
Bringing healthcare to the most deprived countries is essential for the survival of their inhabitants. If you want to develop in this field and treat people without resources, in this professional master’s degree we offer you all the keys to specialize in international cooperation"


Developed countries must invest in international cooperation to improve the living conditions of people who do not have sufficient resources with which to support themselves. International Cooperation helps to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged people in different areas: social, economic and health, taking into account a sustainable and egalitarian point of view. One of the fundamental needs of any society is healthcare, which is why this area must be provided with the most resources in order to improve citizens’ health and quality of life. . 

For this reason, TECH offers this professional master’s degree for doctors who wish to specialize in the humanitarian field and International Cooperation, with the aim of allowing them to work in regions with great needs. That’s why this program is created by professionals in the world of education and International Development Cooperation. Each module is written from the experience and reality encountered in different regions of the world. By studying this program, the student will acquire the skills required to work and apply the knowledge acquired in all types of roles within national and international, public and private organizations. 

In addition, as it is a 100% online program, the physician will be able to combine the study of this very complete program with the rest of their daily obligations, choosing at all times where and when to study. A high-level qualification that will take the medical professional to the highest level in their field of practice. 

International Cooperation helps to improve the living conditions of people living in developing countries, which is why it is a fundamental task in both social and health matters"

This professional master’s degree in International Development Cooperation contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in International Development Cooperation
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest developments in International Development Cooperation
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Emphasis on innovative methodologies in International Development Cooperation
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in International Development Cooperation, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts. 

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this professional master’s degree"


Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in this field and apply it to your daily practice"


The design of this professional master’s degree will allow students to acquire the skills required to update their knowledge and focus on International Development Cooperation as a physician, investing in their vocation. The knowledge provided in content of the syllabus will boost the professional from a global perspective, providing them with all the skills needed to achieve the proposed objectives. Therefore, they will develop their full potential in the medical field by adapting to vulnerable environments. 


This professional master’s degree is designed to help you expand your knowledge in International Development Cooperation with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and confidence in decision-making"

General Objectives

  • Provide students with an advanced qualification in International Development Cooperation, specialized and based on theoretical and instrumental knowledge that will allow them to acquire and develop the skills required to obtain a qualification as a professional in international cooperation
  • Provide the student with basic knowledge of the cooperation and development process based on the latest advances in policies on the sustainability processes involved in both economic and social aspects
  • Improve professional performance and develop strategies for adapting and solving the problems of today's world by means of scientific research in cooperation and development processes
  • Disseminate the basics of the current system and develop the critical and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to adapt to political changes, within the framework of international law

Specific Objectives

Module 1. The Development of Peoples: Introduction and Challenges 

  • Understand the importance of the development of peoples 
  • Become aware of the actors involved in development, the reason and its consequences 
  • Know and clarify such basic concepts as 'poor' and 'impoverished' 
  • Become aware of the world situation and development 
  • Familiarize the student with the economic structure of the world 
  • Manage the concepts of sustainable development, sustainable objectives, etc. to meet goals and objectives 
  • Know the basic theories of development in its economic, social, cultural and political aspects 
  • Know the current system of international relations and the different actors, both official and unofficial, that comprise it 

Module 2. International Development Cooperation

  • Know different methods of research in International Development Cooperation 
  • Gain knowledge on methodologies for public policy advocacy, social communication, political change, etc
  • Know the evolution and status of current debates on development 
  • Know the system and policies of International Development Cooperation 
  • Understand the causes, dynamics and consequences of human mobility and migration 
  • Become familiar with the instruments of international cooperation for development, as well as the types of projects and existing NGOs 
  • Develop skills to work with the main vulnerable subjects involved in Development Cooperation actions and programs
  • Understand the international cooperation system and the different members that comprise it 

Module 3. Design, Monitoring and Assessment of International Development Cooperation Projects

  • Know the management cycle of a development project 
  • Know how to analyze public policies within the Logical Framework in development cooperation policies 
  • Know the techniques, trends and projects of international cooperation for development 
  • Understand the socio-cultural reality of the different regional and international environments 
  • Understand the main problems of the different regional and international environments 
  • Have the skills to develop new tools for development cooperation and to intervene in public and private management of development cooperation projects in different regional areas 
  • Know the different systems, modalities and basic actors of International  Development Cooperation 
  • Know the regional particularities of development and cooperation 

Module 4. Education for Human and Sustainable Development 

  • Promote a critical analysis and reflection of the problems and their causes that affect individuals, groups and societies, especially children, fostering a change of attitudes and behaviors in our society 
  • Carry out actions and programs aimed at raising awareness of certain situations of injustice and changing values to combat them 
  • Promote the participation of society, especially children and adolescents and entities in the sector, in transforming the world 
  • Create empowerment processes and spaces for active democratic participation for children, aimed at transforming policies and the decision-making model on issues that affect them 
  • Promote research and reflection on issues related to childhood and development, supporting different proposals to promote human development
  • Encourage networking with other entities in the sector, to achieve a greater impact in our actions 
  • Analyze the social, economic, political and cultural reality of the different societies in which the work of development cooperation agents is contextualized 
  • Analyze and understand global initiatives to fight poverty

Module 5. Humanitarian Action and International Development Cooperation

  • Identify the processes of design, monitoring and assessment of development cooperation actions, so that they have a complete understanding of what a cooperation project is 
  • Develop attitudes and skills for the fight against poverty and equity awareness through development education, and for the processes of initiation and development of cooperation projects, with values such as motivation, intercultural dialogue and solidarity 
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge for the management of humanitarian action (humanitarian aid and emergencies), from the analysis of the basic needs of the population and the management of the main risks 
  • Develop a global vision on the nature, perspective and objectives of development cooperation actions 
  • Analyze and assess the sense of sectoral and geographic priorities of international development cooperation, identify the strategic axes that guide cooperation policies and actions, the sectors of intervention and the instruments for their implementation 
  • Design cooperation projects in public, private and non-governmental entities 
  • Promote debate and analysis on aspects related to the development of cooperation policies and actions and strategies aimed at improving their quality and effectiveness 
  • Knowledge of project development methodologies and mastery of technical skills for the identification, formulation, planning, programming, management and monitoring of development cooperation projects 
  • Ability to understand in depth the context and nature of humanitarian aid actions 
  • Design and manage technical instruments that gather in a clear, precise and updated way, the necessary information for the assessment, planning and decision making in cooperation projects 
  • Evaluate the process and final result of the different development cooperation projects 

Module 6. Human Rights (HR) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) 

  • Understand, provide or collaborate in humanitarian activities directed to the victims of armed conflicts under the coverage of International Humanitarian Law 
  • Qualify the different types of armed conflicts by distinguishing them from other situations of armed violence; identify and classify the victims of such conflicts; know and understand the victim protection system and be able to apply it 
  • Be aware of the limitations that humanitarian law imposes on combatants in relation to the conduct of hostilities, respect for zones, places and installations marked with a protection sign, and the requirement of a code of conduct relating to victims, medical and religious personnel, and humanitarian organizations 
  • Identify situations and persons who are particularly vulnerable in armed conflicts, knowing the protection afforded to them by International Humanitarian Law 
  • Respond to crisis and humanitarian emergency situations by assessing the urgency of the situation and planning and developing actions to deal with them 
  • Stimulate the participation of the people and groups with whom cooperation activities are developed, enabling them to identify their problems and needs, lead their processes of change, assess their evolution and decide on new courses of action 

Module 7. Social and Transformative Communication 

  • Meet the current requirements of specialization in social communication in view of the diversification and revaluation of communication 
  • Prepare social communicators who can apply their knowledge at the following levels
  • Identify, understand and know how to use sources, statistical techniques and computer tools to organize selected information and plan development and cooperation reports, analyses and actions 
  • Conduct an ethical reflection on cooperation, information, images and their applicability in specific contexts and information sources 

Module 8. Equality and Cooperation 

  • Internalize, analyze and understand what we mean when we talk about gender, development and women's rights 
  • Know the role of feminist movements in the processes of social advancement and transformation 
  • Reflect on the practical application areas of the Sevillian society that can be shared and extrapolated to other realities 
  • Promote work in professional teams, taking advantage of its benefits as a space for reflection, orientation of the practice of development cooperation and as an instrument for the analysis of situations and the design of work and intervention alternatives 
  • Intervene under gender perspectives in international development cooperation 

Module 9. Environmental Rights 

  • Know the interrelationship between all the elements of the environment and how they influence each other 
  • Recognize the different types of pollution and how they affect the environment 
  • Analyze the regulations and legislation in force on the subject 
  • Incorporate the notions of sustainability and environmental and ecological sustainability into cooperation projects and actions in a cross-cutting manner 
  • Understand the link between migration and the development of countries of origin and destination 
  • Know the migratory processes of refuge and asylum at world level and the different policies and actions carried out in the field of development cooperation with these groups 

Module 10. NGDOs and Local, Regional and International Solidarity 

  • Understand the concepts and definitions of NGOs 
  • Know the diversity of NGOs and their field or work 
  • Internalize the legislation of national and international NGOs, associations and foundations 
  • Learn the broad outlines of NGO management 
  • Work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams as an expert in international development cooperation 
  • Identify, understand and know how to use sources and tools to identify international development cooperation projects

Get up to date on the latest developments in International Development Cooperation"

Professional Master's Degree in International Cooperation for Development

Humanitarian activities in the medical field framed in this type of projects are of vital importance to contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives proposed by the General Assembly, especially those related to health and welfare and the reduction of inequalities. With this in mind, at TECH Global University we have created this Professional Master's Degree focused on the technical application of development theories and their impact on the economic, social, cultural and political spheres. Thanks to our comprehensive curriculum, students will be able to understand the fundamentals of the structures that govern the global functioning of nations in order to deepen their understanding of the available access routes that favor the exchange of resources and services. It also offers a series of contents covering the challenges of this work, the role of NGOs in the construction of local, regional and international solidarity networks and the factors that highlight the relevance of the promotion of human rights, with special emphasis on education, equality and environmental quality. At the practical-administrative level, thematic axes are presented that address the project management cycle, focusing on analytical techniques for policy implementation, such as, for example, the logical framework.

Professional Master's Degree in International Development Cooperation

Studying this TECH Postgraduate Certificate gives professionals the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the global initiatives of the fight against poverty, through the acquisition of skills for the implementation of humanitarian actions. By mastering knowledge of regional realities, the coordination of global objectives and the system of international relations (actors, interests, pacts), they will be able to promote innovative action frameworks that contribute to the proper management of the risks to which populations are exposed. All of this, based, of course, on an acute analysis of their basic needs and sectoral-geographical priorities. In this way, the Professional Master's Degree graduate will be able, in the first instance, to comprehensively understand the different contexts (micro/macro), which will allow him/her to promote their respective development processes, to assess obstacles and to respond to crisis and emergency situations.