
This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in choosing a refresher program to deepen your knowledge in the paradigms and traditions of Catholic research”  


Any person dedicated to teaching must have in-depth knowledge and an optimal understanding of the concepts in order to be able to transfer this wisdom and passion to their students. Therefore, it is essential to acquire a series of skills in knowledge, teaching and orientation of the teaching itself and to adapt it to the school stage being taught. Constant updating of knowledge is part of continuous personal and professional improvement, and even more so in a vocational field such as Catholic Education Teaching. For this reason, TECH has designed a very complete program that covers the needs of the teacher, since it is not always enough to know the fundamentals of Catholic doctrine, but it is essential to incorporate teaching and educational skills when teaching classes. 

During this teaching journey, the student will find high quality multimedia materials, as well as complementary readings for each topic in order for the teacher to delve deeper into the teaching of religion, connecting it with the people themselves and their education. All this theoretical content, with the added value provided by the practical content, will make the educator a qualified professional to apply for positions of relevant prestige in their field of work. Consequently, throughout the program, teachers will be able to deepen their knowledge with first-rate material on issues such as the approach to the fundamentals of teaching Catholic religion, religious phenomenology and philosophy, as well as the language of faith, key to building a solid teaching proposal, of special relevance in the work of Catholic education.  

For all these reasons, and due to the demand for constant improvement that teaching entails, this program is the best investment that a teacher can make to review all the essential contents, learning to present them from a more dynamic and efficient perspective that will resonate with people of different ages and in different school years. Thanks to the 100% online methodology, students can balance their daily commitments with their studying. Likewise, with supplementary materials, case studies and additional readings, they will acquire skills and competencies that will position them among the elite in their profession. 

Don’t wait any longer and become the teacher you have always wanted to be. This is your chance”

This postgraduate diploma in Catholic Education Teaching contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Catholic Education Teaching 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide exhaustive and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

 With this program you will strengthen your skills in the field of Catholic Education Teaching”  

The teaching staff of this program includes professionals from the industry, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Update your teaching skills and become a first-class professional"


Enroll now and improve your skills in teaching religion thanks to this postgraduate diploma designed to promote the best professional version of yourself"


The program in Catholic Education Teaching is an educational project full of valuable information for any teacher who wants to specialize in teaching at a higher level through a highly effective 100% online teaching methodology. With the completion of this program, the graduate will acquire new fundamental tools for their professional development. In addition, you will learn about the latest trends in Christian education and deepen your knowledge of the pedagogy of faith. Only through adequate preparation, such as the one offered by this program, will the teacher be able to transmit to their students the knowledge of such a specific area, adapting it to each situation and age.  


With this program, you will improve your skills and acquire the competencies that you have always wanted for Catholic Education Teaching” 

General Objective

  • Gain in-depth knowledge in the area of teaching Catholic religion, in order to achieve teaching and learning skills in the religion classroom in the different school stages

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Philosophy and Phenomenology of Religion 

  • Identify the different theories (positivism, evolutionism, that have confronted the Religious Fact, and their conclusions   
  • Know the specific questions that make us “Fact” in religions: myths and beliefs, symbols and rituals, revelation and sacred texts 
  • Have the ability to analyze and synthesize texts, as well as to select the most significant elements in them 
  • Understand the answers that man has been giving, from different geographical and cultural situations, to the relationship with divinity 

Module 2. Religious Education and Teaching Religion 

  • Situate school religious education in the overall educational activity of the school  
  • Know the contents of the syllabus in the area of Catholic religion 
  • Know the figure of the Catholic religion teacher 
  • Know the current lines of research in terms of school religious education  

Module 3. The Pedagogy of Faith 

  • Know the concept of ‘school’ and ‘education’ 
  • Analyze the social reality and the challenges in education  
  • Identify the connection between the person and religiousness   
  • Value the evangelic mission of the Church 
  • Know the main pedagogical lines in the teaching of Catholic education

Stop pursuing unspecific objectives and achieve your professional goals thanks to this postgraduate diploma in Catholic Education Teaching” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Catholic Education Pedagogy

The pedagogy of Catholic education is a fundamental field in the training of professionals committed to the values and principles of the Catholic faith. At TECH Global University, we have developed the Postgraduate Diploma in Catholic Education Pedagogy program to provide educators with the tools necessary to foster quality teaching based on the fundamentals of Catholic doctrine. In this program, the pedagogical principles that underpin Catholic education will be explored, including the integral formation of students, the development of spirituality and the promotion of Christian values. It will also address the most effective didactic strategies to provide an education in tune with the principles and teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Pedagogy of Catholic Education focuses on providing educators with the necessary competencies to design and develop educational programs that integrate the Catholic faith in the teaching-learning process. During the program, students will deepen their knowledge of the most appropriate pedagogical methodologies to transmit religious content, as well as the creation of educational environments that foster the practice of Christian values. In addition, the ethical and moral dimensions of Catholic education will be analyzed, highlighting the importance of forming students committed to social justice and service to others. With the Postgraduate Diploma in Pedagogy of Catholic Education, educators will be prepared to play a significant role in the holistic training of students, helping them grow both academically and spiritually.