
In environments where Russian is the dominant language, demonstrating complete mastery of the language provides a significant competitive advantage. C2, the highest level according to the CEFR, covers the skills that a bilingual person should have since it is the equivalent of the level of a well-educated native speaker. 

Therefore, this TECH exam provides the candidate with a unique opportunity to test himself/herself and demonstrate his/her language skills in handling Russian. Following a unique comprehensive methodology and academic flexibility, it is the best option to obtain a university degree based on the most international criteria, those of the CEFR. 

By certifying your fluency with this university degree in C2 you will be taking an important step in your professional career”

As the world's leading exporter of natural gas and the second largest exporter of oil, Russia presents you with a magnificent opportunity to grow with your TECH C2 certificate.

As it is one of the most widely spoken native languages in the world, having an expert endorsement in Russian will guarantee you tempting job offers in countries such as Russia itself, Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus. The C2 will give you access to job offers with higher requirements, as more advanced positions are usually only available to native speakers or bilinguals.

Unlike other programs, this Russian C2 university certificate does not need to be renewed, so once you pass the exam it will be a permanent high quality addition to any CV.  

TECH provides you with the greatest possible flexibility and convenience, even letting you choose when to take the exam.

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks” 

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.
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Flexible and Tailored 

Take your exam in person at any of our accredited locations or online from wherever you want.

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Acquire Skills and Abilities

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with an examiner just for you, with no external pressure.

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No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you.


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Have no difficulty understanding any type of speech, even at the fast speed typical of native speakers, both in face-to-face conversations and in relayed speeches
    Understand specialized lectures and presentations, even if they contain a high degree of colloquialisms, regionalisms or unusual terminology

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand and critically interpret virtually any form of written language, including abstract and complexly structured texts or literary and non-literary texts with a lot of colloquialisms
    Understand a wide range of long and complex texts, and appreciate subtle distinctions of style and meaning, both implicit and explicit

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Possess a good command of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, being aware of the connotative levels of meaning
  • Accurately convey subtle shades of meaning using, with reasonable accuracy, a wide range of modification procedures. Know how to overcome difficulties so discreetly that the interlocutor hardly notices
  • Understand any speaker, even if he/she is a native speaker, even when dealing with abstract and complex topics of a specialized nature and beyond his/her own field of expertise, provided he/she has the possibility to do so with a non-standard accent
  • Converse comfortably and adequately, without any linguistic limitation, in all kinds of social and personal life situations
  • Be able to engage in formal discussions of complex issues, with well-organized and persuasive arguments, without any disadvantage compared to native speakers
  • Represent their part of the dialogue very well, structuring what they say and performing with authority and fluency as interviewer or interviewee, without being at a disadvantage compared to a native speaker

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Express themselves with clarity and precision, and speak with the addressee with flexibility and efficiency
    Express oneself with clarity and precision in personal communication, and use the language flexibly and effectively; including emotional, allusive, and humorous uses

CEFR C2 Russian Exam

If you speak advanced Russian and aspire to use these language skills to access new professional opportunities, it is key that you certify yourself with an institute of great relevance. TECH Global University offers you the CEFR C2 Russian Exam, a way of accrediting your mastery of this language, 100% online and with the highest academic standards in the market. Through an immersive platform, easy to access, you will find a test divided into four parts, structured to validate the fundamental skills of the language: reading comprehension, written expression, listening comprehension and oral expression. To do this, we use cutting-edge multimedia content such as interactive texts, audios, videos and more, where you will have to understand key words in a recorded monologue, to conduct an online interview with one of our Russian language experts. The exam has a total duration of approximately four hours and can be taken remotely, which gives you significant advantages in terms of flexibility and convenience when taking the exam.

Certify in C2 Russian at TECH

Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and the first in the European area. Since it is the mother tongue of a country with enormous influence in international trade as a leader in exports of energy, metals, military equipment and agricultural products, it is logical that having an accreditation as an advanced level Russian speaker is a highly valued curricular feature in the foreign market. Do you want to travel or get highly paid positions? Then enroll at TECH Global University's School of Languages and take our C2 Russian language exam. Based on the requirements of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and using cutting-edge technology in the field of multilingual teaching, we guarantee you a solid and rigorous testing experience, where you will be assessed by native teachers with a proven track record in the use and teaching of the language. Take advantage of the opportunity to obtain a certificate from the best online university in the world! Enroll at TECH.