
Psychologist Cathaysa Torres García, passionate about transmitting the best values during childhood, chose to specialize in Early Childhood Education and Care, which has helped her to offer high quality services for both children and their families. In this way, she has been able to develop her functions in various children's centers or as a freelance, training and guiding their staff or conducting assessments and psycho-educational interventions with the little ones.  

Aware of its importance for education, she has also worked as a facilitator of workshops for children and young people oriented to spread reading, creating and implementing programs for kindergarten and primary schools. She has also taught in university studies related to her specialty.   

  • Psychologist Expert in Education
  • Dynamizadora de Talleres Infantojuveniles de Animación a la Lectura en PIALTE
  • Educational Psychologist and Early Childhood Education Teacher at Higopico Children's Center
  • Psychologist at Hamelín Children's Center
  • Freelance Educational Psychologist 
  • University Teacher  
  • Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of La Laguna 
  • Master's Degree in Psychology in Education from the University of La Laguna 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Care from the Antonio de Nebrija University
Programmes in collaboration with

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