
With a long career as a Nurse, Teresa Ruano has focused throughout her career in the field of Quality Management and Patient Safety. At the same time, her versatility and wide competence highlight her in the area of Chronic Disease Management. Likewise, her constant involvement has made her an expert in Coaching, Emotional Management and Mindfulness.

All of this positions her as a fundamental part of various healthcare teams in important clinical departments. Thus, she has devoted a significant portion of her professional career to collaborate in the care of families with children affected by ED. In addition, she has been a member of the Critical Process Safety Committee and part of the Healthcare Improvement project in reputed hospital institutions.

  • Manager of Care Company for Families with Children with Eating Disorders
  • Nurse Assistant for the Costa del Sol Public Health Agency.
  • Specialist in Chronic Disease Management
  • Master in Health Management
  • Master's Degree in Coaching, Emotional Management and Mindfulness
  • Degree in Nursing from the University of Cádiz
Programmes in collaboration with

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