
Your collections can be marketed in major world cities if you implement the most appropriate Product Management strategies”


Managing fashion collections implies having a deep knowledge of the different areas involved: design, market research, trends, promotion, marketing, sales, etc. A complex task that requires multidisciplinary and highly qualified professionals. In considering the academic needs of professionals in this field, TECH has decided to create this Postgraduate Diploma in Product Manager in Fashion Design, a comprehensive program that covers every issue that designers must be able to handle to start their own fashion business or to access management positions in leading companies in the field.

Specifically, this syllabus covers everything from branding and visual identity to marketing garments, accessories and purchasing management. Accordingly, students will have access to the most comprehensive information available today, which will allow them to acquire a general idea of the market and be able to identify every technique and strategy to implement during their professional activity.

That is why we grant students unrestricted access to all the educational resources offered, from the most up-to-date theoretical content, to multiple practical exercises, which will be essential to face real situations in simulated cases. One of the main advantages of this program is that it is offered in a 100% online format, so students themselves plan their study, choosing the place and time that best suits them. That way, students can continue with their education while carrying out the rest of their daily obligations, whether professional or personal.

If you want your brand to achieve success akin to Versace, Dior or Balenciaga, enroll in this program and take the first step toward a successful career” 

This postgraduate diploma in Product Manager in Fashion Design contains the most complete and up to date program the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in fashion
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis is placed on innovative methodologies in fashion project management
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Bet on innovation and turn your ideas into reality with the creation of collections that will be marketed in the main stores in your country” 

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the fashion industry, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

Your job as Product Manager will be to control every phase in promotion and marketing processes. An aspect that will prove fundamental in the success of your collection"


Knowing the main marketing tools will allow you to focus your promotions on the target audience, achieving higher sales"


Managing a fashion project is an arduous task. Not only is it necessary to possess extensive knowledge of the field, but also of all related areas essential to being competitive. With this postgraduate diploma, students will acquire a level of competence that will allow them to delve into a booming field and get to know every phase involved in product management processes to conduct effective marketing and promotion for every collection launched.


You will be a world-class Product Manager and be capable of quickly raising your brand's prestige”

General Objectives

  • Develop virtual skills for the new fashion environment, managing current codes and fostering a creative and artistic spirit
  • Elaborate a professional design project with global impact capacity based on new opportunities
  • Design while being aware of the use of materials thanks to a deep knowledge in the use of fabrics
  • Face changes with agility and flexibility through an interdisciplinary perspective
  • Materialize the connection between the imaginary world and the real world

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Visual Identity = UX + Branding

  • Develop artistic creativity through scientific data analysis
  • Learn to think critically and analyze the right fashion variables
  • Predict fashion trends by identifying behavioral patterns, constructing sequences of facts and translating them into representation schemes
  • Master the main Data Science tools and programs, understanding artificial intelligence and what it is used for, as well as when to apply it
  • Understand how programming languages work and become familiar with them
  • Develop the use and practice of the main technological tools used in digital fashion marketing, applying essential and specific metrics to evaluate decision-making from an innovation department
  • Build a representable, exponentially growing identity of a fashion brand by creating a living storyline
  • Replicate the use of technological tools in most of the sectors that make up the fashion industry: cosmetics, jewelry, clothing and footwear

Module 2. Collection Marketing

  • Project an appropriate image of the brand or collection
  • Present collections to the public in an attractive and coherent manner
  • Know how to coordinate fashion events and promote the use of sustainable garments

Module 3. Purchasing Management for Fashion

  • Learn how to manage each of the processes involved in garment marketing
  • Conduct comprehensive analyses to understand the customer purchasing intentions
  • Source the best-selling products before the end of stock
  • Master the technological tools that are the basis of Big Data and that will allow you to gain an advantage over your competitors by reducing lead times 

Run your own fashion company and place it among the most internationally recognized”

Postgraduate Diploma in Fashion Design Product Manager

The fashion market is one of the most potential commercial scenarios in recent times. It requires, therefore, not only previous knowledge, but a whole set of multidisciplinary knowledge. The professional must have an avant-garde spirit and a deep knowledge in different areas: design, project management, international business, trends, sales, and a high communicative capacity to be able to enter the world of haute couture. Thinking about the needs and academic interests of professionals in this field, TECH has decided to create this postgraduate course with the purpose of becoming one of the best product managers in the competitive world of design and catwalks.

Study a Postgraduate Diplom in Product Manager in Fashion Design

With this program the student will be able to specialize in product manager, achieving a higher level of competence that will allow him to promote the artistic, creative and innovative spirit. Now, taking into account the demands of the industry and the strong competition in the market, this University Expert is not only aimed at covering the main demands related to the world of design, image, and haute couture, but above all the training and professionalization of those interested in perfecting their knowledge linked to marketing, catwalks, as well as the deepening in the virtual and latest generation mechanisms for success in their profession. You will be able to manage design projects with a global impact based on the new opportunities of the fashion market.

Perform a Postgraduate Diploma 100% online

At TECH Global University we apply the newest learning system: relearning, where you will be the protagonist of your professionalization by accessing online to the main contents elaborated by a highly qualified faculty and with a virtual platform the most elaborated in the market to provide our students with the best tools in their learning process.