Why study at TECH?

Take a step forward with this Professional master’s degreeand become the focal point of all your organization's marketing strategies, filling the position of Chief Marketing Officer with advanced and refined knowledge" 


Why study at TECH?

TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school, with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class centre for intensive managerial skills training.   

TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, and puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve entrepreneurial success"     

At TECH Global University

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The university offers an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every entrepreneur’s focus. 

"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system.  
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The Highest Standards

Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't need to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The institution's academic standards are exceptionally high...    

95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
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Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH, allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that may prove useful to them in the future.

100,000+ executives trained each year, 200+ different nationalities.
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Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players in 7 continents.    

500+ collaborative agreements with leading companies.
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This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow them to voice their concerns and share their business vision. 

After completing this program, TECH helps students show the world their talent. 


Show the world your talent after completing this program. 
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Multicultural Context

While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience. Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, through which students can learn about the operating methods in different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that best adapts to their business idea. 

TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities. 
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Learn with the best

In the classroom, TECH’s teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their career and stand out in the business world. 

Teachers representing 20 different nationalities. 

TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series of characteristics that make this university unique: 

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TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.    

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Academic Excellence

TECH offers students the best online learning methodology. The university combines the Re-learning methodology (the most internationally recognized postgraduate learning methodology) with Harvard Business School case studies. A complex balance of traditional and state-of-the-art methods, within the most demanding academic framework.      

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Economy of Scale

TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as expensive for students as it would be at another university.   

At TECH you will have access to Harvard Business School case studies" 


This MBA in Marketing Management (Chief Marketing Officer) has been structured completely online, so the contents are accessible from any device with an Internet connection. The executive will be able to access a multimedia library rich in content, with video summaries, complementary reading and examples based on real cases that help to contextualize all the theory. 

Position yourself as a key figure in the marketing and advertising strategies of your institution thanks to the high-level contents of this MBA in Marketing Management (Chief Marketing Officer)”  


The MBA in Marketing Management (Chief Marketing Officer) is an intensive program that prepares managers to face challenges and high-level business decisions. Its content is designed to promote the development of skills that enable more rigorous decision making in uncertain environments. 

Throughout 2,700 hours of study, a multitude of practical cases will be analyzed through individual work, achieving a deep learning process that will enable students to transfer everything they have studied to their daily professional work. It is, therefore, an authentic immersion in real business situations.  

This Executive Master’s Degree deals in depth with different areas of the company and is designed to professionally elevate managers who understand marketing from a modern, technological, innovative and transversal perspective. 

This program takes place over 12 months and is divided into 15 modules.

Module 1. Market Research 
Module 2. Management and Leadership
Module 3. Logistics and Economic Management
Module 4. Strategy in Marketing Management
Module 5. Customer Relationship Management
Module 6. Operational Marketing
Module 7. Sectorial Marketing
Module 8. International Marketing
Module 9. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce 
Module 10. e-Commerce and Shopify 
Module 11. Social Media and Community Management
Module 12. Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Companies
Module 13. People and Talent Management  
Module 14. Economic and Financial Management  
Module 15. Executive Management 


Where, When and How is it Taught?

TECH offers the possibility of developing this MBA in Marketing Management (Chief Marketing Officer) completely online. Throughout the 12 months of the educational program, you will be able to access all the contents of this program at any time, allowing you to self-manage your study time.

Module 1. Market Research

1.1. Fundamentals of Marketing

1.1.1. Main Definitions
1.1.2. Basic Concepts
1.1.3. The Evolution of the Concept of Marketing

1.2. Marketing: From the Idea to the Market 

1.2.1. Concept and Scope of Marketing
1.2.2. Marketing Dimensions
1.2.3. Marketing 3.0

1.3. New Competitive Environment

1.3.1. Technological Innovation and Economic Impact
1.3.2. Knowledge Society
1.3.3. The New Consumer Profile

1.4. Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques

1.4.1. Variables and Measurement Scales
1.4.2. Information Sources
1.4.3. Sampling Techniques
1.4.4. The Treatment and Analysis of Data

1.5. Qualitative Research Methods and Techniques

1.5.1. Direct Techniques: Focus Group
1.5.2. Anthropological Techniques
1.5.3. Indirect Techniques
1.5.4. The Two Face Mirror and The Delphi Method

1.6. Market Segmentation 

1.6.1. Market Typologies
1.6.2. Concept and Analysis of the Demand
1.6.3. Segmentation and Criteria
1.6.4. Defining the Target Audience

1.7. Types of Buying Behavior

1.7.1. Complex Behavior
1.7.2. Dissonance Reducing Behavior
1.7.3. Variety Seeking Behavior
1.7.4. Habitual Purchasing Behavior

1.8. Marketing Information Systems

1.8.1. Conceptual Approaches to Marketing Information Systems
1.8.2. Data Warehouse and Datamining
1.8.3. Geographical Information Systems

1.9. Research Project Management

1.9.1. Information Analysis Tools
1.9.2. Developing an Expectation Management Plan
1.9.3. Assessing the Feasibility of Projects

1.10. Marketing Intelligence

1.10.1. Big Data
1.10.2. User Experience
1.10.3. Applying Techniques

Module 2. Management and Leadership

2.1. General Management 

2.1.1. Integrating Functional Strategies into the Global Business Strategies
2.1.2. Management Policy and Processes
2.1.3. Society and Enterprise

2.2. Strategic Management

2.2.1. Establish the Strategic Position: Mission, Vision and Values
2.2.2. Developing New Businesses
2.2.3. Growing and Consolidating Companies

2.3. Competitive Strategy 

2.3.1. Market Analysis
2.3.2. Sustainable Competitive Advantage
2.3.3. Return on Investment

2.4. Corporate Strategy 

2.4.1. Driving Corporate Strategy
2.4.2. Pacing Corporate Strategy
2.4.3. Framing Corporate Strategy

2.5. Planning and Strategy 

2.5.1. The Relevance of Strategic Direction in the Management Control Process
2.5.2. Analysis of the Environment and the Organization
2.5.3. Lean Management

2.6. Talent Management

2.6.1. Managing Human Capital
2.6.2. Environment, Strategy, and Metrics
2.6.3. Innovation in People Management

2.7. Management and Leadership Development 

2.7.1. Leadership and Leadership Styles
2.7.2. Motivation
2.7.3. Emotional Intelligence
2.7.4. Skills and Abilities of the Leader 2.0
2.7.5. Efficient Meetings

2.8. Change Management 

2.8.1. Performance Analysis
2.8.2. Leading Change. Resistance to Change
2.8.3. Managing Change Processes
2.8.4. Managing Multicultural Teams

Module 3. Logistics and Economic Management 

3.1. Financial Diagnosis

3.1.1. Indicators for Analyzing Financial Statements
3.1.2. Profitability Analysis
3.1.3. Economic and Financial Profitability of a Company

3.2. Economic Analysis of Decisions 

3.2.1. Budget Control
3.2.2. Competitive Analysis. Comparative Analysis
3.2.3. Decision-Making. Business Investment or Divestment

3.3. Investment Valuation and Portfolio Management 

3.3.1. Profitability of Investment Projects and Value Creation
3.3.2. Models for Evaluating Investment Projects
3.3.3. Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Development, and Decision Trees

3.4. Purchasing Logistics Management

3.4.1. Stocks Management
3.4.2. Warehouse Management
3.4.3. Purchasing and Procurement Management

3.5. Supply Chain Management

3.5.1. Costs and Efficiency of the Operations Chain
3.5.2. Change in Demand Patterns
3.5.3. Change in Operations Strategy

3.6. Logistical Processes

3.6.1. Organization and Management by Processes
3.6.2. Procurement, Production and Distribution
3.6.3. Quality, Quality Costs, and Tools
3.6.4. After-Sales Service

3.7. Logistics and Customers

3.7.1. Demand Analysis and Forecasting
3.7.2. Sales Forecasting and Planning
3.7.3. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replacement

3.8. International Logistics

3.8.1. Customs, Export and Import Processes
3.8.2. Methods and Means of International Payment
3.8.3. International Logistics Platforms

Module 4. Strategy in Marketing Management

4.1. Marketing Management

4.1.1. Positioning and Value Creation
4.1.2. Company’s Marketing Orientation and Positioning.
4.1.3. Strategic Marketing Operational Marketing
4.1.4. Objectives in Marketing Management
4.1.5. Integrated Marketing Communications

4.2. The Function of Strategic Marketing

4.2.1. Main Marketing Strategies
4.2.2. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
4.2.3. Managing Strategic Marketing

4.3. Marketing Strategy Dimensions

4.3.1. Necessary Resources and Investments
4.3.2. Fundamentals of Competitive Advantage
4.3.3. The Company’s Competitive Behavior
4.3.4. Focus Marketing

4.4. New Product Strategy Development

4.4.1. Creativity and Innovation in Marketing
4.4.2. Generation and Filtering of Ideas
4.4.3. Commercial Viability Analysis
4.4.4. Development, Market Testing, and Commercialization

4.5. Pricing Policies

4.5.1. Short and Long-Term Aims
4.5.2. Types of Pricing
4.5.3. Factors that Affect Pricing

4.6. Promotion and Merchandising Strategies

4.6.1. Advertising Management
4.6.2. Communication and Media Plan
4.6.3. Merchandising as a Marketing Technique
4.6.4. Visual Merchandising

4.7. Distribution, Expansion, and Intermediation Strategies

4.7.1. Outsourcing of Sales Force and Customer Service
4.7.2. Commercial Logistics in Product and Service Sales Management
4.7.3. Sales Cycle Management

4.8. Developing the Marketing Plan

4.8.1. Analysis and Diagnosis
4.8.2. Strategic Decisions
4.8.3. Operational Decisions

Module 5. Operational Marketing

5.1. Marketing Mix

5.1.1. The Marketing Value Proposition
5.1.2. Marketing Mix Policies, Strategies, and Tactics
5.1.3. Elements of Marketing Mix
5.1.4. Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Mix

5.2. Product Management 

5.2.1. Consumption Distribution and Product Life Cycle
5.2.2. Obsolescence, Expiration, Periodic Campaigns
5.2.3. Order Management and Inventory Control Ratios

5.3. Pricing Principles

5.3.1. Analysis of the Environment
5.3.2. Production Costs and Discount Margins
5.3.3. Final Price and Positioning Map

5.4. Distribution Channel Management

5.4.1. Trade Marketing
5.4.2. Distribution Culture and Competition
5.4.3. Designing and Managing Channels
5.4.4. Functions of Distribution Channels
5.4.5. Route to Market

5.5. Promotion and Sales Channels

5.5.1. Corporate Branding
5.5.2. Advertising
5.5.3. Sales Promotion
5.5.4. Public Relations and Personal Selling
5.5.5. Street Marketing

5.6. Branding

5.6.1. Brand Evolution
5.6.2. Creating and Developing a Successful Brand
5.6.3. Brand Equity
5.6.4. Category Management

5.7. Managing Marketing Groups

5.7.1. Work Teams and Meeting Management
5.7.2. Coaching and Team Management
5.7.3. Managing Equality and Diversity

5.8. Communication and Marketing

5.8.1. Communication Integrated into Marketing
5.8.2. Designing a Marketing Communication Program 
5.8.3. Communication Skills and Influence
5.8.4. Barriers to Business Communication

Module 6. Customer Relationship Management

6.1. Knowing the Market and the Consumer

6.1.1. Open Innovation
6.1.2. Competitive Intelligence
6.1.3. Sharing Economy

6.2. CRM and Business Philosophy

6.2.1. Business Philosophy or Strategic Orientation
6.2.2. Customer Identification and Differentiation
6.2.3. The Company and its Stakeholders
6.2.4. Clienting

6.3. Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

6.3.1. Database Marketing Applications
6.3.2. Laws and Regulations
6.3.3. Information Sources, Storage, and Processing

6.4. Consumer Psychology and Behavior

6.4.1. The Study of Consumer Behavior
6.4.2. Internal and External Consumer Factors
6.4.3. Consumer Decision Process
6.4.4. Consumerism, Society, Marketing, and Ethics

6.5. Areas of CRM Management

6.5.1. Customer Service
6.5.2. Managing the Sales Force
6.5.3. Customer Service

6.6. Consumer Centric Marketing

6.6.1. Segmentation
6.6.2. Profitability Analysis
6.6.3. Customer Loyalty Strategies

6.7. CRM Management Techniques

6.7.1. Direct Marketing
6.7.2. Multichannel Integration
6.7.3. Viral Marketing

6.8. Advantages and Risks of Implementing CRM

6.8.1. CRM, Sales and Costs
6.8.2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
6.8.3. Technology Implementation
6.8.4. Strategic and Management Errors

Module 7. Sectorial Marketing 

7.1. Services Marketing

7.1.1. Evolution and Growth of the Service Sector
7.1.2. Function of Services Marketing
7.1.3. Marketing Strategy in the Service Sector

7.2. Touristic Marketing

7.2.1. Features of the Tourism Sector
7.2.2. Tourist Product
7.2.3. The Customer in Tourism Marketing

7.3. Political and Electoral Marketing

7.3.1. Political Marketing vs. Electoral Marketing
7.3.2. Political Market Segmentation
7.3.3. Electoral Campaign

7.4. Social Marketing and Responsible Marketing

7.4.1. Social Cause Marketing and CSR
7.4.2. Environmental Marketing
7.4.3. Segmentation in Social Marketing

7.5. Retail Management

7.5.1. Relevance
7.5.2. Reward
7.5.3. Cost Reduction
7.5.4. Relationship with the Customer

7.6. Banking Marketing

7.6.1. State Regulation
7.6.2. Branches and Segmentation
7.6.3. Inbound Marketing in the Banking Sector

7.7. Health Services Marketing

7.7.1. Internal Marketing
7.7.2. User Satisfaction Studies
7.7.3. Market-Oriented Quality Management

7.8. Sensory Marketing 

7.8.1. Shopping Experience as a Sensory Experience
7.8.2. Neuromarketing and Sensory Marketing
7.8.3. Arrangement and Presentation of the Point of Sale

Module 8. International Marketing

8.1. International Market Research

8.1.1. Emerging Markets Marketing
8.1.2. PES Analysis
8.1.3. What, How and Where to Export
8.1.4. International Marketing-Mix Strategies

8.2. International Segmentation

8.2.1. Criteria for Market Segmentation at the International Level
8.2.2. Market Niches
8.2.3. International Segmentation Strategies

8.3. International Positioning

8.3.1. Branding in International Markets
8.3.2. Positioning Strategies in International Markets
8.3.3. Global, Regional and Local Brands

8.4. Product Strategies in International Markets

8.4.1. Product Modification, Adaptation and Diversification
8.4.2. Global Standardized Products
8.4.3. The Product Portfolio

8.5. Prices and Exports

8.5.1. Export Prices Calculation
8.5.2. Incoterms
8.5.3. International Price Strategy

8.6. Quality in International Marketing

8.6.1. Quality and International Marketing
8.6.2. Standards and Certifications
8.6.3. CE Marking

8.7. International Promotion

8.7.1. The International Promotion MIX
8.7.2. Advertising and Publicity
8.7.3. International Fairs
8.7.4. Country Branding

8.8. Distribution through International Channels

8.8.1. Channel and Trade Marketing
8.8.2. Export Consortiums
8.8.3. Types of Exports and Foreign Trade

Module 9. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce

9.1. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce

9.1.1. The Digital Economy and the Sharing Economy
9.1.2. Trends and Social Changes in Consumers
9.1.3. Digital Transformation of Traditional Companies
9.1.4. The Roles of the Chief Digital Officer

9.2. Digital Strategy

9.2.1. Segmentation and Positioning in the Competitive Context
9.2.2. New Marketing Strategies for Products and Services
9.2.3. From Innovation to Cash Flow

9.3. Technology Strategy

9.3.1. Web Development
9.3.2. Hosting and Cloud Computing
9.3.3. Content Management Systems (CMS)
9.3.4. Formats and Digital Media
9.3.5. Technological e-Commerce Platforms

9.4. Digital Regulation

9.4.1. Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection Act
9.4.2. Fake Profiles and Fake Followers
9.4.3. Legal Aspects of Marketing, Advertising, and Digital Content

9.5. Online Market Research

9.5.1. Quantitative Research Tools in Online Markets
9.5.2. Dynamic Qualitative Customer Research Tools

9.6. Online Agencies, Media and Channels

9.6.1. Integral, Creative and Online Agencies
9.6.2. Traditional and New Media
9.6.3. Online Channels
9.6.4. Other Digital Players

Module 10. e-Commerce and Shopify

10.1. Digital e-Commerce Management

10.1.1. New e-Commerce Business Models
10.1.2. Planning and Developing an e-Commerce Strategic Plan
10.1.3. Technological Structure in e-Commerce

10.2. e-Commerce Operations and Logistics

10.2.1. How to Manage Fulfillment?
10.2.2. Digital Point-of-Sale Management
10.2.3. Contact Center Management
10.2.4. Automation in Management and Monitoring Processes

10.3. Implementing e-Commerce Techniques

10.3.1. Social Media and Integration in the E-Commerce Plan
10.3.2. Multichannel Strategy
10.3.3. Personalizing Dashboards

10.4. Digital Pricing

10.4.1. Online Payment Methods and Payment Gateways
10.4.2. Electronic Promotions
10.4.3. Digital Price Timing
10.4.4. e-Auctions

10.5. From e-Commerce to m-Commerce and s-Commerce

10.5.1. e-Marketplace Business Models
10.5.2. s-Commerce and Brand Experience
10.5.3. Purchase via Mobile Devices

10.6. Customer Intelligence: from e-CRM to s-CRM

10.6.1. Integrating the Consumer in the Value Chain
10.6.2. Online Research and Loyalty Techniques
10.6.3. Planning a Customer Relationship Management Strategy

10.7. Digital Marketing Trade

10.7.1. Cross Merchandising
10.7.2. Designing and Managing Facebook Ads Campaigns
10.7.3. Designing and Managing Google Ad Campaigns

10.8. Online Marketing for e-Commerce

10.8.1. Inbound Marketing
10.8.2. Display and Programmatic Purchasing
10.8.3. Communication Plan

Module 11. Social Media and Community Management

11.1. Web 2.0 or the Social Web

11.1.1. Organization in the Age of Conversation
11.1.2. Web 2.0 Is All About People
11.1.3. New Environments, New Content

11.2. Digital Communication and Reputation

11.2.1. Crisis Management and Online Corporate Reputation
11.2.2. Online Reputation Report
11.2.3. Netiquette and Good Practices on Social Media
11.2.4. Branding and Networking 2.0

11.3. Generalist, Professional and Microblogging Platforms

11.3.1. Facebook
11.3.2. LinkedIn
11.3.3. Google+
11.3.4. Twitter

11.4. Video, Image, and Mobility Platforms

11.4.1. YouTube
11.4.2. Instagram
11.4.3. Flickr
11.4.4. Vimeo
11.4.5. Pinterest

11.5. Corporate Blogging

11.5.1. How to Create a Blog?
11.5.2. Content Marketing Strategy
11.5.3. How to Create a Content Plan for Your Blog?
11.5.4. Content Curation Strategy

11.6. Social Media Strategies

11.6.1. Corporate Communication Plan 2.0
11.6.2. Corporate PR and Social Media
11.6.3. Analysis and Evaluation of Results

11.7. Community Management

11.7.1. Functions, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Community Manager
11.7.2. Social Media Manager
11.7.3. Social Media Strategist

11.8. Social Media Plan

11.8.1. Designing a Social Media Plan
11.8.2. Defining the Strategy to Be Followed in Each Medium
11.8.3. Contingency Protocol in Case of Crisis

Module 12. Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Companies 

12.1. Globalization and Governance

12.1.1. Governance and Corporate Governance
12.1.2. The Fundamentals of Corporate Governance in Companies
12.1.3. The Role of the Board of Directors in the Corporate Governance Framework

12.2. Cross-Cultural Management

12.2.1. Concept of Cross-Cultural Management
12.2.2. Contributions to the Knowledge of National Cultures
12.2.3. Diversity Management

12.3. Business Ethics

12.3.1. Ethics and Morality
12.3.2. Business Ethics
12.3.3. Leadership and Ethics in Companies

12.4. Sustainability

12.4.1. Sustainability and Sustainable Development
12.4.2. The 2030 Agenda
12.4.3. Sustainable Companies

12.5. Corporate Social Responsibility

12.5.1. International Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility
12.5.2. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility
12.5.3. The Impact and Measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility

12.6. Responsible Management Systems and Tools

12.6.1. CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
12.6.2. Essential Aspects for Implementing a Responsible Management Strategy
12.6.3. Steps for the Implementation of a Corporate Social Responsibility Management System
12.6.4. Tools and Standards of CSR

12.7. Multinationals and Human Rights

12.7.1. Globalization, Multinational Corporations and Human Rights
12.7.2. Multinational Corporations and International Law
12.7.3. Legal Instruments for Multinationals in the Field of Human Rights

12.8. Legal Environment and Corporate Governance

12.8.1. International Rules on Importation and Exportation
12.8.2. Intellectual and Industrial Property
12.8.3. International Labor Law

Module 13. People and Talent Management 

13.1. Strategic People Management

13.1.1. Strategic Human Resources Management
13.1.2. Strategic People Management

13.2. Human Resources Management by Competencies

13.2.1. Analysis of the Potential
13.2.2. Remuneration Policy
13.2.3. Career/Succession Planning

13.3. Performance Evaluation and Compliance Management

13.3.1. Performance Management
13.3.2. Performance Management: Objectives and Process

13.4. Innovation in Talent and People Management

13.4.1. Strategic Talent Management Models
13.4.2. Talent Identification, Training and Development
13.4.3. Loyalty and Retention
13.4.4. Proactivity and Innovation

13.5. Motivation

13.5.1. The Nature of Motivation
13.5.2. Expectations Theory
13.5.3. Needs Theory
13.5.4. Motivation and Financial Compensation

13.6. Developing High Performance Teams

13.6.1. High-Performance Teams: Self-Managing Teams
13.6.2. Methodologies for Managing High Performance Self-Managed Teams

13.7. Negotiation and Conflict Management

13.7.1. Negotiation
13.7.2. Conflict Management
13.7.3. Crisis Management

13.8. Executive Communication

13.8.1. Internal and External Communication in the Business Environment
13.8.2. Communication Departments
13.8.3. The Head of Communication of the Company. The Profile of the Dircom

13.9. Productivity, Attraction, Retention and Activation of Talent

13.9.1. Productivity
13.9.2. Talent Attraction and Retention Levers

Module 14. Economic and Financial Management 

14.1. Economic Environment

14.1.1. Macroeconomic Environment and the National Financial System
14.1.2. Financial Institutions
14.1.3. Financial Markets
14.1.4. Financial Assets
14.1.5. Other Financial Sector Entities

14.2. Executive Accounting

14.2.1. Basic Concepts
14.2.2. The Company’s Assets
14.2.3. The Company’s Liabilities
14.2.4. The Company’s Net Worth
14.2.5. The Income Statement

14.3. Information Systems and Business Intelligence

14.3.1. Fundamentals and Classification
14.3.2. Cost Allocation Phases and Methods
14.3.3. Choice of Cost Center and Impact

14.4. Budget and Management Control

14.4.1. The Budgetary Model
14.4.2. The Capital Budget
14.4.3. The Operating Budget
14.4.4. The Cash Budget
14.4.5. Budget Monitoring

14.5. Financial Management

14.5.1. The Company’s Financial Decisions
14.5.2. The Financial Department
14.5.3. Cash Surpluses
14.5.4. Risks Associated with Financial Management
14.5.5. Risk Management of the Financial Management

14.6. Financial Planning

14.6.1. Definition of Financial Planning
14.6.2. Actions to Be Taken in Financial Planning
14.6.3. Creation and Establishment of the Business Strategy
14.6.4. The Cash Flow Chart
14.6.5. The Working Capital Chart

14.7. Corporate Financial Strategy

14.7.1. Corporate Strategy and Sources of Financing
14.7.2. Corporate Financing Financial Products

14.8. Strategic Financing

14.8.1. Self-financing
14.8.2. Increase in Shareholder’s Equity
14.8.3. Hybrid Resources
14.8.4. Financing through Intermediaries

14.9. Financial Analysis and Planning

14.9.1. Analysis of the Balance Sheet
14.9.2. Analysis of the Income Statement
14.9.3. Profitability Analysis

14.10. Analyzing and Solving Cases/Problems

14.10.1. Financial Information on Industria de Diseño y Textil, S.A. (INDITEX)

Module 15. Executive Management 

15.1. Manager Functions: Organizational Culture and Approaches

15.1.1. Manager Functions: Organizational Culture and Approaches

15.2. Operations Management

15.2.1. The Importance of Management
15.2.2. Value Chain
15.2.3. Quality Management

15.3. Public Speaking and Spokesperson Education

15.3.1. Interpersonal Communication
15.3.2. Communication Skills and Influence
15.3.3. Communication Barriers

15.4. Personal and Organizational Communication Tools

15.4.1. Interpersonal Communication
15.4.2. Interpersonal Communication Tools
15.4.3. Communication in the Organization
15.4.4. Tools in the Organization

15.5. Communication in Crisis Situations

15.5.1. Crisis
15.5.2. Phases of the Crisis
15.5.3. Messages: Contents and Moments

15.6. Preparation of a Crisis Plan

15.6.1. Analysis of Possible Problems
15.6.2. Planning
15.6.3. Adequacy of Personnel

15.7. Emotional Intelligence

15.7.1. Emotional Intelligence and Communication
15.7.2. Assertiveness, Empathy, and Active Listening
15.7.3. Self- Esteem and Emotional Communication

15.8. Personal Branding

15.8.1. Strategies for Personal Brand Development
15.8.2. Personal Branding Laws
15.8.3. Tools for Creating Personal Brands


A unique, key, and decisive experience to boost your professional development and make the definitive leap” 

Professional Master's Degree in Marketing Management (CMO, Chief Marketing Officer)

Marketing has positioned itself as a fundamental tool to achieve the objectives in marketing and services, for this reason companies are looking for specialized professionals who are at the forefront of the advances and trends in this sector, in order to improve their results in the short, medium and long term. At TECH Global University we understand perfectly the importance of having properly qualified individuals, therefore, from the largest Business School in the world we designed the best Professional Master's Degree in Marketing Management in the educational market. Our program seeks to provide high quality content, which allows to obtain a new vision on corporate objectives and marketing strategies of the company. Similarly, the student will develop techniques and strategies in the digital environment, thus being able to establish channels of attraction, attention and loyalty of users.

Postgraduate in Marketing Management 100% online

In TECH we have a highly prepared and experienced faculty in this branch of knowledge, thanks to this, students will learn from the hand of experts the topics related to user loyalty, market research, economic management, E-commerce, as well as other thematic axes of utmost importance to consolidate as a professional with the best technical and theoretical skills. Likewise, students will learn the different marketing tools and how to apply them to achieve business objectives based on market needs. On the other hand, upon completing the proposed program, the student will be awarded a university degree in MBA in Marketing Management (Chief Marketing Officer), along with an internationally recognized diploma.