University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
Through this Internship program, you will handle the updated methods of Facial Rigging that provide realism to the three-dimensional characters present in the most popular video games on the market”

The growing demands of the public and the abundance of video games on the market have led to the need for developers to offer distinguished and innovative products for their users. In this sense, many of them are focusing their efforts on joining the world of virtual reality, with the aim of attracting the gamer through a first-person sensory experience. Tocreate these projects effectively, it is strictly necessary to have highly qualified experts in 3D design and animation, capable of generating immersive environments of excellent quality. Given this situation, and to promote the professional incursion of its students in this new scenario of the video game industry, TECH has created this program. 100% practical
During 3 intensive weeks, the student will work at a prestigious video game company to learn, in first person, the ins and outs of 3D Animation and Virtual Reality. During this period of time, the student will adopt the most updated techniques for the handling of the software that allows the modeling of objects, characters, and the creation of virtual environments. In this way, you will master the procedures required to create Low Poly and High Poly models in Unity or handle the state-of-the-art methods of Facial Rigging, which give full credibility to the protagonists of a project.
In addition, during the practical phase, the professional will be accompanied by a specially appointed tutor, who will be primarily responsible for ensuring that their learning process fully meets their needs and expectations. For all these reasons, this experience will provide you with knowledge that is highly valued in the professional market, something that is essential if you are looking to advance in the Gaming industry.

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences”
En el ámbito del diseño y la programación tridimensional para videojuegos, es un requisito indispensable dominar las novedosas técnicas y las herramientas orientadas a la creación de personajes, objetos y entornos, así como los procedimientos para llevarlas a la práctica adecuadamente. Por ello, TECH ha creado este programa, que permitirá al alumno adentrarse durante 3 semanas en una empresa de la industria del Gaming para aplicar, en un entorno real, todas estas innovaciones. Así, rodeado de los mejores expertos en 3D Animation and Virtual Reality, adquirirá valiosas competencias aplicables en su vida profesional.

TECH te otorga una oportunidad inimaginable de adentrarte durante 120 horas en una prestigiosa compañía de la industria del videojuego, para dominar las técnicas y las herramientas más vanguardistas en 3D Animation and Virtual Reality”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
El área ##del/dela## 3D Animation and Virtual Reality ha experimentado una gran revolución en los últimos años a causa del surgimiento de novedosos softwares, herramientas y técnicas que optimizan el proceso de desarrollo de videojuegos. Ante esto, TECH ha creado este programa, que permitirá al especialista manejar todos estos avances de un modo completamente práctico.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
El extenso equipo de profesionales que acompañará al alumno durante su fase práctica es un aval de la excelente calidad que posee este programa. Con un tutor particular, el experto dominará las estrategias creativas y las técnicas más actualizadas en 3D Animation and Virtual Reality para potenciar significativamente su metodología de trabajo diaria.
3. Adentrarse en empresas de primer nivel
TECH selecciona minuciosamente todos los centros disponibles para las Capacitaciones Prácticas. Gracias a ello, el especialista tendrá garantizado el acceso a una compañía de prestigio en el ámbito de la 3D Animation and Virtual Reality. De esta manera, podrá comprobar el día a día de un área de trabajo exigente, rigurosa y exhaustiva, aplicando siempre las técnicas y las herramientas más actualizadas en su día a día.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
El mercado académico se caracteriza por poseer un extenso número de programas pedagógicos cuyos contenidos ofrecidos carecen de utilidad real en el entorno de trabajo. Por ello, TECH ha creado este pionero modelo de aprendizaje, que permitirá al alumno asimilar las últimas tendencias en 3D Animation and Virtual Reality de un modo exclusivamente práctico, adentrándose en una prestigiosa empresa del mundo del videojuego.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH ofrece las posibilidades de realizar esta Internship program en centros de envergadura internacional. De esta forma, el especialista podrá expandir sus fronteras y ponerse al día con los mejores profesionales que ejercen en empresas desarrolladoras de videojuegos de primera categoría y en diferentes continentes. Una oportunidad única que solo TECH podría ofrecer.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in 3D Animation and Virtual Reality
Faced with the accelerated growth of audiovisual media and the development of increasingly advanced technologies, creative studios and developers of 3D animation and Virtual Reality have undergone several changes that have ensured the expansion of the industry and made the sector a more competitive one. Because companies specializing in video games demand highly qualified professionals to respond adequately to the demands of an increasingly demanding and difficult to satisfy public, in TECH Global University we developed this Practical Training in order to provide you with a unique experience through an immersive three-week stay in a work environment. With this program you will not only have the possibility to grow professionally by updating and integrating the latest knowledge and technical skills available, but also to stand out as a key player in the market.
Specialize in 3D Animation and Virtual Reality
This Practical Training in 3D Animation and Virtual Reality will allow you to develop an advanced level of specialization in the main tools and software used in the creative field of the video game sector. In this way, you will consolidate your knowledge in the development of projects in the animation industry; you will determine the techniques required in each of the phases of the process and you will understand the specific needs according to the type of product you are working on. Likewise, you will learn to manage the different artistic styles of 3D according to the demands of the video game, you will edit animations and create blend spaces and animation montage using programs such as Unity 3D, and you will handle resource libraries for the creation of characters, spaces and realistic graphics. With the best professionals in the industry and the tutoring of TECH's teaching team, you will have access to a complete teaching and that will allow you to develop VR work successfully.