
Sandra Lois Gutiérrez is a qualified Osteopath and Physiotherapist, with extensive experience in the clinical management of patients with all types of pathologies and injuries, which she attends under her rigorous knowledge and practice of these disciplines.

Lois Gutiérrrez's interest in Rehabilitation, Body Care and correct lifestyle habits led her to graduate in Physiotherapy and later to specialize in Osteopathy. Proof of her interest in these two fields is the continuous updating and improvement in areas such as Biomechanics Applied to Injury Assessment, Pelviperineology and therapies to treat Myofascial Pain Syndrome. A broad set of competencies that have led Lois Gutiérrez to create her own clinic.

  • Owner and CEO at Clínica LCA-Osteopatía y Fisioterapia
  • Certified Osteopath by Escuela de Osteopatía de Madrid and Euro Osteopath DO by FBEO-AIFROMM-COTN.
  • Master's Degree in Biomechanics Applied to Injury Assessment by Comillas Pontifical University.  
  • Master's Degree in Pelviperineology from the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Specialist in Conservative and Invasive Therapy of Myofascial Pain Syndrome by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. 
  • Degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Salamanca.
  • President of the Register of Osteopaths of Spain (ROE)
  • Member of:
    • Board of Directors of the Federation of Osteopaths of Spain.
    • Education Working Group of the EFFO
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