
Specialize in Musical Analysis with TECH, detecting the characteristics of any melody or song"


Musical Analysis is positioned as a valuable tool for musicians, composers, researchers and teachers, allowing them to unravel the complexities of music and appreciate it in all its richness. For this reason, the postgraduate certificate in Musical Analysis offers a complete and rigorous preparation in this discipline, with the objective of provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze any type of music in a critical and detailed manner. 

Throughout the syllabus topics, students will specialize in applying analytical techniques to examine Music and will be able to study specific examples from different genres and periods. In addition, the program also includes modules on the history of music theory and on the different theoretical currents that have emerged over time. 

The postgraduate certificate in Musical Analysis is taught 100% online and is based on the Relearningpedagogical methodology, which combines theory with practice and promotes autonomous learning through directed reiteration of each concept. Students will be supported by specialized tutors and will have access to a wide variety of resources and teaching materials, which they will be able to organize and use according to their needs and learning pace. In short, this is a fantastic, flexible and up-to-date academic opportunity that will allow students to enhance their skills and knowledge in the area of Musical Analysis and open up new job and academic opportunities in the world of Music. 

Strengthen your critical spirit when analyzing different musical trends through this postgraduate certificate"

This postgraduate certificate in Musical Analysis contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Musical Analysis 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Go through the historical evolution of the Christmas carol and its characteristics, handling with solvency its metrics"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts. 

Position yourself as a versed musicologist who masters in a technical and advanced way all the lexicon and terminology of musical language”


Enroll now and develop your ear to perceive the elements and procedures that make up a musical work”


TECH has developed a postgraduate certificate to address the need for highly specialized preparation in the various elements that comprise Musical Analysis. The main objective of the program is to provide students with a complete vision of Music, focusing on the elements that will allow them to examine its aspects in an expert manner. Through this program, students will have the opportunity to enhance their analytical skills to face any scenario in this area. 


Boost your career by mastering the characteristics of the Music of different cultures, taking into account their historical and social context"

General Objectives

  • Practice, to identify and to know characteristic rhythmic facts: syncopation, anacrusa, etc
  • Awaken the student's critical sense 
  • Master the main pedagogical strategies of music education and their relation with didactic methods
  • Activate the capacity of memorization and psychomotor coordination
  • Reason and debate on a musical work or text, placing them within the framework of the aesthetic-musical problems they pose

Specific Objectives

  • Perceive, through listening, both by conventional means and with the use of technologies, the elements and procedures that make up a musical work and grasp the diversity of resources and essential features it contains
  • Recognize the characteristics of the main musical styles: harmony, melody, texture, rhythm, instrumentation, ornamentation, etc. and be able to detect some of these characteristics in works belonging to different periods or styles as reminiscences of the past
  • Understand the relationship between music and text in vocal or vocal and instrumental works in different historical periods
  • Acquire an adequate lexicon and terminology to express and describe, orally and in writing, the analytical processes associated with the study of musical works and styles, as well as musical processes, paying attention not only to the objective component of music but also to the subjective, what the listener perceives
  • Understand the music of other cultures, their characteristics, the sensations they provoke and the function they fulfill in their historical-social context, to learn to value them and to understand the influence they have had on Western music throughout history

Expertly establish the relationship between Music and Text in vocal works from different historical periods"

Postgraduate Certificate in Musical Analysis

Music is an art that, over time, has generated a profound impact on the culture of various societies. At TECH Global Universitya, aware of the importance of musical analysis for its understanding and dissemination, we have designed our Postgraduate Certificate in Musical Analysis. This academic program seeks to deepen the understanding of the structure, elements and techniques used in the composition of musical works. A critical approach to the different musical styles through time will be offered, in order to better understand the historical evolution of music and its relationship with society.

In our Postgraduate Certificate in Musical Analysis, students will have the opportunity to develop skills for the identification and analysis of the melodic and harmonic structure of a musical work. It will also offer an approach to the various methods and techniques used in music production, and will deepen the understanding of music as an artistic language. Similarly, this program will address the importance of music as an element of cultural transmission, its influence in different genres and its relationship with society at different times.