speaking Identify what they are, as well as the importance of adapting to different audiences in order to communicate in a convincing and persuasive way
  • Propose an interdisciplinary approach to political discourse, taking into account the complexity of all discursivity
  • Develop specialized knowledge and critical judgment to situate the communicative processes and phenomena under investigation (political, cultural, ideological, historical, social) in the corresponding potential levels of causes and their possible effects
  • Examine discursive and argumentative rhetoric for its application to analytical, interpretative and opinion texts
  • Recognize the role of political consulting in the political communication of political parties and political professionals
  • Identify elements involved in electoral communication
  • Provide innovative conceptual tools to concretely apply empirical case studies

Module 6. International Political Journalism and Global Structures

  • Determine the role of the political journalist within international environments
  • Analyze the functioning of different types of states and how they can act politically
  • Interpret the consequences of globalization on the development of societies from a communication perspective
  • Analyze the position of supranational organizations and their decision-making capacity over the states to which they are addressed
  • Develop, with a critical perspective, the most recent armed conflicts and their impact on societies, as well as their treatment by the media
  • Examine the relevance of social movements from the French May onwards, and the information that has been given about them
  • Analyze the incidence of the new populisms in the different countries where they have taken power and the means used to achieve it

Module 7. Communication in Diversity and Gender

  • Identify the factors of discrimination of groups in the media, and discern whether they are provoked or unintentional
  • Determine the basis for inclusive communication
  • Analyze the evolution of the media as an opportunity to advance the modes of informative language
  • Visualize the role of women in the mainstream media, both internally as journalists and in the way they are treated in the news
  • Identify the racist biases that can occur within a publication
  • Examine the assignment of space to disadvantaged groups
  • Assume the social responsibility of journalists as informers of the public in order to evolve towards a better professional practice

Module 8. Analysis and Management of Social Media for Influencing and Communicating

  • Identify relevant communities and political actors in social networks
  • Identify political social media
  • Defining guidelines for action in social networks
  • Verify the content of social media
  • Manage social media correctly
  • Generate social media data for subsequent analysis
  • Create useful reports for the evaluation of action on the internet
  • Monitor political activity on social media
  • Explore political innovation on the internet

Module 9. Analysis of Political Data and Polls

  • Analyze the history of political data and its use throughout the history of democracy
  • Establish the use of surveys and their preparation and creation phases
  • Determine the role of the “kitchen” in the leaking of political data
  • Analyze the use that parties, media and citizens make of surveys
  • Develop expertise in using a survey and understanding its data as it is to be processed
  • Determine the use of data visualization within the media work and its processing essential to the understanding of the particular user

Module 10. Source Journalism, Professional Ethics and Fake News

  • Analyze the current situation of the media in the daily coexistence with disinformation processes
  • Identify both organic (parties) and individual (politicians) political sources
  • Analyze the factors that have developed Fake News in recent years, looking at the major sources of Fake News broadcasting
  • Examine the limits of legal journalism with regard to the preparation and elaboration of information, connecting in the same way with the legal perspective
  • Determine the need for continuous verification work, based on what has already been developed by the fact checking companies
  • Analyze existing legislative initiatives to regulate the propagation of hoaxes and false information
  • Praise the work of the fact checking and objective journalist as opposed to the media that promote disinformation

Our goal is simple: to offer you high quality specialization, with the most developed teaching resources so that you achieve the best results with little effort” 

Professional Master's Degree in Political Journalism


If there is a spark that lights the fuse of debate because of its weight in the socioeconomic landscape, it is politics. Being the core of power that carries the course of nations, this governmental component has always echoed in public opinion. Therefore, it is important that all personnel related to the field of journalism deepen this nuance and can provide an impartial, complete and accurate view of the actions of the State. The Professional Master's Degree in Political Journalism offered by TECH Global University arises precisely as a complement of remarkable category, not only to enhance the knowledge inherent to the role of communicator, but to learn to dissect the political sphere from the rigor of the media. Through an intensive but motivating virtual training coupled with a fully qualified teaching staff, cutting-edge academic models and self-regulated lessons, we provide an efficient way of qualification to all professionals in social communication and journalism. Thus, they will have curricular support in a field that has great opportunities for job growth.

Study political journalism online


Throughout history politics and journalism have shared an interesting bond. It was during the 1st century BC that the emperor Julius Caesar reported governmental affairs to the citizens by means of the so-called ""Public Act"". Since then, the links between the government and the media have been as recurrent as they have been questioned due to the latent intentions of both sides: the former for exercising an unnatural hegemony and the latter for leaving impartiality aside in favor of private interests. Today, more than ever, we need professionals with strong ethical codes that bring together the pristine ideas of both concepts: journalism and politics. Our Professional Master's Degree is the answer to that dichotomy. With a solid syllabus of flexible classes, we will instruct you on topics such as: parliamentary journalism, institutional communication, political discourse analysis, international coverage, social media management, etc. By opting for TECH you have the opportunity to bet not only on a better position, but on a promising social change.