الخبرة العلمية والعملية

  • Vice Dean of Students and Professional Guidance of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UCM
  • Doctor in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • He has directed the "Extraordinary Specialization Chair in Equine Clinic" created by an agreement between the UCM and IMPROVE INTERNACIONAL, from its creation in 2010 to 2017
  • Stay at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Gainesville, Florida (1994)
  • He belongs to the group of Experts of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) for the equine species.
  • He has participated in numerous lines of research on equine medicine and is currently a member of the INVETEQ Research group dedicated to equine veterinary research and dissemination.
البرامج التي يتعاون فيها

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